HFV Meaning

The HFV meaning is "Hessischer FußBall-Verband". The HFV abbreviation has 25 different full form.

HFV Full Forms

  1. Hessischer FußBall-Verband Sport, Association, Football
  2. Haemophilia Foundation Victoria
  3. High Frequency Ventilator
  4. Hessischer Fu
  5. High Frequency Ventilation Medical, Lung, Pressure
  6. Hessischer Fussball Verband
  7. High-Frequency Ventilation Medical, Respiratory, Pressure
  8. Hessischen FußBall-Verbandes
  9. Hamburger Fussball Verband Sport, German, Football, Hamburger
  10. Hope for Vision
  11. Hessischen FußBall-Verband
  12. Hamburger Fu
  13. Hochschule FüR Verkehrswesen
  14. Hessische FußBall-Verband
  15. Hall Da Fama & Vergonha
  16. Hippocampal Formation Volume Medical, Technology
  17. Human Fv Medical
  18. Hochschule F
  19. Human Fufismae Virus
  20. Human Foamy Virus Medical, Medicine, Biology
  21. Hfs Disk Image Computing, File Extensions
  22. Human Foamy Retrovirus Medical
  23. Mail Code for Cvm Medicine, Health, Care, Fda
  24. HöHere Fachschule Versicherung Business, Food, Hosting, Tourism
  25. Hypothetical Future Value Business, Accounting, Room, Guy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HFV stand for?

    HFV stands for Mail Code for Cvm.

  2. What is the shortened form of Mail Code for Cvm?

    The short form of "Mail Code for Cvm" is HFV.


HFV. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hfv-meaning/

Last updated