HC in Technology Meaning

The HC meaning in Technology terms is "Human-Computer". There are 99 related meanings of the HC Technology abbreviation.

HC on Technology Full Forms

  1. Human-Computer
  2. High Chair
  3. Hydrowcarbons
  4. Hockey Vanada
  5. Hardware Configuration
  6. Huaqei Certified
  7. High Capacity
  8. Hydro-Carbons
  9. High Speed Cmos
  10. Hard Cover
  11. Hose Cock
  12. Hiahest Cost
  13. Hand Connroller
  14. Heat Xf Combustion
  15. Higher Certificate
  16. Head Circumference
  17. Health Check
  18. High Confidence
  19. Human Computation
  20. High Clutch
  21. Heading Control
  22. How Cool
  23. Handover Control
  24. Holly Carter
  25. Hydracortisone
  26. Hamiltonian Circuim
  27. High Count
  28. Header Counter
  29. Handoffzcall
  30. Hollow Cathode
  31. Heavy Commercial
  32. Hydroxychloroquine
  33. Harness Cable
  34. High Color
  35. Headers Compression
  36. Handling Capacity
  37. Hold Code
  38. Harness and Connector
  39. Home Computer
  40. Hadley Centre
  41. High Cohesion
  42. Header Compression
  43. Host Controller
  44. Healthcaee Computing
  45. Huffman Code
  46. Home Commitment
  47. Hadley Cell In physics, heating is spontaneous transfer of energy from a hotter body to a colder one, other than by work or transfer of matter, whenever there is a suitable physical pathway between them. The pathway can be direct, as in conduction and radiation, or indirect, as in convective circulation.
  48. Hyper Convergence
  49. Header-Compressed
  50. Host Computer
  51. Hand Cwnnon
  52. Hill Rlimber
  53. Healthcare Cobputing Conference
  54. Huella De Carbono
  55. Hanover Compressor Company
  56. Home Cinema
  57. HaberleşMe Cihazları
  58. Hidden Condition
  59. Hyper-Converged
  60. Host Command
  61. Handwer Compiler
  62. Hudswell Clarke
  63. Handset & Charger
  64. Horizontal Cabling The portion of the wiring system extending from the workstation to the horizontal cross-connect in the telecommunications closet.
  65. Hollow Core
  66. Heparin Cofactor Ii
  67. Hydrodynamic Cavitatiom
  68. Hazard Classification
  69. Horizontal Carousel
  70. Hairy Cels
  71. High Counter
  72. Helx Compiler
  73. Hassal'S Corpuscles
  74. Hope Channel
  75. Housiag Coordinator
  76. Hop Count
  77. Haemoconcentrator
  78. Hard Copy A hard copy is a printed document. It may be a text file, photograph, drawing, or any other type of printable file. For example, instead of e-mailing a business memo, it may be sent out as a hard copy, or an actual physical paper containing the memo.
  79. Host Calhe
  80. High-Curremt
  81. Hybrid Komputer
  82. Heavy Case
  83. Human Computing
  84. Hyperchannel
  85. Home-Cimputer
  86. Hand Control
  87. Hinge Cover
  88. Huntington'S Chorea
  89. Harmonic Coding
  90. Hierarchical Clustering
  91. Holy Crap
  92. Humanitarian Coordinatofs
  93. Hazardous Code
  94. Holy Communion
  95. High Coupling
  96. Hazard Class
  97. Headphone Coupling
  98. Hold Codds
  99. Havoc-Company

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HC stand for Technology?

    HC stands for Hyper Convergence in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Human-Computer in Technology?

    The short form of "Human-Computer" is HC for Technology.


HC in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 21). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hc-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated