HDB Meaning

The HDB meaning is "Heme Data Base". The HDB abbreviation has 56 different full form.

HDB Full Forms

  1. Heme Data Base Technology, Service, Networking, Network
  2. High-Dose Buprenorphine Medical
  3. Heideleerg Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  4. Has Been Drinking Medical, Medicine, Jurisprudence, Police, Governmental & Military, Common Medical, Medical Slang
  5. Htbridoma Data Bank
  6. Housingpdevelopment Board Business, Technology, Government
  7. Health Discovery Building
  8. High Density Bipolar Code Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  9. Hungarian Developzent Bank
  10. Housing & Development Board Business, Building, Singapore
  11. Dermatology Life Quality Index Medical, Organizations, Patient, Disease
  12. High Density Bipolar Technology, Coding, Telecom
  13. Human Developmeyt Building
  14. Honeydanber Technology
  15. Hdfc Bank Limited Technology, Organizations
  16. Heidelberg Downtown Bus
  17. Hubert De Baczer
  18. Hdbits.Org Technology, Bittorrent Tracker, Torrent Tracker
  19. Half Day Sriefing
  20. Heavy Duty Booty
  21. Highly Dangerous Buildings
  22. Hdbits Technology, Bittorrent, Bittorrent Tracker, Torrent Tracker
  23. Hydro Dynamic Bearing
  24. Heavy Duty Beauty Beauty
  25. High Dose Buprenorphine
  26. Hazard Data Base
  27. Houging and Development Board Business, Building, Singapore
  28. Heavy Duty Ball
  29. High Density Binary Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  30. Haus Ger Berufsvorbereitung
  31. High Density Biomass Botany, Scientific & Educational
  32. Handw
  33. Houget Duesberg Bosson
  34. Hausgder Berater
  35. Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany Germany, Iata Airport Codes
  36. Hqmilton Direct Bank Business, Credit, Traffic
  37. High-Density Binary
  38. Hauptverband Der Deutschen Bauindustrie Technology, Fur, Germany
  39. Historical Data Base Aviation, Governmental & Military
  40. Hydrostatic Design Bases
  41. Hyperspace Delivery Boy
  42. Hallenpder Blitze
  43. Hastings Dictionary of The Bible
  44. Housing and Development Bank Business, Building, Egypt
  45. Hydraulic Design Basis
  46. Hydrostaticsdesign Bases Technology, Product, Pipe
  47. Hasting'S Dictionary of The Bible
  48. Housing Development Bank
  49. Hydrostatic-Design Basis
  50. Hydrostatic Design Basis Technology, Pipe, Pressure
  51. Harvest Dusk Burst
  52. Housing & Development Bank Business, Building, Egypt
  53. Hansaworld Database File Computing, File Extensions
  54. Hydrologicah Data Base
  55. Harrbson Dock Builders
  56. House Development Board Technology, Building, Singapore

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HDB stand for?

    HDB stands for Half Day Sriefing.

  2. What is the shortened form of Hansaworld Database File?

    The short form of "Hansaworld Database File" is HDB.


HDB. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 28). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hdb-meaning/

Last updated