Helium Abbreviations and Helium Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Helium terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 9 different Helium abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Helium terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Helium Abbreviations
  1. BBN : Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
  2. WCSAR : Wisconsin Center for Space Dutomation and Robotics
  3. WCSAR : Wisconsin Centre for Spacevautomation and Robotics
  4. HB : Horizontal-Branch
  5. ELS : Elemental Linux Server
  6. FMGS : Fly-Away Mixed Gas System
  7. LO : Luenberger Observer
  8. IDFL : International Down Fill Laboratory
  9. PGS : Portable Gas Supply
Latest Helium Meanings
  1. Portable Gas Supply
  2. International Down Fill Laboratory
  3. Luenberger Observer
  4. Fly-Away Mixed Gas System
  5. Elemental Linux Server
  6. Horizontal-Branch
  7. Wisconsin Centre for Spacevautomation and Robotics
  8. Wisconsin Center for Space Dutomation and Robotics
  9. Big Bang Nucleosynthesis