GWH Meaning

The GWH meaning is "Gas-Wasser-Heizung". The GWH abbreviation has 33 different full form.

GWH Full Forms

  1. Gas-Wasser-Heizung
  2. Giga Watt Hour Science, Power, Measure, Legal, Governmental & Military
  3. General Without Honours Development, Study, Universities
  4. Gigawatt Hours Technology, Space, Cosmos
  5. Gold With Honours
  6. Gigawatt-Hour Chemistry, Technology, Health
  7. Global Web Hosting
  8. Gigawatt Hour A unit of energy, especially electrical energy, equal to the work done by one watt acting for one hour and equivalent to 3,600 joules. Technology, Energy, Offshore Gas Industry
  9. Glencoe World History
  10. Giga Watt Hours
  11. Girl Who Hustles Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  12. GrüN-Weiss Harburg
  13. Giga-Watt-Hour
  14. Garden Wildlife Health Medical, Disease, Bird
  15. Gruen Weiss Harburg
  16. Gigawatthour Energy, Power, Intensity
  17. Good Will-Hinckley
  18. Graves World Hospitality
  19. Great Western Holdings Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  20. Gas fired water heater The Finance and Administrative Services
  21. Great Winter Hunt
  22. Great Western Hospitals
  23. Good Will Hunting Media
  24. Guns With History Education, History
  25. Great Western Hospital Medical, Service, Radiotherapy
  26. Gigawatt hour (one billion watt hours) (measurement- elect) Electrical
  27. GrüN Weiss Harburg
  28. Great Western Highway Australia, Locations, Snow, Mountain
  29. Great White Hunter
  30. Great Wall Hobbies
  31. Great West Healthcare Medical, Insurance, Care
  32. Great Wall Hobby Technology, Model, Fulcrum
  33. Great West Health

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GWH stand for?

    GWH stands for Gas-Wasser-Heizung.

  2. What is the shortened form of Great White Hunter?

    The short form of "Great White Hunter" is GWH.


GWH. (2020, September 1). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated