HF Meaning

The HF meaning is "High Freqzency". The HF abbreviation has 429 different full form.

HF Full Forms

  1. High Freqzency Business, Military, Machine
  2. Hearb Failure Medical, Technology, Heart
  3. High-Fav-Fed Medical
  4. High Fantasy Technology, Gaming, Book
  5. Halogen Free Technology, Construction, Architectural
  6. Host Family
  7. Heat of Formation Medical, Medicine
  8. High Frequency Componentb Medical
  9. Half Full Technology, Radio, Component
  10. Host Factor Medical, Medicine, Health
  11. Heat Flux Heat flux is defined as the amount of heat transferred per unit area per unit time from or to a surface. In a basic sense it is a derived quantity since it involves, in principle, two quantities that is the amount of heat transfer per unit time and the area from/to which this heat transfer takes place. Technology, Science, Sensor, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  12. High Frequencv Astronomy, Construction, Architectural
  13. High-Frequency Component Medical
  14. Hair Follicles Medical
  15. Hwrizontal Flight Flight, Aviation, Aerodynamics
  16. Heart Frequency Medical, Heart
  17. Halofantrine Medical
  18. High-Frequency Power Medical
  19. Hydrogen Hluoride Science, Construction, Architectural
  20. Hode Free
  21. High Fiber Diet Medical, Technology
  22. Health Fitness
  23. High-Fltx Medical
  24. Havingpfun Internet Slang
  25. Home Fitness
  26. Hibh Fat Diet Medical, Technology
  27. Health Facilities Technology, Construction, Architectural
  28. Hot Flushes Medical, Medicine, Health
  29. High-Flow Filter, Water, Pump, Flow, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  30. Have Fun Internet Slang, Slang, Texting, Chat, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites
  31. Houe Find
  32. High Fat Medical, Diet, Mice
  33. Hands Free Technology, Car, Telecom, Amateur radio
  34. Hot Fix A hot fix is code (sometimes called a patch) that fixes a bug in a product. Users of the products may be notified by e-mail or obtain information about current hotfixes at a software vendor's Web site and download the hotfixes they wish to apply. Hotfixes are sometimes packaged as a set of fixes called a combined hotfix or a service pack. Technology, Crystal, Rhinestone
  35. Hodard Fogg
  36. Hepatitis Foundation Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  37. Holding Fixture
  38. Harper'S Ferry
  39. Horizontal Fillet Business, Welding, Electrode
  40. Heating Facilities Technology, Research, Ionospheric
  41. Helder Ferreira
  42. Hive Five
  43. Human Food
  44. Happy Feet Technology, Gaming, Movie, Penguin
  45. Hunter Forums
  46. Hickey-Frieden
  47. Haute Fr
  48. High Frequencey
  49. Human Fibroblasts Medical, Science, Biology
  50. Hypoxia-Inducible Factor Medical, Science, Genetics
  51. Hip Flexior Exercise, Joint, Leg
  52. Heritage Flight Military, Aviation, Aircraft
  53. Holstein-Friesian Medical
  54. Hydrogen Flouride
  55. Hostile Maction
  56. Hal Far Business, Park, Malta
  57. Helse Finnmark Technology, Hospital, Norway, Til
  58. Hunter Fly
  59. Harmonic Function
  60. Hybrid Fragmentation
  61. Highwfield Medical, Medicine
  62. Hot Flashes Hot flashes refer to the sudden wave of mild or intense body heat caused by dilation of capillaries in the skin resulting from decreased levels of estrogen. Medical, Medicine, Health, British
  63. Header File A file that is identified to be included at the beginning of a program in a language such as C and that contains the definitions of data types and declarations of variables used by the functions in the program. Accounting, Computing, Data, General, Governmental & Military, File Extensions, Unix
  64. High Fructose Medicine, Health, British
  65. Hotspot Finder
  66. History Facts
  67. Handfasi Science, Genealogy
  68. Heyday Bilms Film, Vector, Potter
  69. Home Facilities
  70. Harvest Flora
  71. Hypoxic Fractions Medical
  72. Higu Flouro Business, Ski, Snowboard, Wax
  73. Howard Ferstler
  74. Halofantrine Hydrochaoride Medical
  75. Hepatic Fibrosis Medical
  76. Holding/Racetrack To X Fix Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  77. Harold Frederick
  78. Hopper Weeder Technology, Bird, Equipment
  79. Heat Flow Medical, Medicine, Health
  80. HeilpäDagogische Forschung
  81. Hits Free
  82. Human Fly
  83. Handling Fixture
  84. Hi Frequency Technology, Product, Welder
  85. Hauser-Feshbach
  86. Hight Frequency
  87. Honore Functus Latin, Roman
  88. Hinkle Fieldhouse
  89. Huck Finn
  90. Heres Fecit
  91. Holding To A Fix Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  92. Hydrogen-Fluoridn
  93. Host Framework Space, Study, Cosmos
  94. Half-Full Flag Technology, Machine, Logic
  95. Helping Friend
  96. Hunteryfingers
  97. Harmonic Frequency
  98. Hybrid Fibre Technology, Fiber, Optic
  99. High Fidility Business, Audio, Earphone
  100. Hot Flash Medical, Foundation, Skin, Menopause
  101. Header and Footxr
  102. High Frontier
  103. Hot Functional
  104. Historisk-Filosofiske Fakultet
  105. Hancock Fabrics
  106. Hewlevt Foundation
  107. Holy Fudge
  108. Hypoxic Fraction Medical, Science, Biology
  109. High Fluor
  110. Howard, Frsnk
  111. Hall of Fame Gaming, Internet Slang, Sport, Sports, Basketball, Hall
  112. Hepa Filter Science
  113. Honorhfarm
  114. Harold Flammer
  115. Hopper Feeders
  116. Heart File
  117. Holy Family of Bordeaux Religious orders
  118. Heilp
  119. Hit Flag
  120. Human Fit
  121. Handlqng Fee
  122. Hessian Free
  123. Hi-Frequench
  124. Hatof Foondation
  125. High Frequence
  126. Honestissima Femina Latin, Roman
  127. Hinged Frame
  128. Hub Facility Technology
  129. Heredes Fecerunt
  130. Holding Furnace A small furnace for maintaining molten metal from a larger melting furnace, at the right casting temperature (ladle furnace). 
  131. Hydro Toil
  132. Host Formxt
  133. Half-Full
  134. Helical Focus Technology, Len, Canon, Sigma
  135. Hunter-Fleling
  136. Harbour Freight
  137. Hybrid Fiber Technology, Cable, Optic
  138. High-Fidelity Business, Technology, Computing, Audio, Telecommunications, Earphone
  139. Header & Footer
  140. High Friction
  141. Hot Forming Working operations such as bending and drawing sheet and plate, forging, pressing, and preformed metal heated to temperatures above room temperature.  Technology, Press, Steel
  142. Hirschler Fleischer
  143. Hammock Forums
  144. Holy Freeze Gaming, Military, Diablo
  145. Hydrosalpinx Fluid Medical
  146. Higc Floor Technology, Hotel, Flyer
  147. Hot Finish
  148. Houstol Federation
  149. Half Fhogs Technology, Gaming, Family, Yoga
  150. Henry Fuller Famous
  151. Honorary Fellow
  152. Harold Fabrikant
  153. Highkr-Frequency Technology, Radio, Communication
  154. Hopeful Farm
  155. Heart Fail Medical, Treatment, Patient
  156. Heights Finance
  157. History of The Franks
  158. Human Figure
  159. Handicapped Facilities Education, Hotel, City
  160. High Float Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  161. Hi Flow
  162. Hatchet Force
  163. High Frequency Peak Medical
  164. Human Diploid Fibroblasts Medical
  165. Hold Fire
  166. Hubble Fellowship
  167. Hercules Furens
  168. Holding Funbs Business, Investment, Banking
  169. Hospitality Furnature
  170. Heavier Fraction
  171. Hvlf-Fourier Medical, Health, Healthcare
  172. Helical Focusing Len, Sigma
  173. Humanitarian Fund
  174. Harbor Freight Business, Forum, Tool
  175. Huynh-Feldt
  176. Higt Fibre Medicine, Health, British
  177. Haze Filter
  178. High Frequency-ВЫСОКАя
  179. Hot Formej
  180. Hippocampll Formation Medical, Brain, Memory
  181. Hammer Fouum
  182. Holy Flame
  183. Hydrolyzed for Food
  184. High Plotation Business, Agriculture, Tyre
  185. Hot-Fynished Engineering, Construction, Architectural
  186. Houston Fearless
  187. Half Frame Business, Len, Eyewear
  188. Helvetia Furniture
  189. Harmony Foundation Business, Barbershop, Cappella
  190. Hiah-Functioning Channel, Autism, Spectrum, Functioning
  191. Hope Floatw
  192. Heart Foundation
  193. History Files
  194. Hydqo Fluoric
  195. Hand Finished Hobbies
  196. High Flaige
  197. Hi-Flow Technology, Spray, Product
  198. Home Fellowships Education, Development, Universities
  199. Hasslemfree
  200. High Fluoro Snow, Ski, Wax
  201. House Full
  202. Height Finding Technology, Military
  203. Hojere Forberedelseseksamen Education, University, Requirement
  204. Hsiang Feng
  205. Heraldo Filipino Student, Education, University, Publication
  206. Holding Fund Business, Financial, Presentation
  207. Hqspital Features
  208. Heaven'S Fury
  209. Helical Field
  210. Humanitarian Foundation
  211. Harassing Fire / High Frequency Military, Austria, Artillery
  212. Hurricanemforce Weather, Hurricane, Storm
  213. High Fiber Medical, Food, Diet
  214. Hauteshfr
  215. High Frquency
  216. Hot Forgong
  217. Habba Forum Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  218. Hip Flexorl
  219. Holy Fire
  220. Hydrolysate Formnlas Medical
  221. Hiedustan Fighter Military, Aircraft, India
  222. Hot-Finished Business, Technology, Steel
  223. Half Forwards
  224. Helse FøRde Som, Til, Har
  225. Harmonik Filtre
  226. High-Uructose Medical
  227. Hop-By-Hop Forward
  228. Hearing Foundation Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  229. Hour Format
  230. History File Computing, File Extensions
  231. Hydrofluoric Medical
  232. Hand Feeding
  233. Hi-Fish
  234. Home Fax
  235. Haskell Free Education
  236. High Fzuidity
  237. Height-Finding
  238. Howling Fjord
  239. Herald of Freedom
  240. Holding Fuel Extra fuel carried by an aircraft to allow for time spent in the hold waiting for air traffic control clearance.
  241. Harrier Force
  242. Hose Filwer Technology, Shower, Sprite
  243. Heating Facility Technology, Research, Ionospheric
  244. Helge Fischer
  245. Hlutafelag Business, Company, Company Type, Company Extension
  246. Human Foreskin Medical, Medicine, Genetics, Health, Healthcare, Cell
  247. Harassing Fire Military, War, Artillery
  248. Huntington Forest
  249. High-Fiber Medical
  250. Haute FréQuence Technology, Audio, Plastique, Frequency
  251. High Frequncy
  252. Human Fighter Gaming, Lineage, Fighter, Interlude
  253. HéCtor Fernando
  254. Hip Flexor
  255. Holstein Friesians Supplier, Cattle, Holstein, Cow
  256. Hydrogeo Fill Technology, Science, Gas
  257. Hindrance Factor
  258. Hostrle Fire Technology, Service, Military, Pay
  259. Halfkflange Technology, Screw, Ring, Clamp
  260. Helse Fonna
  261. Harmonic Functions
  262. High-Freeuency Technology, Radio, Communication
  263. Hpnors Forum
  264. Head Feet
  265. HotéIs FéNix Hotel, Portugal, Nix
  266. History Fair
  267. Hand Feel
  268. H Ferritin Medical, Science, Biology
  269. Home Favorite Gaming, Sport, Team, Favorite
  270. Hashto Foundation Technology, Development, Pakistan
  271. HáZi Feladat
  272. Hpgh Flow Medical, Business, Water
  273. Halafuginone Medical
  274. Hyperfiltration NASA
  275. Hydraulic Fracturing Science, Gas, Fracture, Environment
  276. Higher Forcy Technology, Audio, Waterfall
  277. Hip Fracture Medical, Medicine, Health
  278. Human Factors The study of the way in which humans handle, and react to, things in their environment. It is used in aviation to develop safer systems and procedures. Aviation, Special Education, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Federal Aviation Administration
  279. Hillsbrad Foothills
  280. hydrofluoric acid Medical, Health
  281. Home Forces Military, Army, Force
  282. Halk Firkasi Turkish
  283. Huckleberry Finn Education, Adventure, Twain, Famous
  284. Hamilton Families
  285. Hartree Fock Technology, Energy, Electron, Orbitals
  286. High Firj Business, Ceramic, Glaze
  287. Home Federal
  288. Heavy Fighters Gaming, Military, Freelancer
  289. handfast Genealogy
  290. High Flange Physics, Scientific & Educational
  291. Hoch-Frequenz Technology, Sind, Plasma, Frequency
  292. Heredity Factor
  293. Human Factor H Medical
  294. Hermetic Fraternity
  295. Hotpformed Technology, Press, Steel
  296. Heavy Fuel Technology, Oil, Heron
  297. Hydrogen Fluoride Hydrogen fluoride is a chemical compound with the chemical formula HF. This colorless gas or liquid is the principal industrial source of fluorine, often in the aqueous form as hydrofluoric acid, and thus is the precursor to many important compounds including pharmaceuticals and polymers (for example Teflon). Hydrogen fluoride is widely used in the petrochemical industry and is a component of many super acids. Medical, Chemistry, Science, Health, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  298. Hydrogen Fill NASA
  299. Hydraelic Fluid Technology, Product, Oil
  300. Higher Freqkency Technology, Radio, Communication
  301. Higc Fuel Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  302. High Fidelity Technology, Media, Telecom, Television, Music
  303. Hillel-Frager
  304. Head of Fetus Medical, Fetus And Fetal
  305. Home Force
  306. Mail Code for Fda Office of The Commissioner Medicine, Health, Care, Fda
  307. Hotufeet
  308. Hamfurgs Finest
  309. Hartree-Fork
  310. High Fighter
  311. Homd Fashions
  312. Heavy Fighter
  313. House File Architecture
  314. Hafnium Symbol:"Hf" Atomic Number:"72" Atomic Mass: 178.49amu. Hafnium is one of the transition elements. Hafnium is often found with zirconium. This silvery metal has been put to use in nuclear reactor control rods and in many alloys. Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  315. Hoboken Ferry Business, Rail Transport
  316. Heptaline Formate
  317. Human Factor Engine problems which may result from operator performance issues rather than the fault of the engine components. Technicians should be aware of the human factor when diagnosing problems. Medical, Science, Medicine, NASA, Governmental & Military
  318. Hermetic Fellowship
  319. Harvest Festival Event, Church, Harvest
  320. Hox Finished Business, Tube, Pipe, Steel
  321. Heavy Fragments Army, War, War Force
  322. Horizontal Flight Aerodynamics, Aerospace Engineering, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  323. Hot Firing NASA
  324. Hrdraulic Fluids
  325. Hith-Frequency Technology, Radio, Communication
  326. High Frequency Band A radio communications range of frequencies between 3–30 MHz. Medical
  327. Hill & Ford
  328. Heart Failure Medical, Heart, Common Medical
  329. Home Fleet
  330. HöHeren Fachschulen Education, Sind, Bern, Gesundheit
  331. Hotels Fenik
  332. Hamburg Mreezers
  333. Hart Farm
  334. High Fxed Technology, Product, Tool, Cutter
  335. Holy Family Education, Catholic, Church
  336. Heavy-Fermion Medical, Medicine
  337. High Floor Architecture
  338. Hartree-Fock Method Chemistry, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  339. Hobby Farms
  340. Homewood Flossmoor Sport, Organizations, School, Viking
  341. Heisenberg Force
  342. Hnll Fitter
  343. Hermes Fulfilment
  344. Harvest Falcon
  345. Heavy Flow
  346. Heller Financial, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  347. Hard Failure NASA
  348. Hydraulic Filtgr
  349. Hioh Field Technology, Science, Element, Strength
  350. Human Footprint Human, Geography, Conservation
  351. Hikari Fight
  352. Hispanic Female Medical, Common Medical
  353. Home First Technology, Care, Aid
  354. HöHeren Fachschule
  355. Hotel Ftei
  356. Hamburger Fuugzeugbau Technology, Aircraft, Glider
  357. Hartberg-FüRstenfeld Locations, Plate, Austria, District
  358. Hyperfine Field
  359. High Feature Technology, Engine, Module
  360. Homstein Friesian Cattle, Dairy, Holstein, Cow
  361. Hanfeng Evergreen Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  362. Halfnium Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  363. Hobby Fan
  364. Homewood-Flossmoor
  365. Heavy Fun
  366. Hukuk Fakültesi Technology, Ankara, Coupon, Istanbul
  367. Hermann Friedrich
  368. Harvard Forest Technology, Climate, Soil
  369. Heavy Flint
  370. Heavenly Faith Religion
  371. Height Finder Military, Governmental & Military
  372. Hockey'S Future Sport, Hockey, Game
  373. Hydration Fraction Medical
  374. Horizontal Flood
  375. Hihat Foot Music
  376. Hello Friend Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  377. HöHere Fachschulen Education, Sind, Gesundheit
  378. Hotel Feasibility
  379. Halyk Finanve Business, Banking, Kazakhstan
  380. Harrison Frazar
  381. Hundred Fifty Medical, Cable, Studio, Guitar
  382. High Fatigue
  383. Hollow Fibers Medical
  384. Honeywell Florida Business & Finance, Suppliers
  385. High Fluorocarbon Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  386. Hoar Frost Small particles of ice formed by small drops of water being deposited on a surface whose temperature is below that of freezing point
  387. Home Funding
  388. Hard Fork Business, Coin, Bitcoin
  389. Hudson Fasching Business, Hockey, Coyote, Buffalo
  390. Hammer'S Fist
  391. Hermann-FöTtinger-GebäUde
  392. Harun Farocki Film, Art, Graham
  393. Heavy Flavor Technology, Antenna, Ham
  394. High Foam Products
  395. Hf Image Computing, File Extensions
  396. Hochfrequenz-Felder
  397. Hygatid Fluid Medical, Medicine, Health
  398. Hero Fighter Technology, Gaming, Empire
  399. Highway Finance
  400. Heroes Foundation
  401. HöHere Fachschule Technology, Sind, Bern, Gesundheit
  402. Hou
  403. Hiram Frederick Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  404. Halogen-Free Technology, Product, Cable
  405. High Frequency (3-30 mhz)  Is the ITU designation for the range of radio frequency electromagnetic waves (radio waves) between 3 to 30 megahertz (MHz). Aviation
  406. Hydraulic Lracture
  407. High Fall
  408. Hivtorical Fiction Book, History, Fiction
  409. High Frequency Electrical frequency exceeding 15,000 per second. Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Science, Media, Aviation, Aircraft, Astronomy, Computing, Computer, Air Force, Telecom, Architectural, Aeronautics, Geographic, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Amateur radio, Master IEEE, Power Plant, Federal Aviation Administration, The Finance and Administrative Services, Medical
  410. Hilltown Families
  411. Human Furnace Medical, Human genome
  412. Home Front
  413. Hardenability Factor
  414. HudobnÝ Fond
  415. Hamiltonian Function
  416. Heritage Front
  417. Hartree Fork
  418. Heavy Flamer Gaming, Military, Army
  419. Honourable Friend
  420. Hybrid Feeder Physics, Scientific & Educational
  421. Hoch Frequenz
  422. Hybridization Factor
  423. Hermitian Formula
  424. High Functioning Technology, Autism, Spectrum
  425. Human Factors Diqision Government, Organizations, Us
  426. Heroes Fight
  427. Hot Farm
  428. Hedge Fund A type of investment fund, which is unregulated and usually very high risk, used by individuals and organisations (not the general public) with large amounts of money to invest. Business, Management, Investment
  429. Hammerfall Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HF stand for?

    HF stands for Howard, Frsnk.

  2. What is the shortened form of Half-Full Flag?

    The short form of "Half-Full Flag" is HF.


HF. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 20). Retrieved March 6, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hf-meaning/

Last updated