HACA Meaning

The HACA meaning is "Hqman Anti-Chimeric Antibodies". The HACA abbreviation has 33 different full form.

HACA Full Forms

  1. Hqman Anti-Chimeric Antibodies Medical, Treatment, Patient, Antibody
  2. Housing Authority of The City of Asheville Technology, Records, Building
  3. Haitiaw American Community Association America, Community, Chicago
  4. Hawaiian Acres Community Association
  5. Housing Authority of The City of Annapolis Organizations, Publics, Building
  6. Hypothermia Afterucardiac Arrest Medical, Patient, Therapeutic
  7. Hauts Autorit
  8. Housing Authority of The County of Alameda Technology, Program, Building
  9. Haute Autorité De La Communication Audiovisuelle Media, Communication, Television
  10. Housing and Community Affairs
  11. Housing Authority of The City of Atlanta
  12. Harmful Afcess By Computer Act
  13. Host Access Control Authentication Technology, Authority, Building, Housing
  14. Housing Authority of The City of Austin Business, Publics, Building
  15. Hammered Aluminum Collectors Association
  16. Hoosick Area Church Association
  17. Housing Authority City of Austin Government, Authority, Authorities
  18. Hamilton and Area Curwing Association
  19. Hearing Aid Compatibility Act
  20. Houston Area Carriage Association Technology, Building, Housing
  21. Hyderabad Agricultural Co-Operative Association
  22. Houston Air Cargo Association Business, Organizations
  23. Hybrid Adaptive-Channel Allocation Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  24. Human Anti-Chimeric Antibody (medicine) Medical, Physiology, Human genome
  25. Housing Authority for The City of Austin
  26. Hungarian Association of Customs Affairs
  27. Homestead and Agricultural Credit Aid (Minnesota) Farming & agriculture
  28. Hungarian American Cultural Association America, Organizations, Culture
  29. Haitian American Community Association (Chicago, IL) Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  30. Human Antichimeric Antibody Medical
  31. Heads of Asbestos Coordination Authorities
  32. Human Anti-Chimeric Antibody Medical, Drug, Patient
  33. Hydrogen Abstraction Carbon Addition

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HACA stand for?

    HACA stands for Haute Autorité De La Communication Audiovisuelle.

  2. What is the shortened form of Hybrid Adaptive-Channel Allocation?

    The short form of "Hybrid Adaptive-Channel Allocation" is HACA.


HACA. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/haca-meaning/

Last updated