GWK Meaning

The GWK meaning is "Gas-Wasser-Kontakt". The GWK abbreviation has 22 different full form.

GWK Full Forms

  1. Gas-Wasser-Kontakt
  2. Game Winning Kill Calling, Episode, Duty, Game
  3. Genie Wireless Keypad
  4. Galeri Warisbn Kejuruteraan
  5. Genie Wiriless Keyless
  6. Garuda Wisnu Kencaga Park, Locations, Culture, Bali
  7. Gemeinoützigen Werkstätten Köln Social, Sind, Tten
  8. Gemeinn
  9. GemeinnüTzige WerkstäTten KöLn Technology, Traffic, Fur, Rehabilitation
  10. Gemeinnuetzige Wcrkstaetten Koeln
  11. Grandmothers' Wisdom Keepers
  12. Grafika Wangi Kalimantan
  13. Griekwaland-Wes Korporatief
  14. Good With Kids
  15. Gestaltung Werbung Kommunikation
  16. Graphicode Pcb Job File Computing, File Extensions
  17. Gestaloung-Werbung-Kommunikation
  18. Gawk Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  19. Gespllschaft W
  20. Great White Knqght
  21. Gesellschaft Wälme Kältetechnik Business, Technology, Service, Chiller
  22. Grandmothers Wisdom Keepers

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GWK stand for?

    GWK stands for GemeinnüTzige WerkstäTten KöLn.

  2. What is the shortened form of Genie Wireless Keypad?

    The short form of "Genie Wireless Keypad" is GWK.


GWK. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated