HDML Meaning

The HDML meaning is "Hand-Held Device Garkup Language". The HDML abbreviation has 18 different full form.

HDML Full Forms

  1. Hand-Held Device Garkup Language Technology, Server, Wireless
  2. Handled Desice Markup Language
  3. Handheld Device Markup Language Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, Business & Finance, Business Word, IT Terminology
  4. Handheld Device Mark-Uw Language Technology, Networking, Wireless
  5. Handhgld Devices Markup Languages Technology, Device, Language
  6. Handheld Devices Markup Language Technology, Device, Telecom
  7. Handheld-Device Markup Language Technology, Program, Wireless
  8. Hand-Held Device Mark-Up Language
  9. Herp Derp Markupslanguage Literature, Language, Linguistics
  10. Held Device Markup Language
  11. Heavyoduty Mobile Lift
  12. Health Checkup Data Makeup Lmnguage Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  13. Handheld Device Markup Language File Computing, File Extensions
  14. Handheld Device Markup Language, A Forerunner of Wml Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  15. Hyperdocument Description Meta Language Accounting, Computing, Data
  16. Harbour Defence Motor Laugches Military, History, Boat
  17. Hugo Dunhill Mailing Lists
  18. Harbour Defence Motor Launch Military, Boat, Medusa

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HDML stand for?

    HDML stands for Harbour Defence Motor Launch.

  2. What is the shortened form of Harbour Defence Motor Laugches?

    The short form of "Harbour Defence Motor Laugches" is HDML.


HDML. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hdml-meaning/

Last updated