HGE Meaning

The HGE meaning is "Haemorrhagic Gastroenteritis". The HGE abbreviation has 27 different full form.

HGE Full Forms

  1. Haemorrhagic Gastroenteritis Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
  2. Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
  3. Haemorrhagic Gastro-Enteritis Medical, Veterinary, Animals
  4. Human Genetic Engineering Science, Social, Debate
  5. Haaf'S Game Engine Technology, Development, Programming
  6. Hughes Glomar-Explorer
  7. Heavy Gold Electroplate Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  8. Hughes Glomar Explorer Military, Projection, Submarine
  9. Heavy Gold Electroplated Color, Paint, Colors
  10. Honor Graduate Eligibility
  11. Hospital Geral Do Estado Para, Hospital, Ria, Pol
  12. Holyoke Gas & Electric
  13. Human Gingival Epithelial
  14. Haemorrhagic Gastroenteritis. Medicine, Veterinary
  15. Handbook of Geophysical Exploration Science, Geophysics, Earth Sciences
  16. Human Gingival Epithelial Cells Medical
  17. Hydraulic Grade Elevations Science
  18. Hardcore Gamer Edition Software, Computing
  19. Hutchinson Government Employees Government, Us, Administration
  20. Harmonization Group on ECDIS Electrical
  21. Hutchinson Government Employee Government, Us, Control, Administration
  22. Hot Gas Efficiency
  23. Human Granulocytic Ehrlichia Medical
  24. Hydro Green Energy
  25. Human Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis Medical, Disease, Pharmacy
  26. Hydrogen Gas Embrittlement Science
  27. Hydraulic Grade Elevation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HGE stand for?

    HGE stands for Human Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis.

  2. What is the shortened form of Hydro Green Energy?

    The short form of "Hydro Green Energy" is HGE.


HGE. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hge-meaning/

Last updated