HEDS Meaning

The HEDS meaning is "Health Economic and Decision Science". The HEDS abbreviation has 23 different full form.

HEDS Full Forms

  1. Health Economic and Decision Science
  2. Human Exploration and Development of Space Chemistry, Technology, Study
  3. Health Economics and Decision Science Medical, Research, University
  4. Haute Ecole De Santé Service, Formation, Geneve
  5. Hasanuddin English Debating Society
  6. Hanford Environmental Data System Science
  7. Herpetic Eye Disease Study Medical, Treatment, Patient
  8. Human Exploration and Development In Space Science
  9. Health Education Development System
  10. Human Exploration & Development of Space
  11. High Energy Dislocation Structure
  12. Human Equivalent Doses
  13. High Endo Designation Xensor Space, Study, Cosmos
  14. Higher Education Development Support
  15. High-Explosive Discarding Sabot
  16. Higher Education Data System
  17. Human Pxposure Database System
  18. Higher Education Digitization Service
  19. Hall-Effect Devices
  20. Higher Education Digitisation Service Technology, Projection, Library
  21. High Endo Designation Sensor NASA, Governmental & Military
  22. Higher Education Data Sharing Research, College, Education
  23. High Energy Density Science Energy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HEDS stand for?

    HEDS stands for Higher Education Digitization Service.

  2. What is the shortened form of Hanford Environmental Data System?

    The short form of "Hanford Environmental Data System" is HEDS.


HEDS. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/heds-meaning/

Last updated