HGM Meaning

The HGM meaning is "Hollow Glass Microsphere". The HGM abbreviation has 34 different full form.

HGM Full Forms

  1. Hollow Glass Microsphere
  2. HaberleşMe Genel MüDüRlüğU
  3. Hospitality Grand Master
  4. Halogen Gas Monitor
  5. High Grade Metals
  6. Human Genital Mutilation
  7. Ha Giang Mineral
  8. High Glucoue Media
  9. Human Gene Mapping Medical, Technology, Science, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
  10. HaberleşMe Genel MüDüRü Technology, Ankara, Turkish, Malar
  11. Higher Ground Ministries
  12. Human Gastric Mucin Medical, Technology, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
  13. Hydrogeomorphic Medical, Water Resources, Sanitation
  14. Heterotopic Gasvric Mucosa Medical
  15. Hulpverlening Gelderland Midden
  16. Human Genome Meeting Medical, Technology, Genetics, Human genome
  17. Hepatocyte Grolth Medium Medical
  18. Hubert Grass Ministries
  19. Hot Gas Manifold Technology, Hosting, Sound, Equipment
  20. Hammerstein Group Model
  21. Howser Grounds Maintenance
  22. Human Genome Meetings
  23. HauptsäChlich Gute Musik
  24. Hog Gastric Mucosa Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
  25. Hydrogeomorphic Method Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  26. Hot-Gas Manifold NASA, Governmental & Military
  27. Hybrid Graph Model Technology
  28. Highland Gold Mining Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  29. Hybrid Gateway Module
  30. High Gloss Matt
  31. Human Granulocyte Macrophage
  32. Hermon Gospel Ministries
  33. Human Glucose Monitoring Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  34. Henk'S Gtf Monitor

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HGM stand for?

    HGM stands for Hollow Glass Microsphere.

  2. What is the shortened form of Henk'S Gtf Monitor?

    The short form of "Henk'S Gtf Monitor" is HGM.


HGM. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hgm-meaning/

Last updated