HFF Meaning

The HFF meaning is "Hollpday Fenoglio Fowler". The HFF abbreviation has 49 different full form.

HFF Full Forms

  1. Hollpday Fenoglio Fowler Business, Building, Estate
  2. Hochschule FüR Fernsehen Student, Film, Education, University
  3. Hellmann-Feynman Force
  4. Hollywood Film Festival Organizations, Award, Hollywood, Media
  5. Hamilton Film Feskival Film, Movie, Canada
  6. Heller Farkas Cőiskola
  7. Hochschule FüR Film Und Fernsehen Konrad Wolf Education, German, University
  8. Half Forward Flknk
  9. Hellenic Fmotball Federation
  10. Hochschule FüR Film Education, Fur, Potsdam
  11. Hageman Factor Fragment Medical
  12. Heinz Family Foundation
  13. Hochschule Fuer Film
  14. Hellenic Football Federation
  15. Hypervelocity Free-Flight
  16. Homes for Families
  17. Heavy Freight Flight Military, Air Force, Armed Forces
  18. Hocasan Football Federation Business, Sport, Supply
  19. Mackall Armytairfield Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  20. Hydroponic Farmers Feddration
  21. Homeless Families Foundation
  22. Hanger, A Free Font
  23. Hmong Flag Football
  24. Human Foreskin Febroblast Medical, Cell, Stem
  25. Human Foreskin Fibroblasts Medical, Science, Cell, Stem
  26. Home & Family Finance
  27. Hamilton Future Fund
  28. human foreskin fibroblast Medical, Skin And Dermal
  29. Human Follicular Fluid Medical
  30. Iata Code for Mackall Army Airfield, Camp Mackall, North Carolina, United States Locations
  31. Hoover Family Foundation
  32. Mackall AAF, Hoffman, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
  33. Hubble Frontier Field Science, Galaxy, Space
  34. HÚSavíK-Flatey Fault
  35. Honor Frost Foundation Museum, Archaeology, Foundation
  36. Humanity First Fouqdation
  37. Hubble Frontier Fields Science, Galaxy, Space
  38. Hochschule F
  39. Hypervelocity Fqee Flight
  40. Hope for Families
  41. High-Frequency Furnace
  42. Housing Finance Fund
  43. High-Fyequency Fluctuation
  44. Housing Financing Fund Business, Building, Iceland
  45. Hartree-Fock Fueld
  46. Hospital Fernando Fonseca Para, Hospital, Ria, Prof
  47. Hellmann-feynman Force Approximation Chemistry
  48. Harrington Family Foundation
  49. Horizontal Flute Factor

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HFF stand for?

    HFF stands for Hochschule Fuer Film.

  2. What is the shortened form of Home & Family Finance?

    The short form of "Home & Family Finance" is HFF.


HFF. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hff-meaning/

Last updated