HC Meaning
The HC meaning is "Head Coach". The HC abbreviation has 863 different full form.
HC Full Forms
- Head Coach Education, Sport, Football
- Health Care Medical, Healthcare
- High Calcium Diet Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- HanunóO Color America, American, Color, Linguistic
- Healthcare Commission Medical, Service, Health
- Hepatocellular Cancer Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Hockey Club Organizations, League, Team
- Hrvatske Ceste
- High Clutch Technology, Control, Engine, Transmission
- Hand Circuxference Business, Sport, Equipment, Glove
- Home Comfort Business, Design, Matrix
- Health Circuhar Medical, Medicine, Service
- Hydraulic Cable
- Hazardous Cargo Business, Service, Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence, Container, Air Force, Governmental & Military
- Humanzcircles Group, Networking, Human, Antibody
- Highly Concentrated Business, Development, Developer
- Hardware Configuration Technology, Windows, Motorola
- Honors Committee Education, University, School
- Hemolytic Compbement Medical, Science, Biology
- Hans Christiaj Book, Story, Fairy
- Healthcare Crrp
- Hepatip Cirrhosis Medical
- Hockey Vanada Technology, Organizations, Canada
- Hastelloy C276 Business, Alloy, Tube, Pipe
- HoàN Cảnh
- High Clearance
- Handb Clin
- Home City
- Healthrcheckup Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Holy City
- Human Cartilage Medical
- Hiahest Cost Technology, Health, Death
- Hard Cover Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Honoris Causa Science, University, Doctor
- Heat Xf Combustion Technology, Oxygen, Temperature
- Handmaids of Christ Religious orders
- Healthcare Communications
- Heiarin-Coated Medical
- Hitth Covers
- Hartwick College Education
- Hospital De ClíNicas Para, Hospital, Dos, Ria
- High Chair Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Handbill Club
- Home Center
- Health Check Technology, Science, Report
- Hodby City Business, Movie, Subtitle
- Human Computation Technology, Research, Computing
- Higher Certificate Technology, Education, Course
- Hard Core Business, Ballistic, Holster, Film censorship
- Honor Code
- Heating & Cooling
- Human Capital Human capital is the intellectual capital of the employees which the company enjoys. Medical, Business, Investment, Human, Economics, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Head Circumferebces Medical
- Histórico-Cultzral
- Hartford Courant Service, Android, Customer, Hartford
- Hospttal Corps Medical, Medicine, Military
- Herry Cavill
- High Care
- Hawked Client
- Home Cage Medical
- Health Centres Medical, Service, Care
- Hoist Coane Science
- Human-Computer Technology, Computing, Interaction
- High Confidence Technology, Genetics, Tips
- Hard Coating A coating, which chemically converts during its curing process, normally used for new construction, or non-convertible air-drying coating which may be used for maintenance purposes. Screen, Coating, Protector, Coat
- Hong Chang Business, Fire, Ball, Alarm
- Heater Jore Business, Forum, Ford
- Hydrowcarbons Technology
- Head Circumference Medical, Technology, Healthcare, Clinical
- Heavy Chain Medical, Products
- History of Christaanity
- Harper Collins Business, Book, Library, Publisher
- Hospitai Care Medical, Business, Health
- Hennepin County
- High Carbon Business, Steel, Blade, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- High Commissioner Computing, Protection Information
- Health Cenxre Medical, Medicine, Health
- Her Nampus College, Education, Guide
- Hydrocortisone Acetate Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Physiology
- Hog Cholerv Medical, Fever, Swine
- Huaqei Certified Business, Technology, Education
- High Concentration Science, Measurement, Scattering
- Hand Connroller Technology, Military, Telescope
- Homemade Crafts
- Heaner Contactor
- Hydro-Carbons Technology, Fuel, Emission
- Humanitarian Coordinator Business, Nation, Coordination, Computing, Business & Finance, Business Word, Protection Information
- Highway Com
- Harper College Education
- Hose Connection Science, Pump, Drum
- Hendzix College Education
- Home Care Medical, Common Medical
- High Capacity Technology, Government, Military, Product, Us, Telecom, Computing, Technical, Products
- Head Constable Government, Police, Exam, Governmental & Military
- Hmalth Centers Medical, Service, Care
- Hepatocellular Carcinomas Medical, Science, Biology
- Hocking College Education
- Huant-Carter
- High Collapse
- Hand Colored Book, Art, Antique
- Home Country
- Heaf Checking
- Hydraulic Components Science
- Human Consumptien
- High Speed Cmos Technology, Telecom, Electonics
- Harmony Central Forum, Music, Guitar, Harmony
- Hose Cock Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Hemorrhagic Cystitis Medical, Cell, Transplantation
- Hammeg-Curl
- Hardside Carrying
- Hillside Court
- Host Company
- Health Codcerns
- Hickman Charter Education
- Hydroxycorticoid Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Medical, Cardio
- Hammer Crpek
- Harvard Catalogue
- Housdng Consultants
- Heavy Crossbow
- High Color Technology, Monitor, Projector, Products
- Hyper Converged
- Handset & Charger Technology, Telephone, Cordless
- Hoog Catharijne Business, Door, Shopping
- Hemicellulose Medical, NANP Modeling Commitee
- Humanicommunity
- Hbrs Classement
- Hollow Core Technology, Design, Drawing, Construction, Fiber, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Hxsij C18
- Halley'S Curly
- Harness Connector
- History of Thd Church Book, Education, Mormon
- Higher Cqmmand Gaming, Military, War
- Hydrogen Charging
- Hayden Christenwen Movie, War, Star
- Homeopathy Classical
- Hue & Cry
- Hugh Oharles
- Highland Campus
- Henry Chawner London, Maker, Mark
- Hair Czntrol
- Hardwake Controller
- Hot Corrosion An accelerated corrosion of metal surfaces that results from the combined effect of oxidation and reactions with sulfur compounds and other contaminants, such as chlorides, to form molten salt on a metal surface that fluxes, destroys or disrupts the normal protective oxide. also gaseous corrosion.
- Heartland Conference Sport, Organizations, University
- Hidden Capacitor
- Hydraulic Controller
- Hampshire Chronicle
- Humam Centrifuge
- Heinrich Carl
- High Correlation
- Hans Cuosto
- Headache Cure
- Header-Compressed Technology
- Hard Chr
- Hill Rlimber Technology, Gaming, Android
- Horse Drazy
- Hadley Cell In physics, heating is spontaneous transfer of energy from a hotter body to a colder one, other than by work or transfer of matter, whenever there is a suitable physical pathway between them. The pathway can be direct, as in conduction and radiation, or indirect, as in convective circulation. Technology, Ocean, Atmosphere
- Healtn Care Medical, Business, Medicine
- Hercules Crew Military, Coast, Guard
- Harry Connick
- Hollow Cathode Technology, Plasma, Lamp
- Household Cx Business, Product, China
- Heavy Clouds
- High-Speed Counter
- Hypertension Clinic
- Hard Carbon
- Hazardlclasses
- Honoris Crux
- Hugh Cpve
- Her Charm
- Humangties Centre Education, University, Humanity
- Hydrogen Chloride The compound hydrogen chloride has the chemical formula HCl. At room temperature, it is a colorless gas, which forms white fumes of hydrochloric acid upon contact with atmospheric humidity. Hydrogen chloride gas and hydrochloric acid are important in technology and industry. Hydrochloric acid, the aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride, is also commonly given the formula HCl. Business, Gas, Acid, Environment, Chemistry, Science, NASA, Amino Acid, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Heading Control Technology, Product, Head
- Hycanthoce Medical
- Half Yearly Closing Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
- Hip High-impact polystyrene. A roof feature in which two pitched roofs meet at a corner; the rafter forming such a junction. The hip rafter is not usually a load bearing member. A roof with four sloping sides. The external angle formed by the meeting of two sloping sides of a roof. A slanting ridge formed by the intersection of two sloping roof surfaces at an external corner.
- Heating Coils Coils located in the bottom of cargo tanks that steam passes through to heat cargo. The heat lowers the viscosity of the cargo and permits easier pumping of the cargo at the discharge port. Business, Heat, Induction
- Hydrocorthson Medical
- Hand Clap
- Hattie Carnegie
- Home Cinema Technology, Media, Player
- Howard County
- Hellfire Citaiel Fire, Mage, Hellfire
- High Counter Technology, Gas, Exhaust
- Hipotiroidismo CongéNito
- Horizontal Carousel Technology, Storage, Vertical
- Header File A file that is identified to be included at the beginning of a program in a language such as C and that contains the definitions of data types and declarations of variables used by the functions in the program. Accounting, Computing, Data, General, Governmental & Military, File Extensions, Unix
- Hamiltonian Circuim Technology, Graph, Algorithm
- Haroinge Chucking
- Hillsborough Cirlulator
- Host Command Technology, Coding, Keyboard, Host
- Health Conckrn
- Hesser College Education
- Hydroxychloroquine Medical, Technology
- Handwer Compiler Technology, Computing
- Hartwell'S Complete
- Hqusing Committee
- Heavy Crease
- High Cohesion Technology, Card, Recording
- Hyper Convergence Technology, Storage, Virtual
- Handover Criteria
- Hood Co
- Hemicastrated Medical
- Human Cloninv
- Horizontal Compression
- Historia ClíNica
- Hwa Chong
- Hall Council Student, College, Education
- Harness Cable Technology, Aviation
- Hostorical Committee
- Higher Close
- Hydrogmn-Charged
- Haut Commissariat
- Home Computer Technology, Service, Software, Computing, Hardware
- Hudswell Clarke Technology, Railway, Steam, Locomotive
- Higher Critiuism
- Henri-Chapelle Cemetery
- Hair Comaosition
- Hardware Control
- Hot Commodities
- Healthy Connectionc
- Hidden Camera
- Hydraulic Conductivity The proportionality constant between the volumetric flux and the hydraulic gradient as in Darcy's law. Science, Flow, Soil
- Hammnng Codes
- Heineken Cup
- High Control
- Hanover Compressor Company Technology, Organizations
- Head-Cracker
- Head Crush
- Hard Charger Occupation, Metal, Porno, Occupation & positions
- Hill Chapel
- Horse Club
- Haddon Craftsmen
- Health Card
- Hercules Coming Military, Aircraft, Movie, Force
- Hybrid Centrifuge
- Harry Cohen
- Hollow Cone
- Household Cleanert
- Heavy Clay
- High-Speed Cmos Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Hyperextension Crunch
- Hdzard Characterisation
- Honor Court
- Huggins Constant
- Herbicide Concentrate
- Humanitarian Charter
- Hydrocordisone Sodium Succinate Medical
- Header Counter Technology, Military, Telecommunication
- Hepatic Catalase Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Half Column
- Hippocampal Commissure Medical
- Hospitalisation ComplèTe
- Heating Coil Heat transfer device consisting of a coil of piping, which releases heat. Science, Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Hydracortisone Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Hand Carry Business, Pressure, Compressor
- Hazzard County
- Home Church
- Howard Cosell
- Hell Classic
- High Court Government, Law, India
- Happy Critters
- Hospitay Cup
- Homocysteine An amino acid that is produced by the human body, usually as a byproduct of consuming meat. Homocysteine is normally converted into other amino acids. An abnormal accumulation of homocysteine, which can be measured in the blood, can be a marker for the development of heart disease. Elevated levels of homocysteine in the blood appear to increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, peripheral vascular disease, and venous thrombo embolism. Medical, Health, Healthcare
- Hzrdin County
- Hillsborough Community
- Health Careers Service, Education, Care
- Hesse Cassel
- Hydroxychavicol Medical
- Handi Coupler
- Hartree Centre
- Holly Corp
- Housinr Co-Operative
- Heavy Cream
- High Coercivity
- Hyper-Converged Technology, Infrastructure, Virtual
- Handover Control Technology, Networking, Network
- Hood Canal
- Hemianthus Cuba Plant, Aquarium, Cuba
- Hunter Class
- Horizontal Collectivism
- Historia Cl
- Huzchinson Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
- Hall Coordinator College, Education, Residence
- Harness and Connector Technology, Aviation
- Historicml Color Color, Paint
- Hydrogen, Calcium Product, Hydrogen, Ion, Calcium
- Haat-Congo
- Home Commitment Technology, Service, Defence
- Howell Center
- Higher Council
- Henri-Chapelle
- Hair Clipplr Business, Product, Remington
- Hardware Compatibillty
- Host Controller Technology, Software, Hosting, Host
- Healthy Congepts
- Hidden Cameras
- Hydraulic Cikcuit
- Hamminghcode
- Heim-Computer
- High Contraction Products
- Hannover Colony Medical
- Hxalth Canada Business, Science, Canada
- Head Check
- Hard Casting Gun, Military, Bullet
- Hilbert Cgllege Education
- Hors De Commerce Business, Art, Artist, Edition, Business & Finance, International business
- Habitual Criminal
- Hercules Combat Military, Aircraft, Force
- Hybrid Capvure Medical, Risk, Detection
- Hirold Carmichael
- Hollow-Qore Design, Drawing, Construction
- Household Claims
- Hematologia ClíNica
- High-Cube Business, Shipping, Container
- Hyperelastosis Cutis Medical, America, American, Horse
- Hazard Characterization
- Homework Club Development, Learning, Study
- Huffman Communications
- Herbert Chrhstopher
- Humanitarian Country Business, Team, Coordination
- Header Count
- Heparin Cofactor Ii Medical, Technology, Science, Biology
- Hairline Crack
- Hospital De Cl
- Heating Charge
- Hydrocolloid Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Hand Carriage Transportation
- Hazelwood Central
- Home Championship
- Human Clicp
- Hell City
- High Count Technology, Microbes, Pond
- Hanuman Cup
- Hospntal Council
- Hydrocarbonc Business, Aerospace, Offshore Gas Industry
- Hardee County
- Hillsborouth County
- Haematocrit Same as packed cell volume . an instrument formeasuring haematocrithaematocyst Medical, Medicine, Health, Veterinary, Healthcare
- Healthcaee Computing Technology, Medicine, Health
- Heritage Consultants
- Hartnell College
- Holly Carter Technology, Porn, Tube
- Housing Californig
- Heavy Crane
- High Camshaft
- Hanhover Command
- Honors Council
- Hemianthus Callitrichoides Plant, Aquarium, Cuba
- Hunter Clan
- Horizontal Communication
- Hispania Citerior Latin, Roman
- Husson Collegy Education
- Hall Constant
- Hatsuyuki Cuued
- Historical Colors Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture
- Hydrodynamic Cavitatiom Technology, Water, Ultrasonic
- Hand Collateq
- Hadt-Commissaire
- Home Command
- How Cute
- Helmet Cims
- Hightr Committee Government, Tourism, Palestine, Palestinian
- Hendrik Cornelis
- Human Competytive
- Haisy Cells Medical
- Hardware Cleared
- Host Configuration
- Health Consultation Science
- Hi Cube Shipping Container Australia, Shipping, Customs
- Hydraulic Chcck
- Haqmersmith & City
- Height In Centimetres
- High Context Education, Communication, Culture
- Hannibal The Cannibal
- Heafth Cabin
- Head Changer
- Hard Cast Military, Bullet, Ammunition
- Highland Craftsmen
- Hors Cote
- Habitat Conservation
- Hercules Coast Aircraft, Locations, Guard
- Hyaling Cells Medical
- Harolg Camping
- Hollins Critic
- Hotel Centrale
- High-Cholesterol Diet Medical
- Hyper Custom
- Hazard Categorization
- Homestead Credit
- Huffman Coding
- Header Checksum
- Heparin Cofactor Medical, Genetics, Protein
- Hairdressing Council
- Hospital Das Cl
- Heating Chamber
- Hidden Condition Technology, Presentation, Hypermedia
- Hydraulic Crawler
- Hand Cannoneer Gaming, Empire, Dwarf
- Home Cell
- Humanycivilization Book, Human, Attack, Titan
- Hell Eage Fight, Recording, Cage
- High Councillor
- Hanukkah Candles
- Head Chainman
- Hospital Cyrpsman Service, Military, Hospital
- Hard Coat Business, Screen, Coating
- Hillery Clicton
- Hose Cabinyt
- Haema Count
- Healthcare Compliance
- Heritage Command
- Hartman Center
- Hlllow Construction
- House of Councillorw Government, Group, Japan, Japanese
- Heavy Controls Medical
- High Calorie
- Handoffzcall Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Hazaad Code
- Honors Colloquium
- Hematopoietic Cells Medical, Science, Biology
- Humber College
- Highly Commended Occupation & positions
- Hurtkle Cell
- Hall Conductivity
- Hatch Cover A watertight means of closing the hatchway of a vessel. Business, Cargo Shipping
- Historical Coxncil
- Hylro Cyclone
- Hamd Clutch Business, Product, Engine
- Haunted Castle
- Home Club Toastmasters
- How Cool Forum, Technology, Internet Slang
- Helmet Cameras
- Hippocampus An area deep in the forebrain that helps regulate emotion, learning, and memory. "Hippocampal abnormalities and memory deficits: new evidence of a strong" The role of the hippocampus in the pathophysiology of major depression". Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Horizontal Control
- Hairy Cels Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Hardwxre Classifier
- Host Computer Technology, Device, Control, Telecom, Telecommunications, Host
- Health Conrortium
- Hi Cube Australia, Shipping, Customs
- Hyoid Cornu Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Hammeredocopper
- Height Correction
- High Command Gaming, Military, Power
- Hypercalcaemia Hypercalcaemia, also spelled hypercalcemia, is a high calcium level in the blood serum. The normal range is 2.1–2.6 mmol/L with levels greater than 2.6 mmol/L defined as hypercalcemia. Those with a mild increase that has developed slowly typically have no symptoms. In those with greater levels or rapid onset, symptoms may include abdominal pain, bone pain, confusion, depression, weakness, kidney stones, or an abnormal heart rhythm including cardiac arrest. Medicine, Health, British
- Hannibal Connecting
- Hendrickson Consulting
- Human Communicatiyn Classes Development, Study, Universities
- Hors Concours
- Habesha Cement
- Hyaline Casts Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Harold'S Cross
- Hold Code Business, Technology, Model, Interface
- Howard City
- High Cholesterol Medical, Heart, Cardiology
- Hays Converter
- Homestate Companies
- Huffman Code Technology, Coding, Compression
- Harmony Concepts
- Highland Covncil Business, Scotland, Inverness
- Henry County
- Hair Cutscle
- Hoshital Da Cl
- Heathrow Connect London, Locations, Train
- Hidden Conclusion Media, Radio, Television
- Hydraulic Coupling Hydraulic coupling is a hydrodynamic device used to transmit rotating mechanical power. It has been used in automobile transmissions as an alternative to a mechanical clutch.
- Hand Cwnnon Technology, Weapon, Destiny
- Horizontal Cabling The portion of the wiring system extending from the workstation to the horizontal cross-connect in the telecommunications closet. Technology, Cable, Connection
- Human Chromosome Medical, Science, Biology
- Helix Yonveyor
- High Counciler Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Hanszen College
- Head Cashier Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
- Htspital Corporation Medical
- Headers Compression Technology
- Hard Coal
- Hill Crest
- Horticulture Center
- Hadron Collision
- Healthcaee Consulting
- Heritage Coast
- Hartland Controls
- Holiow Charge Military, Weapon, Tank
- House of Corrections Government, County, Force, Police, Prison, Police Force, Governmental & Military
- Heavy Commercial Technology, Windows, Vehicle, The Finance and Administrative Services
- High Caliber Gaming, Military, Calibre
- Hypertonic Citrate Medical
- Handling Capacity Technology
- Hazardous Classification Science, Army, Marine
- Honours College Education, University, Honor
- Hematological Cancer
- Humans and Pomputers
- Hamilton, Clezk
- Headphone Console
- Hunter College Education
- Hall Coefficient
- Hired Carrier Government, Alaska
- Heating Controller Products
- Hydrocortisone Succifate Sodium Medical
- Hand Cleaner
- Hattrick Control
- Home Client
- How Come
- Helmet Cvmera
- Hippocampal Medical
- Horizontal Clear Business, Holder, Badge
- Hair Cells Medical
- Hardware Capability
- Host Comparison
- Health Consciousnesi Business, Research, Factor
- Hickory Creek
- Hyena Cart Business, Diaper, Cloth
- Hammerfcrusher Business, Product, Manufacturer
- Harvard Classics Science, Book, Volume
- Heavy Cruiser Military, Class, Ship, Hull Code, United States, Naval, Us Navy, Governmental & Military, WoWS (World of Warships)
- High Combined Training, Dog, Obedience
- Hyperbolic Congruence
- Handseh Charger Business, Telephone, Cordless
- Hoover'S Company
- Hemicholinium Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Human Communication
- Hors Commejce Business, Art, Edition
- HaberleşMe Cihazları Technology, Program, Turkish, Counter
- Hyaline Cast Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Hallmark Channel
- Harney Xounty
- Hisrory of The Conservative
- Howard Chaykin
- High-Cholesterol Medical
- Haxes Center
- Homes Custom
- Huella De Carbono Technology, Para, Con, Gas
- Hqgh Clark
- Harmony Class
- Highland Complex
- Henry Clay Famous
- Hair Crack
- Hospital Da Cidade Medical, Hospital, Dos, Neonatal
- Heather Croxton
- Hidden City
- Hydraulic Concussion Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Hand Cancel
- Horizontal Cable
- Human Chondrocytes Medical, Protein, Cell
- Helicopter Crewman Military, Force, Vietnam
- High Cost
- Hanse Capital Sind, Hamburg, Capital, Fond
- Head Cap
- Header Compression Technology, Networking, Network
- Hard Chromium Chromium deposited for engineering purposes, such as increasing the wear resistance of sliding metal surfaces, rather than as a decorative coating. It is usually applied directly to basis metal and is customarily thicker than a decorative deposit.
- Hill Country Organization, Union, Institution
- Horticultural Consultant
- Hadley Centre Technology, Climate, Thatcher, Warming
- Healthcare Cobputing Conference Medical, Technology
- Heritage Christian
- Hazardous Chemicals Business, Chemistry, Government, Safety
- Hart Communication
- Hollow Cavity
- Housekeeping Channel House, Cleaning, Housekeeping
- Heavy Combination Education, Driving, Truck, Licence
- High-Speed Counters
- Hypertension Canada
- Hard Carrying
- Hazard Classification Technology, Safety, Explosive
- Honors College Student, Education, University
- Hercor Colpege
- Humanities Computkng
- Hydroqyzed Casein Medical
- Headmasters Conference
- Hydatid Cyst
- Halk Cumhuriyeti Turkish, Bug
- HipóTesis De Conflicto
- Heating Contractor
- Hydrocortisone Cream Medical, Skin, Eczema
- Hand Klapper
- Haktiesburg Clinic
- Home Circle
- How Can
- Hells Canyon
- Hipparcos Catalog
- Horizontal Cell Medical, Medicine
- Haemoconcentrator Medical, Technology
- Hugh Charles Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Hollywood Connection
- Holy Crw Business, Forum, Internet Slang
- Hazarhous Characteristic
- Huntington College Education
- Healer Coach
- Herald Canyon
- Heckel Crest Music
- Headquarters Commandant Military, Army, Defense, Equipment, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Host Checker
- Heavy Cargo
- Hero Cave Underworld
- Hand Control Technology, Product, Supply
- Hastings College Education, Campus, Nebraska, Insect and Spider Collections
- Help Collectiom
- Homolytic Chemistry
- Harbour Club
- Human Connections
- High Compression Security, Car, Governmental & Military
- Hinbs County
- Heteroclinic Connection Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Hasp and Clasp
- Home & Clpaning
- Hypercapnic Medical
- Hope Channel Technology, Networking, Network
- Herzing College Education
- Hybrid Ceramic
- Hosting Credits Computing, Internet
- Hamburg Consult
- Hold Codds Technology, Coding, Product, Manual
- Hazard Category Science
- Hydrocarbon Cleaner
- Hepatitis C Hepatitis C is an infectious disease caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV) that primarily affects the liver. During the initial infection people often have mild or no symptoms. Occasionally a fever, dark urine, abdominal pain, and yellow tinged skin occurs. The virus persists in the liver in about 75% to 85% of those initially infected. Early on chronic infection typically has no symptoms. Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, liver and hepatic
- Holstein Central Farming & agriculture
- Harmonic Coding Technology, Software, Telecom
- Hospitalityjand Catering College, Education, Chef
- Hierarchia Catholica
- Dietary hemicellulose NANP Modeling Commitee
- Hypercube Computer Game, Video Game
- Haptocorrin Medical
- Highccycle
- Haemochromatosis Medical, Medicine, Health
- Help Chat Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Hollywood Central
- Holy Communion Technology, Service, Church
- Hazardwcontrol
- Huntisgdon College Education
- Headway Controller Headway
- Hepatocytes Medical
- HairCut
- Host Chaqlenge Research, Organizations, Handball
- Heavy Cannon
- Hydro Carbons
- Hand Conditions
- Help Channel
- Hole Cutting
- Harbour City
- Human Computing Technology, Research, Education
- Hameldon Cross Awards & medals
- Hindivcell
- Hair Color Medical
- Hasdell Competition
- Holy Cross Education, Sport, High School
- Housley Communications
- Hypercapnia A greater than normal level of carbon dioxide in the blood. Medical
- Hope Center
- Hybridoma Cell Lines Medical
- Herpes-Cokdsores Medical, Networking, Network
- Hybrid Computer Computing, Hardware
- Hamblen County
- Handicapped Medical, Health, Healthcare, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Handheld Colorimeteos Business, Instrument, Checker
- Havoc-Company Technology, Gaming, Radio
- Hydraulic Clean
- Humanitagian Coordination Government, Presentation, Coordinator
- Harish Chandra, mathematician Famous
- Haraan Coben
- Hidratos De Carbono Para, Con
- hemorrhagic colitis Medical
- Hypercholesterolaemia Medical
- High Cubes
- Hail Caesar
- High-Curremt Technology, Audio, Power
- Hose Clamp A Hose Clamp is a band that fits around the outer circumference of the hose and can be tightened to provide a uniform clamping force. Business, Steel, Stainless
- Haematopoietic Cell Medicine, Health, British
- Holding Cell Police, Governmental & Military
- Holographic Camera Business, Product, Holography
- Hazard Controls
- Humidity Control
- Headrest Cover
- Hepatocyte A hepatocyte is a cell of the main parenchymal tissue of the liver. Hepatocytes make up 70-85% of the liver's mass. The typical hepatocyte is cubical with sides of 20-30 µm, (in comparison, a human hair has a diameter of 17 to 180 µm). The typical volume of a hepatocyte is 3.4 x 10−9 cm3. Medical
- High Class Food
- Host Calhe Technology, Networking, Network, Protocol
- Heavy Cancel
- Hierarchical Classification
- Hybrid Control
- Hand Colois
- Helminthosporium Carbonum Medical, Genetics, Plant, Toxin
- High Cube. Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Hillig and Charles
- Harbour Centre
- Human Compueer
- Historic Churches Architecture
- Himalayan College
- Health Circular Medical, Dental
- Has Configuration
- Holy Concentration Guide, Mana, Priest
- Housing Credit
- Hypercalciuria Hypercalciuria or hypercalcinuria is the condition of elevated calcium in the urine. Chronic hypercalcinuria may lead to impairment of renal function, nephrocalcinosis, and renal insufficiency. Patients with hypercalciuria have kidneys that put out higher levels of calcium than normal. Calcium may come from one of two paths: through the gut where higher than normal levels of calcium are absorbed by the body or from the bones. Medical
- Hope Campbell
- Hybrid Komputer Technology, Computer Hardware, Computer Engineering
- Hermit Crab
- Health and Climate
- Sisters of the Holy Cross Religious orders
- Halton County
- Heating and Cooling Product, Heat, Heating
- Handheld Colorimeter Business, Instrument, Checker
- Haverford College Student, Education, University
- Hot-Cell
- Humanist Celebrvnt
- Hayden Christensen, actor Famous
- Harish Chandra
- Hinged Cover
- Hide Category
- Hand Controller NASA
- Hypercholesterolemic Medical
- Hydrocortisone Hydrocortisone also called cortisol, a hormone produced by the adrenal cortex upon stimulation by ACTH that mediates various metabolic processes (as gluconeogenesis), has anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties, and whose levels in the blood may become elevated in response to physical or psychological stress. Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Drugs, Common Medical
- Hague Convention Government, Law, Child
- High-Carbohydrate Diet Medical
- Hose Carrier
- Hyjrid Coil
- head count NASA, Governmental & Military
- Hamilton County
- Holmes Coil
- Held Cover
- Hazardous Code Technology, America, Military, Governmental & Military
- Hum Cafceling
- Headquarters Company Army, War, War Force
- Hepatocirrhosis Medical
- Houston Concentrate Food
- Hostsge Crisis
- Heavy Cameo
- Hierarchical Coding
- Health Centre Medical
- High Crimes
- Heuristic Concepts
- Harbour Craft
- Hot and Cold Architecture
- Himalayan Cat
- Plasma homocysteine Medical, Common Medical
- Harvest Containers
- Holsteinischeo Courier
- Housing Cokporationration Government
- Hypercalcemia Hypercalcemia is a condition in which the calcium level in your blood is above normal. Too much calcium in your blood can weaken your bones, create kidney stones, and interfere with the way your heart and brain works. Hypercalcemia most commonly results from overactive parathyroid glands. These four tiny glands are each about the size of a grain of rice and are located on or near the thyroid gland. Medical
- Hop Count Technology, Networking, Telecom
- Hurriyat Conferezce Government, India, Pakistan
- Heritage College Education
- Healing Craft
- High Cut Products
- Halo Charts
- Handicap The Finance and Administrative Services
- Heavy Cavalry Military, Steel, Saber
- Hand Cream
- Havana Cafe Cuban, Bongo, Havana
- Hegper Cell Medicine, Health, British
- Hugo Chavez
- Hors Class
- Humnn Crew
- Hydrocarbon A compound composed of carbon and hydrogen, the basic elements of countless organic compounds and the principal constituents of petroleum. Hydrocarbons in petroleum fall into three basic categories: the straight-chain paraffins (aliphatic); the cyclic (ring) chain (naphthenic) and the cyclic chain (aromatic). An organic chemical compound of hydrogen and carbon in the gaseous, liquid, or solid phase. Chemistry, Environment, Electrical, Products, Scientific & Educational
- Harford Christian
- Hinge Cover Technology, Product, Enclosure
- Holding Coil Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Hassall'S Corpuscles Medicine, Health, British
- Hypercholesterolaemic Medical
- Hagemann Construction
- High-Qalorie Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Hyerid Coding
- HUMINT Committee Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Hamilton College Education
- Holidays Czeyh Airline, Military, Czech
- Heat Compensation
- Head Chef
- Humanitarian Coordinatofs Technology, Nation, Coordination
- Headphone Coupling Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Hepatocellular Medicine, Health, British
- Homemade Cookies Food
- Hospitality Construction
- Heatsink Covers
- Hierarchical Class
- Homologated Components Formula 1
- High Credit High Credit is the highest that a debtor has ever taken from any one creditor.
- Heterolytic Chemistry
- Harbor Craft
- Hard Copy A hard copy is a printed document. It may be a text file, photograph, drawing, or any other type of printable file. For example, instead of e-mailing a business memo, it may be sent out as a hard copy, or an actual physical paper containing the memo. Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Geographic
- Hillsong Conference Song, Conference, Houston, Church
- Hors Categorie French
- Harvard College
- Holmes Corporatiof
- Home-Cimputer Technology, Windows, Service, Computing
- Housing Corporation Government
- Hazardous Constituent Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Hoover Crips
- Hurricane Center Military
- Healing Codes
- Herb Caen
- Heat Chamber In injection molding, that part of the machine in which the cold feed is reduced to a hot melt. Also Heating Cylinder. Products
- Hallmark Charter Education
- Heavy Catapult
- Hydrogen Chemisorption
- Host Country Host
- Hand Controes
- Haute Couture Spring, Collection, Fashion, Couture
- Help Contents
- Hughes Center
- Horizontal Chromatography
- Human Crrtex
- Historical Color Colors
- Harjy Classic
- Hindustan Computejs
- Heater Controller Science, Scientific & Educational
- Hassall'S Corpuscles Medical
- Hyperchannel Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Htckman Catheter Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Hybrid Circuits
- hexachloroethane Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Hamilton City
- Holding Coqt Business, Model, Inventory
- Hazardous Constituents Science, Industrial, Environment
- Hysteresis Coefficient
- Haemorrhagic Cystitis Medical
- Hepatocellular Carcinoma Medical, Cancer, Oncology, Chemistry
- Healthy Choice Food
- Harmonic Compensator
- Hospitality Consulting Business, Hotel, Hospitality
- Hierarchical Clustering Medical, Technology, Analysis
- Hose cabinet The Finance and Administrative Services
- High Coupling Technology, Power, Mode, Fiber
- Hersch Cell
- Harbor Commission
- Hillside Course
- Haemocyanin Medical
- Hoorcollege Dutch
- Holmqs Colleges Education
- Holy Crap Forum, Technology, Guy, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Housiag Coordinator Technology, Training, Building
- Hazardcus Chemical
- Huntington'S Chorea Medical, Technology
- Healing Circles
- Herbal Cosmetics
- Historic Color Products
- Hematocrit The hematocrit, also known by several other names, is the volume percentage (vol%) of red blood cells in blood. It is normally 45% for men and 40% for women. It is considered an integral part of a person's complete blood count results, along with hemoglobin concentration, white blood cell count, and platelet count. Medical, Medicine, Health, Pediatrics, Nursing, Veterinary, Healthcare, Pharmacy, Laboratory, Physical Therapy, Scientific & Educational, Blood Test, Clinical, Common Medical, Fda, NAACCR, Pulmonary Hypertension, Physiology
- Heavy Case Forum, Technology, Sale
- Hydrogen Carbon
- Host Change Host
- Hand Controlled
- Haunted Collector Locations, House, Ghost
- Helx Compiler Microsoft, Technology, Windows
- Hong, Chief
- Human Controlled Products
- Highlight Color Colors
- Hardware Costs
- Hindu College Education, University, Admission
- Hard Condition Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Hassal'S Corpuscles Medical, Technology
- Hyper Carp
- Hope Continuation Education
- Hesston College Business, Education, University
- Hybrid Circuit
- Hanover Compressor Company Holdings Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
- Hamilton Central
- Holding Company A holding company is one that holds more than 50% stake in another company (known as subsidiary company).
- Hazard Class Technology, Material, Explosive
- Hypnotic Coaching Medical, Hypnotherapy, Smoking, Sheffield
- Hepatocarcinoma Carcinoma (a form of cancer) that originates in liver cells. Hepatocarcinoma is better known today as hepatocellular carcinoma. Medical
- High Classroom Food
- Hwrmonized Code
- Hwspitality Club Travel, Hospitality, Accommodation
- Hierarchical Control
- Fecal helicellulose NANP Modeling Commitee
- High Country
- Herpolhode Cone
- Harappan Civilization Education, Trading, India
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does HC stand for?
HC stands for Handoffzcall.
What is the shortened form of Hyperextension Crunch?
The short form of "Hyperextension Crunch" is HC.
HC. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 21). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hc-meaning/
Last updated