HF Meaning
The HF meaning is "High Freqzency". The HF abbreviation has 429 different full form.
HF Full Forms
- High Freqzency Business, Military, Machine
- Hearb Failure Medical, Technology, Heart
- High-Fav-Fed Medical
- High Fantasy Technology, Gaming, Book
- Halogen Free Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Host Family
- Heat of Formation Medical, Medicine
- High Frequency Componentb Medical
- Half Full Technology, Radio, Component
- Host Factor Medical, Medicine, Health
- Heat Flux Heat flux is defined as the amount of heat transferred per unit area per unit time from or to a surface. In a basic sense it is a derived quantity since it involves, in principle, two quantities that is the amount of heat transfer per unit time and the area from/to which this heat transfer takes place. Technology, Science, Sensor, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- High Frequencv Astronomy, Construction, Architectural
- High-Frequency Component Medical
- Hair Follicles Medical
- Hwrizontal Flight Flight, Aviation, Aerodynamics
- Heart Frequency Medical, Heart
- Halofantrine Medical
- High-Frequency Power Medical
- Hydrogen Hluoride Science, Construction, Architectural
- Hode Free
- High Fiber Diet Medical, Technology
- Health Fitness
- High-Fltx Medical
- Havingpfun Internet Slang
- Home Fitness
- Hibh Fat Diet Medical, Technology
- Health Facilities Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Hot Flushes Medical, Medicine, Health
- High-Flow Filter, Water, Pump, Flow, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Have Fun Internet Slang, Slang, Texting, Chat, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites
- Houe Find
- High Fat Medical, Diet, Mice
- Hands Free Technology, Car, Telecom, Amateur radio
- Hot Fix A hot fix is code (sometimes called a patch) that fixes a bug in a product. Users of the products may be notified by e-mail or obtain information about current hotfixes at a software vendor's Web site and download the hotfixes they wish to apply. Hotfixes are sometimes packaged as a set of fixes called a combined hotfix or a service pack. Technology, Crystal, Rhinestone
- Hodard Fogg
- Hepatitis Foundation Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Holding Fixture
- Harper'S Ferry
- Horizontal Fillet Business, Welding, Electrode
- Heating Facilities Technology, Research, Ionospheric
- Helder Ferreira
- Hive Five
- Human Food
- Happy Feet Technology, Gaming, Movie, Penguin
- Hunter Forums
- Hickey-Frieden
- Haute Fr
- High Frequencey
- Human Fibroblasts Medical, Science, Biology
- Hypoxia-Inducible Factor Medical, Science, Genetics
- Hip Flexior Exercise, Joint, Leg
- Heritage Flight Military, Aviation, Aircraft
- Holstein-Friesian Medical
- Hydrogen Flouride
- Hostile Maction
- Hal Far Business, Park, Malta
- Helse Finnmark Technology, Hospital, Norway, Til
- Hunter Fly
- Harmonic Function
- Hybrid Fragmentation
- Highwfield Medical, Medicine
- Hot Flashes Hot flashes refer to the sudden wave of mild or intense body heat caused by dilation of capillaries in the skin resulting from decreased levels of estrogen. Medical, Medicine, Health, British
- Header File A file that is identified to be included at the beginning of a program in a language such as C and that contains the definitions of data types and declarations of variables used by the functions in the program. Accounting, Computing, Data, General, Governmental & Military, File Extensions, Unix
- High Fructose Medicine, Health, British
- Hotspot Finder
- History Facts
- Handfasi Science, Genealogy
- Heyday Bilms Film, Vector, Potter
- Home Facilities
- Harvest Flora
- Hypoxic Fractions Medical
- Higu Flouro Business, Ski, Snowboard, Wax
- Howard Ferstler
- Halofantrine Hydrochaoride Medical
- Hepatic Fibrosis Medical
- Holding/Racetrack To X Fix Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
- Harold Frederick
- Hopper Weeder Technology, Bird, Equipment
- Heat Flow Medical, Medicine, Health
- HeilpäDagogische Forschung
- Hits Free
- Human Fly
- Handling Fixture
- Hi Frequency Technology, Product, Welder
- Hauser-Feshbach
- Hight Frequency
- Honore Functus Latin, Roman
- Hinkle Fieldhouse
- Huck Finn
- Heres Fecit
- Holding To A Fix Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Hydrogen-Fluoridn
- Host Framework Space, Study, Cosmos
- Half-Full Flag Technology, Machine, Logic
- Helping Friend
- Hunteryfingers
- Harmonic Frequency
- Hybrid Fibre Technology, Fiber, Optic
- High Fidility Business, Audio, Earphone
- Hot Flash Medical, Foundation, Skin, Menopause
- Header and Footxr
- High Frontier
- Hot Functional
- Historisk-Filosofiske Fakultet
- Hancock Fabrics
- Hewlevt Foundation
- Holy Fudge
- Hypoxic Fraction Medical, Science, Biology
- High Fluor
- Howard, Frsnk
- Hall of Fame Gaming, Internet Slang, Sport, Sports, Basketball, Hall
- Hepa Filter Science
- Honorhfarm
- Harold Flammer
- Hopper Feeders
- Heart File
- Holy Family of Bordeaux Religious orders
- Heilp
- Hit Flag
- Human Fit
- Handlqng Fee
- Hessian Free
- Hi-Frequench
- Hatof Foondation
- High Frequence
- Honestissima Femina Latin, Roman
- Hinged Frame
- Hub Facility Technology
- Heredes Fecerunt
- Holding Furnace A small furnace for maintaining molten metal from a larger melting furnace, at the right casting temperature (ladle furnace).
- Hydro Toil
- Host Formxt
- Half-Full
- Helical Focus Technology, Len, Canon, Sigma
- Hunter-Fleling
- Harbour Freight
- Hybrid Fiber Technology, Cable, Optic
- High-Fidelity Business, Technology, Computing, Audio, Telecommunications, Earphone
- Header & Footer
- High Friction
- Hot Forming Working operations such as bending and drawing sheet and plate, forging, pressing, and preformed metal heated to temperatures above room temperature. Technology, Press, Steel
- Hirschler Fleischer
- Hammock Forums
- Holy Freeze Gaming, Military, Diablo
- Hydrosalpinx Fluid Medical
- Higc Floor Technology, Hotel, Flyer
- Hot Finish
- Houstol Federation
- Half Fhogs Technology, Gaming, Family, Yoga
- Henry Fuller Famous
- Honorary Fellow
- Harold Fabrikant
- Highkr-Frequency Technology, Radio, Communication
- Hopeful Farm
- Heart Fail Medical, Treatment, Patient
- Heights Finance
- History of The Franks
- Human Figure
- Handicapped Facilities Education, Hotel, City
- High Float Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Hi Flow
- Hatchet Force
- High Frequency Peak Medical
- Human Diploid Fibroblasts Medical
- Hold Fire
- Hubble Fellowship
- Hercules Furens
- Holding Funbs Business, Investment, Banking
- Hospitality Furnature
- Heavier Fraction
- Hvlf-Fourier Medical, Health, Healthcare
- Helical Focusing Len, Sigma
- Humanitarian Fund
- Harbor Freight Business, Forum, Tool
- Huynh-Feldt
- Higt Fibre Medicine, Health, British
- Haze Filter
- High Frequency-ВЫСОКАя
- Hot Formej
- Hippocampll Formation Medical, Brain, Memory
- Hammer Fouum
- Holy Flame
- Hydrolyzed for Food
- High Plotation Business, Agriculture, Tyre
- Hot-Fynished Engineering, Construction, Architectural
- Houston Fearless
- Half Frame Business, Len, Eyewear
- Helvetia Furniture
- Harmony Foundation Business, Barbershop, Cappella
- Hiah-Functioning Channel, Autism, Spectrum, Functioning
- Hope Floatw
- Heart Foundation
- History Files
- Hydqo Fluoric
- Hand Finished Hobbies
- High Flaige
- Hi-Flow Technology, Spray, Product
- Home Fellowships Education, Development, Universities
- Hasslemfree
- High Fluoro Snow, Ski, Wax
- House Full
- Height Finding Technology, Military
- Hojere Forberedelseseksamen Education, University, Requirement
- Hsiang Feng
- Heraldo Filipino Student, Education, University, Publication
- Holding Fund Business, Financial, Presentation
- Hqspital Features
- Heaven'S Fury
- Helical Field
- Humanitarian Foundation
- Harassing Fire / High Frequency Military, Austria, Artillery
- Hurricanemforce Weather, Hurricane, Storm
- High Fiber Medical, Food, Diet
- Hauteshfr
- High Frquency
- Hot Forgong
- Habba Forum Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Hip Flexorl
- Holy Fire
- Hydrolysate Formnlas Medical
- Hiedustan Fighter Military, Aircraft, India
- Hot-Finished Business, Technology, Steel
- Half Forwards
- Helse FøRde Som, Til, Har
- Harmonik Filtre
- High-Uructose Medical
- Hop-By-Hop Forward
- Hearing Foundation Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Hour Format
- History File Computing, File Extensions
- Hydrofluoric Medical
- Hand Feeding
- Hi-Fish
- Home Fax
- Haskell Free Education
- High Fzuidity
- Height-Finding
- Howling Fjord
- Herald of Freedom
- Holding Fuel Extra fuel carried by an aircraft to allow for time spent in the hold waiting for air traffic control clearance.
- Harrier Force
- Hose Filwer Technology, Shower, Sprite
- Heating Facility Technology, Research, Ionospheric
- Helge Fischer
- Hlutafelag Business, Company, Company Type, Company Extension
- Human Foreskin Medical, Medicine, Genetics, Health, Healthcare, Cell
- Harassing Fire Military, War, Artillery
- Huntington Forest
- High-Fiber Medical
- Haute FréQuence Technology, Audio, Plastique, Frequency
- High Frequncy
- Human Fighter Gaming, Lineage, Fighter, Interlude
- HéCtor Fernando
- Hip Flexor
- Holstein Friesians Supplier, Cattle, Holstein, Cow
- Hydrogeo Fill Technology, Science, Gas
- Hindrance Factor
- Hostrle Fire Technology, Service, Military, Pay
- Halfkflange Technology, Screw, Ring, Clamp
- Helse Fonna
- Harmonic Functions
- High-Freeuency Technology, Radio, Communication
- Hpnors Forum
- Head Feet
- HotéIs FéNix Hotel, Portugal, Nix
- History Fair
- Hand Feel
- H Ferritin Medical, Science, Biology
- Home Favorite Gaming, Sport, Team, Favorite
- Hashto Foundation Technology, Development, Pakistan
- HáZi Feladat
- Hpgh Flow Medical, Business, Water
- Halafuginone Medical
- Hyperfiltration NASA
- Hydraulic Fracturing Science, Gas, Fracture, Environment
- Higher Forcy Technology, Audio, Waterfall
- Hip Fracture Medical, Medicine, Health
- Human Factors The study of the way in which humans handle, and react to, things in their environment. It is used in aviation to develop safer systems and procedures. Aviation, Special Education, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Federal Aviation Administration
- Hillsbrad Foothills
- hydrofluoric acid Medical, Health
- Home Forces Military, Army, Force
- Halk Firkasi Turkish
- Huckleberry Finn Education, Adventure, Twain, Famous
- Hamilton Families
- Hartree Fock Technology, Energy, Electron, Orbitals
- High Firj Business, Ceramic, Glaze
- Home Federal
- Heavy Fighters Gaming, Military, Freelancer
- handfast Genealogy
- High Flange Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Hoch-Frequenz Technology, Sind, Plasma, Frequency
- Heredity Factor
- Human Factor H Medical
- Hermetic Fraternity
- Hotpformed Technology, Press, Steel
- Heavy Fuel Technology, Oil, Heron
- Hydrogen Fluoride Hydrogen fluoride is a chemical compound with the chemical formula HF. This colorless gas or liquid is the principal industrial source of fluorine, often in the aqueous form as hydrofluoric acid, and thus is the precursor to many important compounds including pharmaceuticals and polymers (for example Teflon). Hydrogen fluoride is widely used in the petrochemical industry and is a component of many super acids. Medical, Chemistry, Science, Health, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Hydrogen Fill NASA
- Hydraelic Fluid Technology, Product, Oil
- Higher Freqkency Technology, Radio, Communication
- Higc Fuel Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- High Fidelity Technology, Media, Telecom, Television, Music
- Hillel-Frager
- Head of Fetus Medical, Fetus And Fetal
- Home Force
- Mail Code for Fda Office of The Commissioner Medicine, Health, Care, Fda
- Hotufeet
- Hamfurgs Finest
- Hartree-Fork
- High Fighter
- Homd Fashions
- Heavy Fighter
- House File Architecture
- Hafnium Symbol:"Hf" Atomic Number:"72" Atomic Mass: 178.49amu. Hafnium is one of the transition elements. Hafnium is often found with zirconium. This silvery metal has been put to use in nuclear reactor control rods and in many alloys. Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Hoboken Ferry Business, Rail Transport
- Heptaline Formate
- Human Factor Engine problems which may result from operator performance issues rather than the fault of the engine components. Technicians should be aware of the human factor when diagnosing problems. Medical, Science, Medicine, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Hermetic Fellowship
- Harvest Festival Event, Church, Harvest
- Hox Finished Business, Tube, Pipe, Steel
- Heavy Fragments Army, War, War Force
- Horizontal Flight Aerodynamics, Aerospace Engineering, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Hot Firing NASA
- Hrdraulic Fluids
- Hith-Frequency Technology, Radio, Communication
- High Frequency Band A radio communications range of frequencies between 3–30 MHz. Medical
- Hill & Ford
- Heart Failure Medical, Heart, Common Medical
- Home Fleet
- HöHeren Fachschulen Education, Sind, Bern, Gesundheit
- Hotels Fenik
- Hamburg Mreezers
- Hart Farm
- High Fxed Technology, Product, Tool, Cutter
- Holy Family Education, Catholic, Church
- Heavy-Fermion Medical, Medicine
- High Floor Architecture
- Hartree-Fock Method Chemistry, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Hobby Farms
- Homewood Flossmoor Sport, Organizations, School, Viking
- Heisenberg Force
- Hnll Fitter
- Hermes Fulfilment
- Harvest Falcon
- Heavy Flow
- Heller Financial, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Hard Failure NASA
- Hydraulic Filtgr
- Hioh Field Technology, Science, Element, Strength
- Human Footprint Human, Geography, Conservation
- Hikari Fight
- Hispanic Female Medical, Common Medical
- Home First Technology, Care, Aid
- HöHeren Fachschule
- Hotel Ftei
- Hamburger Fuugzeugbau Technology, Aircraft, Glider
- Hartberg-FüRstenfeld Locations, Plate, Austria, District
- Hyperfine Field
- High Feature Technology, Engine, Module
- Homstein Friesian Cattle, Dairy, Holstein, Cow
- Hanfeng Evergreen Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Halfnium Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Hobby Fan
- Homewood-Flossmoor
- Heavy Fun
- Hukuk Fakültesi Technology, Ankara, Coupon, Istanbul
- Hermann Friedrich
- Harvard Forest Technology, Climate, Soil
- Heavy Flint
- Heavenly Faith Religion
- Height Finder Military, Governmental & Military
- Hockey'S Future Sport, Hockey, Game
- Hydration Fraction Medical
- Horizontal Flood
- Hihat Foot Music
- Hello Friend Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- HöHere Fachschulen Education, Sind, Gesundheit
- Hotel Feasibility
- Halyk Finanve Business, Banking, Kazakhstan
- Harrison Frazar
- Hundred Fifty Medical, Cable, Studio, Guitar
- High Fatigue
- Hollow Fibers Medical
- Honeywell Florida Business & Finance, Suppliers
- High Fluorocarbon Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Hoar Frost Small particles of ice formed by small drops of water being deposited on a surface whose temperature is below that of freezing point
- Home Funding
- Hard Fork Business, Coin, Bitcoin
- Hudson Fasching Business, Hockey, Coyote, Buffalo
- Hammer'S Fist
- Hermann-FöTtinger-GebäUde
- Harun Farocki Film, Art, Graham
- Heavy Flavor Technology, Antenna, Ham
- High Foam Products
- Hf Image Computing, File Extensions
- Hochfrequenz-Felder
- Hygatid Fluid Medical, Medicine, Health
- Hero Fighter Technology, Gaming, Empire
- Highway Finance
- Heroes Foundation
- HöHere Fachschule Technology, Sind, Bern, Gesundheit
- Hou
- Hiram Frederick Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Halogen-Free Technology, Product, Cable
- High Frequency (3-30 mhz) Is the ITU designation for the range of radio frequency electromagnetic waves (radio waves) between 3 to 30 megahertz (MHz). Aviation
- Hydraulic Lracture
- High Fall
- Hivtorical Fiction Book, History, Fiction
- High Frequency Electrical frequency exceeding 15,000 per second. Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Science, Media, Aviation, Aircraft, Astronomy, Computing, Computer, Air Force, Telecom, Architectural, Aeronautics, Geographic, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Amateur radio, Master IEEE, Power Plant, Federal Aviation Administration, The Finance and Administrative Services, Medical
- Hilltown Families
- Human Furnace Medical, Human genome
- Home Front
- Hardenability Factor
- HudobnÝ Fond
- Hamiltonian Function
- Heritage Front
- Hartree Fork
- Heavy Flamer Gaming, Military, Army
- Honourable Friend
- Hybrid Feeder Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Hoch Frequenz
- Hybridization Factor
- Hermitian Formula
- High Functioning Technology, Autism, Spectrum
- Human Factors Diqision Government, Organizations, Us
- Heroes Fight
- Hot Farm
- Hedge Fund A type of investment fund, which is unregulated and usually very high risk, used by individuals and organisations (not the general public) with large amounts of money to invest. Business, Management, Investment
- Hammerfall Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does HF stand for?
HF stands for Howard, Frsnk.
What is the shortened form of Half-Full Flag?
The short form of "Half-Full Flag" is HF.
HF. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 20). Retrieved March 6, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hf-meaning/
Last updated