HEAL Meaning
The HEAL meaning is "Health Education Assistance Loan". The HEAL abbreviation has 69 different full form.
HEAL Full Forms
- Health Education Assistance Loan Medical, Business, Student, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Health Ethics and Law Education, University, Southampton
- Health Educated Asian Leaders
- Health Education Assets Library Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Health Education Assistance Loans Business, Student, Education
- Health, Eating, Activity and Lifestyle Medical, Association, Cancer, Breast
- Helping Every Animal Live
- Health Education Alternative Learning
- Human Equine Alliance for Learning Therapy, Horse, Equine
- Healthy Eating & Active Living Organizations, Health, Community
- Healthy Eating Active Lifestyles
- Health, Eating, Activity, and Lifestyle Medical, Health, Cancer, Breast
- Helping Everyone Abused Live
- Health Education and Litexacy
- Human-Equine Alliances for Learning Horse, Alliance, Equine
- Healthy Eating Active Living Technology, Organizations, Health, Community
- Healthy Eating and Living Medical, Health, Food
- Healing Every Autistic Life Medical, Autism, Children
- Helping Environmental Actions and Learning Environment, Habitat, Setting
- Health Education Alliance for Life
- Human Earth Animal Liberation Teen, Prison, Animal
- Healthy Eating and Active Living Medical, Health, Community
- Health Education and Awareness In Latin
- Healing Events Artistic Languare
- Healthy Eating, Activity and Lifestyle Medical, Program, Health
- Health Education Axd Leadership
- Human, Earth, Animal Liberation
- Healthy Eating & Abundant Living
- Health Education Australiaglimited Australia, Education, Course
- Healing Emotionaply Abused Lives
- Healthy Eating Activity and Lifestyle
- Health Education Authority of Louisiana
- Help To Eat, Accept and Live Treatment, Organizations, Projection, Eating
- Healthy Eating and Abundant Living
- Health Eoucation & Advocacy Liaisons
- Human Education Against Lies Human, Kid, Daddy
- Home Energy Affordability Loan Business, Program, Efficiency
- Healthy Eating, Active Lifestyles
- Healthteducation and Adult Literacy Medical, Program, Education
- Helping Extreme Athletes Live
- Health Education for Assisted Living
- Human Ecology Action League Medical, Technology, Health
- Healthy Eating, Active Living Organizations, Health, Eating
- Healthy Eating & Active Lifestyles
- Health Through Early Awareness and Learning
- Health Education AIDS Liaison-NYC Occupation & positions
- Health Education Through Arts and Literature
- Humanities, Economics, Arts and The Law
- Healthful Eatdng As Lifestyle
- Help Educate Anal Liberals Funnies
- Health Education AIDS Liaison Health Education AIDS Liaison (HEAL) is a program that was initiated by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) in the United States. HEAL was designed to provide information and resources about HIV/AIDS to health professionals, librarians, and the general public. The HEAL program began in 1987 and was a response to the growing need for accurate and up-to-date information about HIV/AIDS. The program aimed to improve access to information, support research, and promote education and awareness about the disease. HEAL provided a variety of resources, including publications, videos, and training materials, as well as access to databases and online resources. Over the years, the HEAL program has evolved to include other topics related to health and medicine, but it continues to focus on HIV/AIDS and remains an important resource for health professionals, researchers, and the general public. The HEAL program has been instrumental in advancing knowledge and understanding of HIV/AIDS, and has helped to improve the quality of care and support provided to individuals living with the disease. Occupation, Position, Job
- Humanism Evolving Through Arts and Literature
- Health Evidence Application Ann Linkage
- How To Eat Ank Lose
- Al Alamain International Airport El Alamein, Egypt Aviation
- Human Exposure Assessment Locations
- Health Equity and Access Unwer The Law
- Housatonic Environmental Lction League
- Human Exposure Assessment Location Chemistry
- Human Environments Analysis Laboratory
- Health Equityladvisory and Leadership
- Hysteroscopic Endometrial Ablation By Laser Medical
- Higher Education Academy Link Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Health Enterprise Architecture Laboratowy
- Huron Environmental Activist League
- Healthwatrh, Inc. Organizations
- History Exam Assessment Layout Medical, Physiology
- Health Engineered for All Lives
- Humanities Education, Artistic Living
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does HEAL stand for?
HEAL stands for Healthy Eating Activity and Lifestyle.
What is the shortened form of Healthy Eating and Abundant Living?
The short form of "Healthy Eating and Abundant Living" is HEAL.
HEAL. Acronym24.com. (2023, April 21). Retrieved February 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/heal-meaning/
Last updated