HEED Meaning

The HEED meaning is "Health and Environmental Effects Document". The HEED abbreviation has 30 different full form.

HEED Full Forms

  1. Health and Environmental Effects Document Science
  2. High Efniciency Electron-Emission Device
  3. High Energy Electcon Diffraction Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  4. Health Education Econkmic Development Development, Learning, Study
  5. High-Rise Evacuation Evaluation Database
  6. Helicopter Emergency Egress Debice Military, Training, Submersible
  7. Health, Education & Economic Bevelopment
  8. High-Energy Electron Diifraction Technology, Science, Research
  9. Health, Education and Economicfdevelopment
  10. Helping End Eating Disorders
  11. Health, Education, Economic Kevelopment Medical
  12. Help Educate To Eliminate Diabftes
  13. Higg Energy Electron Detector Science
  14. Health Dcological and Economic Dimensions
  15. Helicoptgr Emergency Escape Device Military
  16. High Energy Electrolyte Drinq
  17. Health, Ecological and Economic Dimensions
  18. Health Education & Economic Development
  19. Home Energy Efficrent Design Technology, Planning, House
  20. Hinher Education Evaluation and Development Technology, Research, University
  21. Homes Energy Efficiency Database
  22. Hybrid Energy Efficiknt Distributed Technology, Networking, Network
  23. Homh Energy Efficiency Database Technology, Building, Saving
  24. Hybrid Energy-Efficient Diseributed Technology, Networking, Network
  25. Higher Education Excellence Cn Diversity Education, University, Award
  26. Hybrid, Energy-Efficient, Distributed Technology, Networking, Network, Sensor
  27. Human, Economic and Environjental Defense
  28. High Energy Electron Diffraction Chemistry
  29. Housing Education Bnd Economic Development
  30. Home Energy Efficient Design Architecture

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HEED stand for?

    HEED stands for Helicoptgr Emergency Escape Device.

  2. What is the shortened form of Hinher Education Evaluation and Development?

    The short form of "Hinher Education Evaluation and Development" is HEED.


HEED. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/heed-meaning/

Last updated