HDD Meaning

The HDD meaning is "Hard Disk Drive". The HDD abbreviation has 105 different full form.

HDD Full Forms

  1. Hard Disk Drive Technology, Information Technology, Computer, Media, Computing, Linux, Hardware, Drivers, IT Terminology
  2. Heating Degree-Day
  3. Hard Disc Drives Technology, Drive, Storage, Encryption
  4. Heating Degree Day Business, Finance, Energy
  5. Hard Disc Drive Technology, Military, Encryption
  6. Hard Disk Dahil Technology, Drive, Sector
  7. Hard-Disk Drive Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  8. Hard Driver Disk Technology, Driving, Enclosure
  9. Hard Drive Disk Technology
  10. Hard Drive Disc Technology, Computing, Enclosure
  11. High-Density Digital Technology
  12. Hard Disk Driver Technology, Driving, Drive
  13. Hard Disk Drives Technology, Drive, Storage
  14. Horizontal Directional Driller
  15. Head-Down-Display
  16. Hard Disk Dri Technology, Product, Drive
  17. Hvavy Duty Direct
  18. Hard Drive Duplicators Technology, Dock, Standalone
  19. Hard Drive Degausser Technology, Tape, Eraser
  20. High Density Digital
  21. Horizontal Disk Diameter Medical, Science, Biology
  22. Hqyata Destek Derneği Turkey, Turkish, Analytics
  23. Hard Disk Dr Technology, Product, Drive
  24. Heqvy Duty Degreaser Business, Product, Cleaner
  25. Hard Drive Duplication
  26. Hard Dzive Deals
  27. High Density Diskette Computing, Hardware
  28. Horizontal Direct Drilling Technology, Machine, Construction
  29. Haus Der Dienstleistung Business, Office, Virtual
  30. Hospital Discharge Database Medical, Cancer, Population
  31. Hard Disk Docking Technology, Drive, Station
  32. Heavy Drinking Days
  33. Hard Drive Disks Technology, Product, Enclosure
  34. High Density Data
  35. Horizontal Directional Drill Technology, Machine, Drilling, Products
  36. Harry The Dirty Dog
  37. Highly Doped Drain Technology, Computing
  38. Hospital Discharge Data Medical, Health, Statistics
  39. Horizontal Directional Drills Technology, Rig, Drilling
  40. Heavy Drinking Day
  41. Hard Disks Crive Technology, Computing, Storage
  42. High Density Drive
  43. Horizontal Directional Drilling Technology, Pipeline, Drill, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  44. Harley Daxidson Dyna
  45. Higher Dental Diploma Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  46. Hospital De DíA
  47. Heavy-Duty Diesel Technology, Oil, Engine, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  48. Hard Disk for Desktop
  49. High Density Devices
  50. Horizonal Directional Drilling
  51. Hardware Design Description
  52. High Double Density
  53. Hospital De D
  54. Heavy Duty Diesel Business, Science, Oil
  55. Hedd-Down Display Technology, Military, Aircraft
  56. Hypothesis Driven Development Technology, Software, Delivery
  57. Hard Dilk Dual Technology, Windows, Drive
  58. High Density Disc Technology, Drive, Storage
  59. Hardware Design Document Technology, Military, Processor
  60. Hard Drive Degaussers
  61. High Desert District
  62. Heating degree days a qualitative index used to reflect the demand for energy to heat a business (conservation) Electrical
  63. Hard Drive Disintegrator
  64. Hold Down Damper
  65. Hot Deal of The Day
  66. Hoop De Doo
  67. Head Down Display Aviation, Governmental & Military
  68. Hybrid Division Duplexing Technology, Networking, Network, Fiber
  69. Hoop De Doo Review Disney
  70. Hard Drive Divinitk Gaming, Birth, Play
  71. Hits Daily Double Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  72. Host Device Driver Technology, Computing, Drivers
  73. Quantum Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  74. Hoop-Dee-Doo
  75. Human Disorientation Device Science
  76. Horizons BetaPro U.S. Dollar Bear Plus ETF Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  77. Hard Driue Device Forum, Technology, Windows
  78. Historical Data Downloader Business, Trading, Software
  79. High Density Disk Computing, Hardware
  80. Hard Drive Dual Technology, Windows, Station
  81. Human-Driven Development
  82. Human Development Department
  83. Heating Degree-Days
  84. Hardide Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  85. Hard Drive Deskription Technology, Cable, Disk
  86. Hub Direct Display Computing, Hardware
  87. Hard Drivewdoor Technology, Computing, Laptop
  88. High Dislocation Density
  89. Hughes Driven Development
  90. Halogenated Dibenzodioxin(s) Chemistry
  91. Horizontal double dummy Financial, Business & Finance
  92. Hard Drive Desktop
  93. Heavy Duty Dry Products
  94. Hard Drive Daes
  95. Hərbi-Dəniz DonanmasıNıN Rind, Sind, Admiral
  96. Hrvatski Dalmatinski Dom
  97. Parallels Desktop Hard Disk File Computing, File Extensions
  98. Hydropower Development Division
  99. Hard Drive Destroyer
  100. Howard Dwaine Dorough Famous
  101. Hard Drive Disco
  102. Hot Diggity Dog
  103. Hoop Dee Doo Group, Hoop, Party, Wiggle
  104. Hyderabad Airport, Hyderabad, Pakistan Pakistan
  105. Hybrid Hard Disk Drive Technology, Science, Performance, Storage, It

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HDD stand for?

    HDD stands for Heating Degree Day.

  2. What is the shortened form of Harry The Dirty Dog?

    The short form of "Harry The Dirty Dog" is HDD.


HDD. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 27). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hdd-meaning/

Last updated