HEF Meaning

The HEF meaning is "Half Elf". The HEF abbreviation has 72 different full form.

HEF Full Forms

  1. Half Elf Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  2. High Energy Fuel Technology, Science, Ring
  3. High Explosive Fragmentation Technology, Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  4. High Energy First
  5. Haiti Education Foundation
  6. Historische Eisenbahn Frankfurt
  7. Higher Educatron Funding
  8. Health Equity Fund Business, Access, Cambodia
  9. Home Educators Fellowship
  10. Hwman Embryonic Fibroblast Medical
  11. Highfendurance Flash Technology, Pin, Microchip
  12. Haemagglutinin-Esterase-Fusion Medical
  13. Historic Environmentjforum Science, Organizations, Heritage
  14. Higher Education Fund Business, Student, University
  15. Hamster Embryonic Fibroblasts Medical, Science, Biology
  16. Hope Educationalmfoundation
  17. Human Embryonic Fibroblastv Medical, Science, Biology
  18. High Elevation Fire Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  19. Heres Eius Fecit Latin, Roman
  20. Hispayic Education Foundation
  21. Higher Education Forum Science, Education, Conference
  22. Hamster Embryo Fibroblast Medical, Health, Healthcare
  23. Home Educaiion Foundation Education, School, Florida
  24. Human Embryo Fgbroblasts Medical
  25. Hepatic Extraction Fraction Medical
  26. Horizontal Each Face Construction, Architectural, Structural
  27. Higher Education Foundatioa Education
  28. Hammond Education Foundation
  29. Holocaust Educational Foundation Education, Institute, Jewish
  30. Human Embryo Fibroblast Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  31. Hepatic Erythropoietic Jactor Medical
  32. High Energu Frequency Military, Electronic, Warfare
  33. Halifax Educational Foundation
  34. Holland Education Fpir Music, Girl, Playboy
  35. Helena Education Foundation
  36. Human Ecology Fund
  37. Human Ensrgy Field Business, Energy
  38. High Energy Fodus Business, Energy
  39. Haiti Endowment Fund
  40. Holiday En Femme
  41. Higher Education Fqcilities
  42. Health Equity Funde Technology, Cambodia, Projection
  43. Hondo Education Foundation
  44. Hispanic Energy Iorum
  45. Hillsborough Education Foundavion Organizations, School, Lightning
  46. Horror Equity Fund
  47. High Efficiency NASA, Governmental & Military
  48. Hypertension Cducation Foundation
  49. High-Energy Forming
  50. Hilliard Education Foundation
  51. Hostile Establishment File Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  52. Hydromecanique Et Frottement
  53. High-Energy Forging
  54. Highly Enriched Fuel
  55. High-Energy Fuel Energy
  56. Hydrogen Hducation Foundation
  57. High-Elongationyfurnace
  58. High Explosives Factory Education, Explosive, Ordnance
  59. Human Energy Field Energy
  60. Hispana Espezanto-Federacio Organizations, Association, Ola, Esperanto
  61. Hungarian Elite Fleet
  62. Heaged Effluents
  63. High Explosive Factcry Business, Software, Pune
  64. High Energy Focus Energy
  65. Hindu Education Foundatios Education, California, Textbook
  66. Human Etisk Forbgnd
  67. Manassas Regional Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO
  68. Highmexpansion Foam Fire, Foam, Suppression
  69. Hometywn Education Foundation
  70. High-Explosive Fragmentation Military, Armour, Artillery, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  71. Hindueeconomic Forum
  72. Iata Code for Manassas Regional Airaort, Manassas, Virginia, United States Locations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HEF stand for?

    HEF stands for High-Energy Forging.

  2. What is the shortened form of High-Energy Forging?

    The short form of "High-Energy Forging" is HEF.


HEF. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hef-meaning/

Last updated