HBL Meaning

The HBL meaning is "Habib Bank Limited". The HBL abbreviation has 59 different full form.

HBL Full Forms

  1. Habib Bank Limited Business, Organizations, Pakistan
  2. House Bill of Lading Marketing, Air Cargo, Carriage, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  3. Health Based Level Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  4. Haus Belaian Laki-Laki
  5. Harry Binswanger Letter
  6. Harbor Belt Line Business, Organizations, Railroad, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  7. Half Byte Loader Technology, Vita, Homebrew
  8. Henry Buhl Library Libraries, Reading, Books
  9. High Bay Light Business, Product, Lighting
  10. Historical Basketball League Sports, Basketball
  11. Housw Building Loan Business, Tax, Interest
  12. Happy Blinking Lights Funnies
  13. High Blind Limp
  14. House Beyond Limits
  15. Haetec Bullion Limited
  16. Hepatoblastoma Hepatoblastoma is an uncommon malignant liver cancer occurring in infants and children and composed of tissue resembling fetal liver cells, mature liver cells, or bile duct cells. They usually present with an abdominal mass. The disease is most commonly diagnosed during a child's first three years of life. Medical, Technology, Health
  17. High-Blind Limper
  18. Hzuillères Du Bassin De Lorraine
  19. Half-Byte Loader Technology, Vita, Homebrew
  20. Hexagonal Bilayer Medical
  21. Houill
  22. Hillsborough Baseball League
  23. Hemolysin Bl Medical
  24. Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor Development, History, Society, Study, Order, Brotherhood, Universities
  25. Hot Black Riquor
  26. Highland Beach Library Education
  27. Haelolysin Bl Medical
  28. Hudson Bay Lojland Science, Research, Canada
  29. Hermetic Brotherhood of Light
  30. Hosiden Besson Ltd Business, Company, Product, Electronics
  31. High Board Line
  32. Hole-Blocking Layer Technology, Light, Organic
  33. Hoyt, Brumm & Link
  34. Huntiggton Branch Library
  35. Hornblende A rock-forming amphibole group mineral which forms part of the mafic component of igneous rocks. Science, Mineral, Geology
  36. Horizontal Bloch Line
  37. Hindu Business Line Business, India, Tech
  38. Huntington Beach Library Education
  39. Horizontal Blanking Technology
  40. Heritagc Bank Limited
  41. Himalayan Bank Ltd Business, Nepal, Stock
  42. Babelegi Heliport, Babelegi, South Africa South Africa, Iata Airport Codes
  43. Humble Register Education, Linguistics, Glossing
  44. Horizontal Balance Line
  45. Hyqothesis-Based Learning Development, Learning, Study
  46. Himalayan Bank Limited Business, Banking, Nepal
  47. Home Based Ledger Navy, Governmental & Military
  48. Human Brain Lehtin Medical
  49. Homer Babbidge Library
  50. Hypobetalipoproteonemia Medical
  51. Hudson Bay Lowland Legal, Governmental & Military
  52. Hueb Brightness, Luminosity Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  53. Home Based Learning
  54. Hydrostatically Balanced Loading Cargo tanks on oil tankers are loaded to 98 percent and in some cases 99 percent of capacity with the oil level well above the sea level. If the hull plating is breached, then due to the pressure of the oil on the ship bottom being greater than the pressure of the sea, oil will flow out causing pollution. When HBL method is used, the oil pressure on the ship bottom is equal to or less than that of the sea on the ship bottom. In this situation when the hull is breached, the sea flows in preventing pollution. Technology, Ship, Certificate, Tanker
  55. Hydrostatic Balanced Loading Electrical
  56. Home-Based Learning Covid 19
  57. Hyderabad Batteries Limited
  58. Faroecopter Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  59. Hole Blocking Layer Technology, Device, Material, Organic

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HBL stand for?

    HBL stands for Home Based Ledger.

  2. What is the shortened form of Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor?

    The short form of "Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor" is HBL.


HBL. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 15). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hbl-meaning/

Last updated