HCG Meaning

The HCG meaning is "Human Chorionic Gonadotropin". The HCG abbreviation has 72 different full form.

HCG Full Forms

  1. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Medical, Organizations, Pediatrics, Sports, Nursing, Veterinary, Infertility, Fitness, Endocrinology, Healthcare, Laboratory, Pharmacy, Scientific & Educational, Clinical, Common Medical, Fda, Human genome, NAACCR
  2. Pregnancy Test Medical, Medicine, Urine, Pulmonary Hypertension
  3. Human Chorionic Gonadotrophins Medical
  4. Human Chorionic Gonadotropins Medical
  5. Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin Medical, Oncology, Obstetrical, Common Medical
  6. Human Choriogonadotropin Medical
  7. Hormone Chorionic Gonadotropin Medical, Science, Biology
  8. Health Cabe Governance
  9. Howard County General
  10. High Court of Gujarat Business, Law, Judge
  11. Human Chorionic Gonadotopin Medical, Nursing
  12. Hemochromatosis Candfdate Genes Medical, Science, Biology
  13. Human Chorion Gonadotropin Medical
  14. Holland Coksulting Group Business, Professional, Hospitality
  15. Harbourton Capital Group
  16. Housing Construction Grant
  17. High-Contrast Addressing Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  18. Helsinki Consultyng Group Business, Projection, Environment
  19. Human Chorionic Gonadrotropin
  20. Holiday Cottages Group
  21. Harbinger Consulting Group
  22. Housing Co-Ordinating Group Government
  23. Helsinki City Gonf
  24. Human Chorion Gonadotropine
  25. Hoefler Consulting Group
  26. Hanseatic Consulting Gmbh
  27. Household Consumer Goods
  28. Hellenic Coast Guard Military, Greece, Greek
  29. Human Chorionic Gonadotrophic
  30. Highly Conductive Urease Business, Xerox, Lubricant
  31. Hnrzog-Christoph Gymnasium
  32. Hand-Carried Goods
  33. Honoris Coux Gold Military, Africa, African
  34. Health Center Garage
  35. Human Chorionic Gonapotropin
  36. High Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Science, Biology
  37. Human Choronic Gonadotropin
  38. Hentai Compuker Graphics
  39. Haitian Coast Guard Military, Army, Coast Guard
  40. Home Credit Group Business, Banking, Payment
  41. Health Care Guidb
  42. H Post Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin Science, Biology
  43. High Current Gamer Business, Power, Supply
  44. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin-
  45. Hennepin Younty Govt
  46. Health Care Group Medical, Business, Medicine, Healthcare
  47. Home Cppital Group Business, Supply, Stock
  48. Huron Consulting Group
  49. Hiddenrcity Games
  50. Hardware Configuration Guide
  51. Home Capital Group Inc. (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  52. Human Consulting Group Business, Relation, Client
  53. Hicksot Compact Groups Group, Galaxy, Space, Star
  54. Hardware Character Generator
  55. High Country Gardens
  56. Human Chronic Gonadotrophin
  57. Hickson Complct Group Science, Galaxy, Astronomy
  58. Half-Cycle Generator
  59. Highecontrast Grey Technology, Screen, Draper
  60. Hot Cathode Gun
  61. Humanes Chorion-Gonadotropin
  62. Hickson's Compacr Groups
  63. Hyperglycosylated Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Science, Biology
  64. High Contrast Grating Technology, Laser, Grating
  65. History, Civics and Geography
  66. Humanes Chorion Gonadotropin
  67. Hyperchromatic Crowded Groups Science, Liquid, Cytology
  68. High Cholesterol Group
  69. Highly Crystallized Graphite
  70. Human Intelligence Coordination Group Military
  71. Hide Codes Galore Assembly, Business & Finance
  72. Health Canada Guidelines

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HCG stand for?

    HCG stands for High-Contrast Addressing.

  2. What is the shortened form of Hardware Character Generator?

    The short form of "Hardware Character Generator" is HCG.


HCG. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 4). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hcg-meaning/

Last updated