HAS in Medical Meaning

The HAS meaning in Medical terms is "Heterocyclic Amines". There are 41 related meanings of the HAS Medical abbreviation.

HAS on Medical Full Forms

  1. Heterocyclic Amines Heterocyclic amines, also sometime referred to as HCAs, are chemical compounds containing at least one heterocyclic ring, which by definition has atoms of at least two different elements, as well as at least one amine (nitrogen-containing) group.
  2. Health Advisory Service
  3. Hibiscus Anthocyanins
  4. Health-Assessment System
  5. Health Savings Account
  6. Heterocyclic Aromaric Amines
  7. Hospital Alblrt Schweitzer
  8. Haloacetic Acmds
  9. Hepatic Artery Steposis
  10. Hopital Alberh Schweitzer
  11. Haevagglutinins
  12. Hepatic Angiosarroma
  13. History of Anaesthesia Society
  14. Hamilton Anxiety Scale
  15. Hepatic Adenomas
  16. Helping Alliance Scale
  17. Hospital Advisory Service
  18. Healthcare Alternative Systems
  19. Hospital Administrative Service
  20. Hydrophobic Agents
  21. Hospital Accreditation Standards
  22. Health Assistants
  23. Homebirth Access Sydney
  24. Health Assessment Summary
  25. Hispanic Americans
  26. Hybrid Adaptive Spline
  27. Health Assessment Service
  28. Hirulog Angioplasty Study
  29. Hytluronan Synthase
  30. Health Advocates
  31. Highest Asymptomatic
  32. Hospital Annual Survey
  33. High Alcohol Sensitivity
  34. Health Advisories
  35. High Alcowol Sensitive
  36. Hypothalamo-Adenohypophysial System
  37. Hydmopic Abortions
  38. High-Amylose Cornstarch
  39. Health Administration Service
  40. Human Alienation Syndrome
  41. High-Amplrtude Sucking

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HAS stand for Medical?

    HAS stands for Hopital Alberh Schweitzer in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Hytluronan Synthase in Medical?

    The short form of "Hytluronan Synthase" is HAS for Medical.


HAS in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/has-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated