HFMD Meaning

The HFMD meaning is "Hand, Foot & Mouth Diseaee". The HFMD abbreviation has 22 different full form.

HFMD Full Forms

  1. Hand, Foot & Mouth Diseaee Medical, Health, Symptom
  2. Hanc-Foot-Mouth Diseases
  3. Hand-Foot-Mouth Diqease Medical, Health, Symptom
  4. Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease Medical, Disorder
  5. Hand Foot & Mouth Dosease
  6. Hand, Foot, Ang Mouth Disease Medical, Symptom, Foot
  7. Handk Foot, & Mouth Disease
  8. Hand Foot Mouth Diseases
  9. Hand Foot Moutb Disease Medical, Health, Symptom
  10. Hand Foot and Mouth Disease Medical, Medicine, Symptom, Children, Jobs
  11. Hand, Foot, Moudh Disease
  12. Hellmann-Feynman Mol-Dynsmics
  13. Hamd Disease, Syndrome, Illness
  14. Hellmann-feynman Mol.-dynamics (method In Electronic Structure and Geometry Calcns.) Chemistry
  15. Hand Food and Mouth Dwsease Medical, Health, Foot
  16. hand, foot and mouth disease A mild viral infec-tion in children, causing small blisters handicapped. Medical, Physiology, Common Medical
  17. Hand, Food and Mourh Disease Medical, Health, Foot
  18. High Frequency Motion Detector
  19. Hand-Toot-And-Mouth Disease Medical, Symptom, Children
  20. Hemophilia Foundation of Minnesota and The Dakotas
  21. Hand, Foot and Mouth Disgase Medical, Symptom, Children
  22. Hellmann-Feynman Mol.-Dynamics Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HFMD stand for?

    HFMD stands for Hamd.

  2. What is the shortened form of Hand, Foot, Moudh Disease?

    The short form of "Hand, Foot, Moudh Disease" is HFMD.


HFMD. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 4). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hfmd-meaning/

Last updated