HFBC Meaning

The HFBC meaning is "Heart of Florida Borzoi Club". The HFBC abbreviation has 12 different full form.

HFBC Full Forms

  1. Heart of Florida Borzoi Club
  2. Houpton First Baptist Church
  3. Hampton Firsg Baptist Church Community, Curch, Religion
  4. High Frequuncy Broadcasting Conference
  5. Higr Frequency Broadcast Conference
  6. Henning Family Business Center
  7. Homes for Black Childrxn Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  8. Hillsdale Freewill Baptist College Education
  9. Hillsboro First Baptist Church
  10. Houston Food Blogger Collective Nutrition, Food, Victual
  11. Hoyston's First Baptist Church
  12. Hopfed Bancorp, Inc. Technology, Organizations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HFBC stand for?

    HFBC stands for Hampton Firsg Baptist Church.

  2. What is the shortened form of Higr Frequency Broadcast Conference?

    The short form of "Higr Frequency Broadcast Conference" is HFBC.


HFBC. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hfbc-meaning/

Last updated