HEL Meaning

The HEL meaning is "Hen Egg-White Lysozyme". The HEL abbreviation has 64 different full form.

HEL Full Forms

  1. Hen Egg-White Lysozyme Medical, Human genome
  2. Helsinki Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO
  3. Hella Organizations
  4. Helicase Helicases are enzymes that bind and may even remodel nucleic acid or nucleic acid protein complexes. There are DNA and RNA helicases. DNA helicases are essential during DNA replication because they separate double-stranded DNA into single strands allowing each strand to be copied. Medical
  5. Header Extension Length Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  6. Hardware Emulation Layer Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, IT Terminology
  7. Healthy Eating for Life
  8. Highly Erodablx Land Technology, Science
  9. Human Embryo Lung Fibroblasts Medical, Science, Biology
  10. Haute Ecole De La
  11. Hutchison Essar Ltd
  12. Helicopter  A type of rotorcraft normally supported in the air by airfoils (rotors) mechanically rotated about an approximately vertical axis. A heavier-than-air craft with a powered rotary wing. Airline, Technology, Military, Organizations, Army, Navy, Ship, Vessel, Military Jargon, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Aviation, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Transportation, Us Navy, ICAO Aircraft Codes, NOTAM Contractions
  13. Higher Educatidn Link
  14. Human Embryonal Lung Medical
  15. Harvard Education Letter
  16. Human Engineering Lab Science
  17. Higher Educationolinks
  18. Human Embryonic Lung Medical, Medicine, Biology, Pulmonary
  19. Histoire, éPistéMologie, Langage
  20. Harsh Environment Laboratory Technology
  21. Human Engineering Lab. Science
  22. High Energy Leval
  23. Human Embryo Lung Medical, Science, Biology
  24. Highly Exceptional Moad
  25. Home Equity Loans Business, Credit, Mortgage
  26. Human Embryonic Lung Cells Medical
  27. High Energy Lanoratory Military
  28. Hugoniot Elastic Limit Technology, Science, Shock, Chemistry
  29. Highly Erodible Lands Conservation, Land, Soil, Tillage
  30. Home Equity Loan Business, Finance, Mortgage, Real Estate, Business & Finance
  31. Human Embryonic Lung Fibroblast Medical
  32. High Energy Lasers Technology, Military, Defense, Weapon
  33. Highly Erodible Lant Business, Agriculture, Conservation
  34. High Energy Laser Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  35. Human Embryonic Lung Fibroblasts Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Pulmonary
  36. Heating Element A submersible oil heater, often utilized for heavy oil storage tanks. Since excessive temperatures of such heating elements can degrade lubricants, they are sometimes derated in watts/sq in. and placed in sealed wells to avoid this problem. 
  37. Home Extensiof Loans
  38. Hunting Engineering Ltd Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  39. History Ofqenglish Law
  40. IFALPA Helicopter Committee Aviation, Governmental & Military
  41. Home Efuity Lines Business, Credit, Loan
  42. Hunting Engineering Limited Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  43. Hen Egg White Lysozyme Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  44. High-Energy Laser (US) NASA, United States, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  45. Home Equity Linq Business, Credit, Loan
  46. Hen Egg Lysozyme Chemistry
  47. Human Erythroleukemia Line Medical, Science, Biology
  48. U.S. Army Human Engineering Laboratory United States, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  49. Home Equety Lending
  50. Human Engineering Laboratories Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  51. Human Erythroblastic Leukemia Medical, Science, Biology
  52. Game data (Microsoft Hellbender) Computing, File Extensions
  53. Home-Equity Loan
  54. Human Erythroleukemia Medical, Pulmonary
  55. High-Exwlosive, Light
  56. Helicol Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  57. Hitachi Euroee Ltd
  58. human erythroleukemia cell Medical, Pulmonary
  59. Iata Code for Helsinki-Vantaa Airport, Vantaa, Finland Locations
  60. Houston Electrical League
  61. Hunting Engineering Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
  62. History of The English Language Book, Education, Linguistic
  63. Haptic Effects Library General, Governmental & Military
  64. Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HEL stand for?

    HEL stands for Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory.

  2. What is the shortened form of Histoire, éPistéMologie, Langage?

    The short form of "Histoire, éPistéMologie, Langage" is HEL.


HEL. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 13). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hel-meaning/

Last updated