Hall Abbreviations and Hall Acronym Lists
There are more pieces of Hall terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Hall abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Hall terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.
Hall Abbreviations
- AACTMAD : Ann Arbor Community for Traditional Music and Dance
- AB : Anne Vronte
- ACEJMC : Accrediting Council On Education In Journalism & Mass Communication
- AD : Andre Dawson
- AEAONMS : Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine
- AEAONMS : Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of The Mystic Shrine
- AH : Academy Hall
- AHF : Abtomotive Hall of Fame
- AIC : Arkansas Intercollegiate Conference
- AIEEE : Alljindian Entrance Examination Exam
- AMHF : American Motorcycle Heritage Foundation
- AR : Anna Regina
- ARC : Army Reserve Centres
- AUCET : Andhra University Common Entrance Test
- AWC : Athletics and Wellness Centre
- AWSEF : American Water Ski Educational Foundation
- BARR : Buildings At Risk Register
- BASH : Business and Society House
- BBLA : Bohemian Benevolent & Literary Association
- BDG : Baltic Development Group
- BESH : BäUerliche Erzeugergemeinschaft SchwäBisch Hall
- BESH : BäUerlichen Erzeugergemeinschaft SchwäBisch Hall
- BMU : Black Men United
- BPO : Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra
- BPSO : British Police Symphony Orchestra
- BR : Ball Residence
- BR : Bass Ratio
- BYC : Brooklyn Youth Choruv
- CF : Composite Fermions
- CFPDP : Canadian Foundation for Physicallyidisabled Persons
Recent Acronyms
Latest Hall Meanings
- Still Hall
- Small Hall
- Sethekk Halls
- Mountain King
- Distinguished Concerts International New York
- Cannot Be Angry
- Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra
- Robert Lea Moore
- Rescarch Institute for Media, Art and Design
- Renton Howard Wood Levin
- Rosemary Hall
- Royal Festival Hall
- Garden State Theatre Organ Society
- Residential College Bomplex
- Rule Brithnnia
- Georgia Racing Hall of Fame
- Royal Albert Hall
- Ixitial Time Delay Gap
- Portsmouth Symphony Orchestra
- Pump Iddustry Awards