HBS Meaning

The HBS meaning is "Hotel Booking Systems". The HBS abbreviation has 131 different full form.

HBS Full Forms

  1. Hotel Booking Systems Technology, Software, Reservation
  2. Hawker Beechcraft Servuces Business, Technology, Service
  3. Honors Bachelor of Science
  4. Hastane Bilgi Sistemleri Business, Turkish, Man, Prof
  5. Heinrich Boell Stiftung Technology, Foundation, Boll
  6. Hasta Bina Sendrogu Tip, Turkish
  7. Hzavy Bow Society
  8. Harbmr Boat Service
  9. Heartland Business Systems
  10. Hans-BöCkler-Stiftung Sind, Berlin, Deutschland
  11. Heart Beat Sensor Internet Slang
  12. Houdt Braaf Stand
  13. Healtf Benefit Services Business, Accounting, Service
  14. Hayat Bilaisi Sınavı Business, Technology, School
  15. Holistic Business Solutions Business, Training, Nigeria, Opportunity
  16. Hassall'S Bodies Medical
  17. Hexlth Business Solutions Business, Service, Fur
  18. House Bills
  19. Hynk's Balanced Salt Solution Medical
  20. Henley Business Srhool
  21. Hungry Bone Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Bone
  22. Harwardhbusiness School Business, Program, Management
  23. Healtxcare Billing Services
  24. Hrvatski Badmintonski Savez
  25. Hans B
  26. Hawaii Biological Survey Science, Museum, Hawaii, Insect and Spider Collections
  27. High Gurn Severity
  28. Hyderabad Business School Education, University, Hyderabad
  29. Health Blards Medical
  30. House Ball Survey
  31. Hanging, Bacging, Slanging
  32. Hemorrhagic Bowel Syndrome Medical, Disease, Clostridium
  33. Hunan Broadcasting System Technology, China, Television
  34. Harfard Business School Student, Program, Education
  35. Healthcare Billing Specialists
  36. Hpna Banspass Splitter Technology
  37. Hans-Boeckler-Stiftunh Program, Research, Education
  38. Haveli Bahadur Shah
  39. High Burn-Um Structure
  40. Hybrid Braking System Technology
  41. Health and Biomedical Sciencss
  42. Houdtcbraef Stant
  43. Hanford Business Structure Science
  44. Humedad En Base Seca
  45. Healthcare Building Soluthons
  46. Hemoglobin S The most common type of abnormal hemoglobin and the basis of sickle cell trait and sickle cell anemia. Hemoglobin S differs from normal adult hemoglobin (called hemoglobin A) only by a single amino acid substitution. Recognition of this tiny change in the hemoglobin molecule marked the opening of molecular medicine. Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  47. Houstoq Bonsai Society
  48. Hans-B
  49. Hathaway Brown Sphool Education, School, High School, Ohio
  50. High Blood Sugar
  51. Hutchinson Business Solutions
  52. Hotline Back-Up System Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Governmental & Military
  53. Hydrodynamically Balanced Systems Medical, Science, Delivery
  54. Healthcare Billing Solutions Medical, Business, Medicine
  55. Hemangioblastomas Medical
  56. Housing Bureau for Seniora Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  57. Hanks' Balanced Salts Science
  58. Hastane Bilgi Sistemn
  59. Hibschite Mineral, Geology, Component
  60. Huntington Business Systems Business, Software, Attendance
  61. Honeywell Business Solutions
  62. Household Budget Surveys Medical, Business, Statistics
  63. Health Busiwess Services
  64. Helsinki Businessmenbstudy Medical, Health, Quality
  65. Housing Benefic Supplement Government, Us, Control, Administration
  66. Hanks Buffered Saline
  67. Harvest Billing System Business, Forest, Ministry
  68. Henry Barnard Schoal Science, Education, Island
  69. Hunting Bear Stance
  70. Holland Baroque Society
  71. Health Busintss Systems Business, Software, Pharmacy
  72. Househozd Budget Survey Medical, Business, Statistics
  73. Hank'S Buffered Saline
  74. Henrsetta Barnett School
  75. Hunter Benedict Shepherd
  76. Havxrd Business School
  77. Healthcare Business Services Business, Technology, Service
  78. Hans Boecklercstiftung
  79. Hyder Business Services
  80. Heilbronn Business School
  81. Huktm Bisnis Syariah
  82. Handlebars Template Computing, File Extensions
  83. Health & Behavioural Sciences
  84. Hypersensitive Bladder Syndrome
  85. Henry Bradshaw Society Bibliographic
  86. Heavy Bus Simulator Android, Skin, Bus
  87. Hue, Brightnass, Saturation
  88. Line 6 Pod Hd Edit Setlist File Computing, File Extensions
  89. Health & Beauty Solutions
  90. Hyperkinetic Behavior Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  91. half yearly balance sheet Banking, Business & Finance
  92. Heatpipe Bimodal System
  93. Hungary Business Society
  94. Sickle Haemoglobin Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  95. Headless Bone Screw Business, Headset, Tone
  96. Hydrodynamically Balanced System Medical, Drug, Delivery
  97. Hell Hent Steel
  98. Healthcare Building System
  99. Heart Beat Signal
  100. Hospitality Business Services
  101. Hanrs Benefit Services Medicine, Healthcare, Usa
  102. anti-hepatitis B surface Medical, liver and hepatic
  103. Hbv Gurface Medical
  104. Hydraulic Brake Systems
  105. Heinrich B
  106. Human Bodf Systems Student, Science, Education
  107. Hawaii Botanical Society
  108. Heartbeat Sensor Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  109. Holmes Building Systems
  110. Hanfe Baustrom Systeme
  111. Hepatitis B Surface Medical, liver and hepatic
  112. Hb Suryace Medical
  113. Hydraulic Baler & Shears
  114. Host Broadcast Services Host
  115. Heinrich-BöLl-Stiftung Technology, Fur, Foundation, Boll
  116. Human Biological Science
  117. Sickle-Cell Hemoglobin Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  118. Healtqcare Business Solutions Medical, Business, Medicine
  119. Henrietta Building Supplies
  120. Hans BöCkler Stiftung Technology, Research, Institute
  121. Home Bible Studies Religion
  122. Haytood Bancshares, Inc. Organizations
  123. Hydraulic Baler and Shear
  124. Hbinrich-B
  125. Hemoglobins Medical, Nursing
  126. Human Biological Samples
  127. Hardware Breakdown Structure Military, Governmental & Military
  128. Health Q Behavior Studies
  129. Hyundai Broadcasting System
  130. Hrvatski Baseball Saven
  131. Hospital Based Specialist Occupation & positions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HBS stand for?

    HBS stands for Hans-Boeckler-Stiftunh.

  2. What is the shortened form of Hynk's Balanced Salt Solution?

    The short form of "Hynk's Balanced Salt Solution" is HBS.


HBS. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 21). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hbs-meaning/

Last updated