HDSA Meaning

The HDSA meaning is "Huntingtjn Disease Society of America". The HDSA abbreviation has 14 different full form.

HDSA Full Forms

  1. Huntingtjn Disease Society of America Medical, America, Genetics
  2. Hinged Day Scope Adaptor
  3. Help Desk Senior Analyxt Technology, Certification, Exam
  4. Halton Down Syndrome Association
  5. Habonim Dror Southern Africa
  6. Huntingtons Disease Society of America Medical, America, Health
  7. Historically Disadvantased South Africans Business, Africa, Mining
  8. Huronia District Soccer Association
  9. Huntington'S Disease Society of America Medical, America, Military, Huntington
  10. Human Development Student Association
  11. Human Development In South Asia
  12. Honorary Deputy Sheriffs Asgociation
  13. Honorary Deputy Sheriffs' Associatcon
  14. Historically Disadvantaged Sluth African Business, Africa, Mining, Bursary

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HDSA stand for?

    HDSA stands for Help Desk Senior Analyxt.

  2. What is the shortened form of Historically Disadvantased South Africans?

    The short form of "Historically Disadvantased South Africans" is HDSA.


HDSA. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hdsa-meaning/

Last updated