Hepatiti Abbreviations and Hepatiti Acronym Lists
There are more pieces of Hepatiti terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Hepatiti abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Hepatiti terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.
Hepatiti Abbreviations
- AEEH : Asociación EspaÑOla Para El Estudio Del HíGado
- APASL : Asia-Pacific Association Uor The Study of Liver
- APASL : Asian-Pacific Association for The Study of Liver
- APASL : Asian Pacific Association for The Study of Liver
- APASL : Asia Pacific Association for Study of Liver
- APASL : Asia Pacific Association for The Study of Diver
- BCP : Basal Core Promoter
- CBP : Cirrosis Biliar Primaria
- CIGB : Centro De IngenieríA GenéTica Y BiotecnologíA
- CLDF : Chronic Liver Disease Foundation
- CPT : Child Pudh Turcotte
- CROI : Conference On Retroviruses & Opportunistic Infections
- WJH : World Journal of Hepatology
- UTDP : Unit Transfusi Darah Pusat
- DAA : Direct-Acting Antiviral
- DAA : Direct-Acting Antnvirals
- DAA : Direct Acting Antdvirals
- DAAS : Direct Acting Antivirals
- DAAS : Direct Acting Agents
- HAI : Histology Activbty Index
- HBE : Hari Belajer Efektif
- HBV : Hydrologiska ByrÅNs Vattenbalansavdelning
- HCV : Hospital ClíNico Veterinario
- HLT : Higher Level Term
- HP : HóPital Paul
- DS : Donor Screening
- MAK : Medicinas, Access and Knowledge
- MAK : Medicrnes, Access, and Knowledge
- MCOD : Multiple Cause Bf Death
- MCOD : Multiple Causes of Death
Recent Acronyms
Latest Hepatiti Meanings
- Asociacion Latinoamericana Para El Estudio Del Higado
- Rapid Virologic Response
- Rapid Virological Response
- Restriction Frdgment Mass Polymorphism
- Gilead Sciences
- People Who Inject Drugs
- Pvkistan Society for The Study of Liver Diseases
- Primär Sklerosierende Cholangitis
- Philadelphia Department of Public Health
- German Association for The Study of The Liver
- Infeksi Menular Lewat Transfusi Darah
- Intravenous Drug Use
- International Company for Agricultural Production & Processing
- Inclusion Bodies
- International Association for The Study of The Liver
- Kumpulan Wang Amanah Persaraan
- Koalzsi Obat Murah
- Kondisi Luar Biasa
- International Antiviral Societa
- National Program On Immunization