HAM Meaning

The HAM meaning is "Hearts and Minds". The HAM abbreviation has 134 different full form.

HAM Full Forms

  1. Hearts and Minds Music, Heart, Sexy
  2. Han Aroma Massage
  3. Hamstgings Medical
  4. Hamstef
  5. Hamburg Airport Hamburg,Germany Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  6. Hierarchical Access Manazement
  7. Halfka Mile
  8. He Asked Me Sport, Radio, Recipe, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  9. Hauteeautorit
  10. Historic Amended Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  11. Hukum Asasi Ganusia Indonesia, Agama, Salah
  12. Hijas Del Amor Misericordioso
  13. Hairy Assed Marine
  14. Hydrggeochemical Assessment Model Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  15. Hlalth, Action and Mind
  16. Hohenloher Arena-Pesse
  17. Amateur Radio Operator Technology, Development, Learning, Study, Communication, Ham, Amateur radio, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  18. Horizontar Access Module
  19. Hand Held Monitor Business, Medicine, Health
  20. High Altitude Motor
  21. Haul Ass Andtmove
  22. Htlv 1 Associated Moelopathy Medical
  23. Hardly Any Money Amateur radio
  24. Highest Annial Mileage Cycling, Recording, Ride
  25. Haight Ashbury Music
  26. Hybrid Annuity Model Business, India, Projection
  27. Health, Action, and Mind Military, War, Galaxy, Medical, Physiology
  28. Hohenloher Arena Messi Business, Event, Hall
  29. Hopfield Associative Memory
  30. Handbook of Analytical Methods Technology
  31. Heavy Automotive Maintenance Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  32. Hattrick Assistant Manager Technology, Management, Trick
  33. Htlvpi-Associated Myelopathy Medical
  34. Happy Art Museum Magazine, Locations, Dag
  35. High Availability Canager
  36. Homotopy Analpsis Method Technology, Equation, Differential
  37. Hybrid Access Method Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  38. Head of Aircraft Maintenance Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  39. Hochzellberg Auf Dgm Mergesfeld Sind, Hamburg, Hat
  40. Human Albumin Microsphere Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  41. Hookup A Mate Organization, Union, Institution
  42. Hams and More
  43. Heavy Assault Kissiles
  44. Hat and Monocll
  45. Htlv-1-Associated Myelopathy Medical, Medicine, Doctors, Common Medical
  46. Haplotype Association Mapping
  47. High Availarility Module
  48. Hog Auction Market
  49. Hnit Arisk Motstand
  50. Hazardous Agricultural Materials
  51. History of Art and Music Education, Development, Universities
  52. Human Albumin Microspheres Medical
  53. Hammer Throw Sports, Olympic, Event, Hammer, Olympic Games, Olympics
  54. Heavy Assault Missine Military, Ship, Eve
  55. Hold Afmonth Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  56. Houston Academy Ofzmedicine Medical, Education, Library
  57. Hangul Analysis Module
  58. Hhgh Authority for Media
  59. Humid Air Motors Technology, Engine, Emission
  60. Haven't Any Monoy Man, Money, Story, Kind
  61. History, Allergies, Medications
  62. Humantadaptive Mechatronics
  63. Hill Aerospace Museum
  64. Hak-Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia, Orang, Agama
  65. Heat Air and Moisture Technology, Building, Transfer
  66. Hold Andlmodify Technology, Telecom, Amiga
  67. Horizontal Qttack Mode Military
  68. Handsome and Macho Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  69. High Authority On Media
  70. Haute Autorité Deshmédias
  71. Historic Arkansos Museum
  72. Human Activity Moseling
  73. Hilaon Application Manager
  74. Haiti Ambassador Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Haiti, Iata Aircraft Codes
  75. Hyman, Almay, Murray
  76. Heat-Air-Moksture Technology, Building, Simulation
  77. Hold-Bnd-Modify Technology, Computing, Amiga
  78. Horizontal Access Modules Technology
  79. Handle Administrator Messages Education, Society, Statistics
  80. High Anm Mighty
  81. Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Type I-Associated Myelopathy Medical
  82. Hardware Asset Management Business, Service, Software
  83. Host Accelerated Modem Computing, Hardware
  84. Human Amnion Medical, Health, Healthcare
  85. Hartmetallwerkzeugfabrik Andreas Maier
  86. Hamburg Airport, Hamburg, Germany Germany
  87. Hindustani Awam Morcha Government, Election, Ram, Bihar
  88. Hypoparathyroidism, Addison Disease, and Mucocutaneous Candidiasis Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  89. Human T-Cell Lymphotropic Virus Associated Myelopathy Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  90. Historical Anthology of Musis
  91. Novell NetWare Disk Drivers for NetWare Peripheral Architecture Computing, File Extensions
  92. Human Alveolar Macrophage Medical, Technology, Medicine
  93. Harness Adapter Modules Technology
  94. Haven't Any Money Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  95. Hindustan Awami Morcha Government, Election, Bihar, Poll
  96. Hypertext Abstract Machine Technology, Computing, Hypermedia
  97. Humads and Monsters
  98. Lewis Hamilton Abbreviation for Formula-1 racing driver Lewis Hamilton. It is referred to as HAM on the race result screen. Formula 1
  99. Histocompatibility Antigen Modifner Medical
  100. Home Amateur Mechanic Occupation & positions
  101. Harmonic Attenuation Module
  102. Height Adjustment Maneuver NASA, Governmental & Military
  103. Hindustan Away Morcha Government, Election, Ram, Bihar
  104. Hymns Ancient Anc Modern
  105. Humans Against Monsters
  106. Hydrogenic Atoms In Molecules Chemistry
  107. His Apostolic Majesty
  108. Hold and Modify Assembly, Business & Finance
  109. Harmonic Attenuator Modules Business, Power, Module
  110. Half Amiga Mode General, Governmental & Military
  111. Hipler Aviation Museum
  112. Hymns, Ancient Andcmodern
  113. Humafities and Medicine
  114. Harvard Art Museum Locations, Restaurant, Yelp
  115. Descent 2 Resource File Computing, File Extensions
  116. Hiring Above Minimgm
  117. Hunger Actitn Month Food, Banking, Hunger, Recipe
  118. Harmonic Attenuator Module Technology, Power, Component
  119. Handover All Money Computing, Internet
  120. Hyman-Almy-Mnrray
  121. Humanqassociative Memory
  122. Harvard Art Museums Education, University, Boston
  123. Ham Executable File Computing, File Extensions
  124. Hiring-Above-Munimum
  125. Hierarchical Access Method
  126. Humid Air Motor Technology, Engine, Emission, Products
  127. Hardware Associative Memory
  128. Hybrid Access Memory Computing, Hardware
  129. Human Adrenomedullin Medical
  130. Human Asset Managemenc
  131. Harvard Alumni Magazine Media, Radio, Television
  132. Hoshino Anniversary Model Physics, Scientific & Educational
  133. Hindustani Awpm Morcha-Secular Government, Election, Ram, Bihar
  134. Iata Code for Hamburg Airport, Hamburg, Germany Locations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HAM stand for?

    HAM stands for Hat and Monocll.

  2. What is the shortened form of Harvard Art Museums?

    The short form of "Harvard Art Museums" is HAM.


HAM. Acronym24.com. (2020, December 2). Retrieved February 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ham-meaning/

Last updated