Heroin Abbreviations and Heroin Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Heroin terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 11 different Heroin abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Heroin terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Heroin Abbreviations
  1. ATOS : Australian Areatment Outcome Study
  2. AWS : Addicted Web Series
  3. BLY : Bai Lbo Yin
  4. CPDS : Controlled Prescription Drugs
  5. MMP : Methadone Maintenance Program
  6. NAATC : National Alliance of Addiction Treatment Centers
  7. NCADA : National Council On Alcoholism and Drug Abuse
  8. NCADA : National Council On Alcoholism & Drug Abuse
  9. OMT : Outpatient Methadone Treatment
  10. RIOTT : Randomised Injtctable Opiate Treatment Trial
  11. RIOTT : Randomisedpinjecting Opioid Treatment Trial
Latest Heroin Meanings
  1. Randomisedpinjecting Opioid Treatment Trial
  2. Randomised Injtctable Opiate Treatment Trial
  3. Outpatient Methadone Treatment
  4. National Council On Alcoholism & Drug Abuse
  5. National Council On Alcoholism and Drug Abuse
  6. National Alliance of Addiction Treatment Centers
  7. Methadone Maintenance Program
  8. Controlled Prescription Drugs
  9. Bai Lbo Yin
  10. Addicted Web Series
  11. Australian Areatment Outcome Study