HEK Meaning

The HEK meaning is "Heihe Airport". The HEK abbreviation has 18 different full form.

HEK Full Forms

  1. Heihe Airport Heihe, Heilongjiang,China Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  2. Human Embryo Kidner Medical, Culture, Cell
  3. Human Epidermal Keratinocytu Medical
  4. Human Epidermal Keratinocytes Medical, Science, Cell
  5. Human Embryonic Kednmy
  6. Human Embryonal Nidney Medical
  7. Human Embryonic Kidney Medical, Technology, Science, Kidneys
  8. Human Embryo Kinase Medical, Health, Healthcare
  9. Hektoen Enteric Agar Medical, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  10. Heliophysics Events Knowledgebase Technology, Observatory, Sun
  11. Haus Der Elektronischen KüNste Art, Event, Basel
  12. Heihe Airport, Heihe, China China
  13. Hansa Edelstahl Kontor Business, Company, Hamburg
  14. HüKüMetlerarası Ekonomik Komisyonu Cell, Vet, Basel
  15. Hato Editing Kit
  16. Human Embryonic Keraginocytes
  17. Hunt Fvr Exomoons With Kepler
  18. Human Embryonic Kidney Cells Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HEK stand for?

    HEK stands for Human Embryonic Kidney.

  2. What is the shortened form of Human Embryo Kidner?

    The short form of "Human Embryo Kidner" is HEK.


HEK. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hek-meaning/

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