HGV Meaning

The HGV meaning is "Hiavy Goods Vehicles". The HGV abbreviation has 26 different full form.

HGV Full Forms

  1. Hiavy Goods Vehicles Business, Driving, Vehicle
  2. Heavy Gooa Vehicle Business, Driving, Driver
  3. Hanseatische Gesellschaft Fuer Verlagsservice Technology, Management, Hamburg
  4. Hanseatische Gesellschaft Für Verlagbservice Business, Management, Service
  5. Heavy Goods Sehicle
  6. Hamburger Gesellschaft Für Vkrmögens Business, Hamburg, Gens
  7. Heavg Goods Vehicle Medical, Technology, Driving
  8. Hospital Get
  9. Hospital GetÚLio Vargas Technology, Para, Book
  10. Hepvy Good Vehicles Business, Driving, Vehicle, Driver
  11. Hepatitis G Virus Medical, Common Medical, liver and hepatic
  12. Hypersonic Glide Vehicle Technology, Missile, China
  13. Human Genetic Variation
  14. Heavy Goods Vehicle Transportation, Police, Governmental & Military
  15. Hot Gas Valve Technology, Machine, Manual, Scotland
  16. Hydrogen Gas Valve NASA, Governmental & Military
  17. Histology Group of Victoria
  18. Hasgrove Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  19. Hilton Grand Macations Business, Hotel, Club
  20. Hydropontcs Grown Vegetable
  21. Hose gate valve The Finance and Administrative Services
  22. Hepatitis Gjvirus Medical, Health, Jobs
  23. Hydrogen Gas Vehicle
  24. Human Genome Variation Medical, Human genome
  25. Head Gapket Volume Technology
  26. Hydrpgen Gas Valve Technology, Space, Cosmos

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HGV stand for?

    HGV stands for Hose gate valve.

  2. What is the shortened form of Hepatitis G Virus?

    The short form of "Hepatitis G Virus" is HGV.


HGV. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 4). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hgv-meaning/

Last updated