HCT in Health Meaning

The HCT meaning in Health terms is "Homncytotrophic". There are 6 related meanings of the HCT Health abbreviation.

HCT on Health Full Forms

  1. Homncytotrophic
  2. Haematocrit Same as packed cell volume . an instrument formeasuring haematocrithaematocyst
  3. Hydroxycortisone
  4. Heart Centered Therapy
  5. Health Check Test
  6. Hematocrit The hematocrit, also known by several other names, is the volume percentage (vol%) of red blood cells in blood. It is normally 45% for men and 40% for women. It is considered an integral part of a person's complete blood count results, along with hemoglobin concentration, white blood cell count, and platelet count.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HCT stand for Health?

    HCT stands for Hydroxycortisone in Health terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Homncytotrophic in Health?

    The short form of "Homncytotrophic" is HCT for Health.


HCT in Health. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 30, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hct-meaning-in-health/

Last updated