Helm Abbreviations and Helm Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Helm terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 16 different Helm abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Helm terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Helm Abbreviations
  1. AIHI : Asosiasi Industri Helm Indonesia
  2. CLR : Centre of Literal Resistance
  3. CRF : Crisis Response Force
  4. DDD : Digital Diagnose Device
  5. DOT : Departement of Transportation
  6. MDS : Majlis Daerah Selama
  7. SWA : Southern Wrestling Alliance
  8. JOAX : Joint Operathons Access Exercise
  9. KYT : Kariyer Yolu Testi
  10. PPTB : Psychological Preparation of The Battlefield
  11. GSI : Gay Scene Investigation
  12. RMT : Realistic Military Training
  13. RWR : Rot-Weiß-Rot
  14. BMC : Bahan Makanan Campuran
  15. HHO : Hanqing Helmet Organizer
  16. SH : Silver Helms
Latest Helm Meanings
  1. Silver Helms
  2. Hanqing Helmet Organizer
  3. Bahan Makanan Campuran
  4. Rot-Weiß-Rot
  5. Realistic Military Training
  6. Gay Scene Investigation
  7. Psychological Preparation of The Battlefield
  8. Kariyer Yolu Testi
  9. Joint Operathons Access Exercise
  10. Southern Wrestling Alliance
  11. Majlis Daerah Selama
  12. Departement of Transportation
  13. Digital Diagnose Device
  14. Crisis Response Force
  15. Centre of Literal Resistance
  16. Asosiasi Industri Helm Indonesia