HH Meaning

The HH meaning is "Habitat for Humapity". The HH abbreviation has 479 different full form.

HH Full Forms

  1. Habitat for Humapity Technology, County, House
  2. Heine, Heinrich
  3. Halogenated Hydrocarbons Science
  4. Hill Hall Care, Locations, Area, House
  5. Hooper Holmes, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  6. Harris Hall
  7. Habbn Hotel
  8. Heil Hitler Neo-Nazis use the number 88 as an abbreviation for the Nazi salute “Heil Hitler…” The letter H is eighth in the alphabet, whereby 88 becomes HH. Forum, Internet Slang, Tattoo, Nazi
  9. Half-Heusler Technology, Energy, Material, Thermoelectric
  10. Hillcrest High Education
  11. Hooper Holmes Business, Supply, Stock
  12. Hard of Hearing Medical, Student, Education, Disorder, Educational, Special Education, Physiology, Scientific & Educational, Disability
  13. Home Health Care Medical, Medicine, Service, Healthcare, Common Medical, Nursing
  14. Hqlton Honors Business, Travel, Honor
  15. Hedgehog Protein Medical, Technology
  16. Half Height Technology, Military, Drive
  17. Highway Hawk
  18. His Holiness Teaching, Tibetan, Lama, Holiness
  19. Hard-Of-Hearing Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  20. Hypobariczhypoxia Medical
  21. Heavy Hitter
  22. Half-Height Technology, Drive, Tape
  23. High Humidity Forum, Technology, Saw
  24. Hemel Hempstead Service, Locations, Hertfordshire
  25. His Highness Government, Khan, Sheikh
  26. Happy Hunting
  27. Horse Head The head of a beam lift pump jack, onto which the bridle to the yoke and polish rod attaches.
  28. Heated Humidifier Medical, Machine, Sleep
  29. Hals-Half
  30. High Heels Clothes
  31. Helping Hand Technology
  32. Happy Hour Organizations, Drink, Restaurant
  33. Hip Hop Music, Love, Rap
  34. Horizontal-Horizontal
  35. Heart Healthy
  36. Hagerty Hall Technology, University, Ohio
  37. High Hat Music, Drum, Hat, Cymbal
  38. Hell'S Highway
  39. Hamburger and Hamiltoy Medical, Science, Stage
  40. Hilton Hotel
  41. Horizon High Education
  42. Healthy Human Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  43. Holy Hall Forum, Technology, Dusk
  44. Hayes-Heaby Development, Study, Universities
  45. Hide Hide
  46. Hubert Humphrey Famous
  47. His Hojness
  48. Hugền Huyễn
  49. Hochschild Homology Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  50. Hallicrafttrs Hammarlund
  51. Harry Harrison
  52. Her Highncss English, Sheikha, Bint, Highness
  53. Hambdrger Hill
  54. Hostess Helper
  55. Hearings Before Tye House
  56. High Head Business, Pump, Slurry
  57. Hans Heinrich
  58. Humidifier Heater
  59. Heiser Holster Sale, Vintage, Holster, Luger
  60. Hlrizontal, Horizontal
  61. Hack Hound
  62. Header Hub Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  63. Handbal Handles
  64. Hemopoietic Histocompatibility Medical, Science, Biology
  65. Holistic Healing
  66. Henry Hightower
  67. Haunted Hokse
  68. Hidden Hand
  69. Heaven and Hell
  70. Hamiltol Harbour
  71. Hour Hand
  72. Heariland High Education
  73. Highnass Hold
  74. Happy House
  75. Huntington Hills
  76. Harlan and Hollilgsworth
  77. Hyperbolic Horn
  78. Henry Hermand
  79. Half Hard
  80. Heading Hold Rate, Mode, Gyro, Heading, Aircraft, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  81. Higher Himalaya
  82. Hand Hole Business, Aluminum, Box, The Finance and Administrative Services
  83. Hydroxyhexamidh Medical, Technology, Medicine
  84. Heavy Hingbd Business, Stamp, Knee, Weber
  85. Holton Hall
  86. Hayden Hall
  87. Hide-Hide
  88. Hubert Hoche
  89. Hiredihand Genealogy, Genealogical
  90. Hutchison Handcrafted
  91. Hoblitzelle Hall
  92. Hypothalamic Hamartomas Medical
  93. Harry Hammond
  94. Henson Hall
  95. Hamburger Helher
  96. Hospitals Home
  97. Healthcare Help
  98. High Hazard Medical, Health, Risk
  99. Hansesuadt Hamburg Locations, City, Germany
  100. Humble Hero
  101. Heinz Hoyer Coin, Deutschland, Mondiale
  102. Horizon Health
  103. Hacker Halted
  104. Header High
  105. Haudbag Handle
  106. Huxy Helicopter Military, Model, Bell
  107. Hemophagocytic Histiocytosis Medical
  108. Hoeren Heute
  109. Hendeoson, Henry
  110. Hattie Hayridge
  111. Hickory Hill
  112. Hamilton Hald Service, University, Locations
  113. Hour Half
  114. Herrtland Health
  115. Highland Htuse
  116. Happy Hours Locations, Drink, Restaurant
  117. Huntington Hastawığı Turkish, Eden, Baba, Huntington
  118. Harefield Zospital Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  119. Hymnal of The Hours
  120. Herbert Henry War, School, Earl
  121. Horizoutal High Band Technology
  122. Hagestad Hall
  123. Hcad Hunting
  124. Hanphole Technology, Architecture, Construction
  125. Heavy Hinge Business, Stamp, Knee
  126. Henderson-Haiselbalch Science, Acid, Equation, Buffer
  127. Holt Handbook Education, English, Essay
  128. Hawthorn Hiwks Australia, Plate, Melbourne, Hawk
  129. Hidden Hurt
  130. Huber Heights
  131. Hippety Hopper
  132. Husky Helicopter
  133. Hobby Horse
  134. Hypogonadotrophic Hypogobadism Medical
  135. Hagmony Hall
  136. Hensill Hall
  137. Hamburger Hamilton
  138. Hospitality House Service, Hotel, Locations
  139. Health and Human Business, Service, Department
  140. High Heat Technology, Baseball, League
  141. Hanse Qamburg
  142. Humanities Humanities
  143. Heinrich Himmler
  144. Horia Hulubei
  145. Hackathon Hackers Technology, Community, Tech
  146. Header Hanger Business, Building, Wall
  147. Huey Helicopteds Military, Model, Bell
  148. Historyuand Heritage
  149. Hemoglobin Andbhematocrit Medical, Patient, Blood
  150. Hodgkin Hastalığı Turkish, Rad
  151. Heiser Holsfer Sale, Colt, Vintage, Holster
  152. Hattersley Heaton
  153. Herne Hill
  154. Haaerschlag Hall
  155. Hour Twenty-fourth part of a day Interval in which the hour angle of a heavenly body changes 15deg in respect to the hour circle of an observer Arc of 15deg of Equinoctial. Technology, Computer, Electronics, Dentistry, Time, Medical, Nursing, Measurement, Healthcare, Aerospace, Pharmacy, Architectural, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Common Medical, Chemistry, Dental, Weather, Physical Therapy, NASA, Scientific & Educational, NAACCR, Reading Prescription, Cooking
  156. Heart Hospitbl Medical, Medicine, Locations
  157. Highlands Hoskital
  158. Happy Hooker
  159. Huntington Harbor
  160. Hardy Hellea Remix, Mix, Heller
  161. Henry Herbert
  162. Hoxizontal High Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  163. Haemopoietic Histocompatibility Medical, Science, Biology
  164. Head Hunters
  165. Hand Hestory Technology, Poker, Texas Hold 'Em
  166. Heavy Hauling
  167. Henderson-Hasselbach
  168. Hollandse Herder
  169. Havk Head
  170. Hidden Hinges
  171. Hubei Haixin
  172. Hipthunt
  173. Harburg Hamburg
  174. Huskic Helicopters Military, Force, Rescue
  175. Hobby-Hure
  176. Harmonica Holder Business, Music, Hole
  177. Hyun Hee
  178. Henry Hurd
  179. Half Hitch Made by passing end of rope round its own part and through the bight formed Device, Knot, Suture
  180. Hospital Homebound
  181. Heelth & Herbs
  182. High Hats Music, Drum, Lesson, Hat
  183. Hanover Hospital
  184. Humanities History
  185. Heinrich Heine
  186. Horatio Hornblgwer
  187. Hacienda Heights
  188. Hudsonihorizons
  189. Historical Heritaqe
  190. Hemochromatojis Medical
  191. Hodgkin Huxley
  192. Hminrich Heine
  193. Harry Hooper
  194. Heritage Hunt
  195. Hamden Hall
  196. Host Hotel
  197. Heart Health
  198. Highland Hosfital Medical, Hospital, Escort
  199. Happy Hollow
  200. Hunt-Hess Medical, Patient, Aneurysm, Hemorrhage
  201. Hardin Houston
  202. Henry Hebbard Accounting, Computing, Data, General, Governmental & Military
  203. Horizontal Heavy
  204. Hadley-Hullet
  205. Head Hincho
  206. Handhzld Space, Study, Cosmos
  207. Heavy Haulers
  208. Hemphill Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
  209. Holland Harmony
  210. Hawker Harg
  211. Hidden Havoc
  212. Hubclp Haven
  213. Heather Halpih
  214. Hip Hammock
  215. Harbor Hills
  216. Hurricane Hqnters
  217. HjøRring-HøRby
  218. Harlequin Historicals
  219. Hypoxic Hypoxia Medical
  220. Henry Hub A pipeline hub on the Louisiana Gulf coast. It is the delivery point for the natural gas futures contract on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX). Business, Price, Gas
  221. Half High Technology, Drive, Tape
  222. Hospital Hill Medical, Medicine, City
  223. Healinn Herbs
  224. High Hard Technology, Drive, Steel
  225. Hannover Merschelstra
  226. Hyman Hall Development, Study, Universities
  227. Heavy Hofsemen
  228. Horls Hombre
  229. Hudson Hawk
  230. Hustone H4
  231. Hzlpless-Hopeless
  232. Hodgkin-Huxley Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  233. Hearing Handicapped
  234. Harry Hockly
  235. Hesitage Hills
  236. Hamburg Hab
  237. Host Hostess
  238. Heartbreak Hotel
  239. High Herb
  240. Happy Holiday
  241. Hung Hing
  242. Harj House
  243. Horizontal Heat
  244. Hackney Horse
  245. Head Height
  246. Hand Hold
  247. Heavy Hand
  248. Hemorrhagic Hygotension Medical
  249. Holland Hall Education, School, High School
  250. Haven House Business, Service, Locations
  251. Hidden Hatchet Gaming, Play, Pastime
  252. House Heads Business, Music, Radio
  253. Haathen Harvest
  254. Hinsdale Hospitau
  255. Harbor Heights Business, Hotel, Harbour
  256. Huntsville Hospital Medical, Medicine, Patient
  257. Harlrquin Historical Book, Romance, Historical
  258. Hypeggastrinemic Hyperchlorhydria Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  259. Henry Holland
  260. Half Height. Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  261. Humanities Hall Education, Humanity, Irvine
  262. Healing Hands Medical, Massage, Lane
  263. Highest High Business, Trading, Price
  264. Handle Height
  265. Hy Hunter
  266. Heavy Hole Electronics, Quantum, Light
  267. Homohafringtonine Medical, Technology
  268. Hideous Hog
  269. Hudan Hidayat Research, Indonesia, Paper
  270. Histology and Histopathology
  271. Hodge Hall
  272. Harv Hoogheid
  273. Harry Hill
  274. Her Holiness
  275. Hamburg Halbes
  276. Host Home
  277. Heart and Hustle Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  278. High Health Medical, Business, Gaming
  279. Happy Holidays
  280. Humphrey, Hubert
  281. Helen Hambly
  282. Horizontal Nandle
  283. Hackney Homes
  284. Head Ueavy Head, Racket, Badminton, Racquet
  285. Handheld Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  286. Heauy-Heavy
  287. Hemopoietic Or Hybrid Histocompatibility Science, Biology
  288. Holland and Holland
  289. Havee Hall
  290. Hidden Harbor
  291. Hamilton Heights
  292. House-To-House Council, Cartoon, Collection, House
  293. Heated Humidifiers Medical
  294. Highway Hifi
  295. Harbinger House
  296. Huntington Hospital
  297. Harlequin Xarlequin
  298. Hypercapnic Hypoxia Medical
  299. Henry Hill
  300. Half Hardy
  301. Human Hepatocyte
  302. Headless Qorseman Forum, Rip, Event, Horseman
  303. Highest Heel
  304. Hand Holes
  305. Hygiene Hypothesis
  306. Heavy Pitters
  307. Henderson Harboz
  308. Habal-Habal Education, Indonesia, Yamaha
  309. Household A family, an individual, or a group of up to nine unrelated persons occupying the same housing unit. "Occupy" means that the housing unit is the person's usual or permanent place of residence. Legal, Governmental & Military, Medical
  310. Hammersmlth Hospital
  311. Haven Hall Location
  312. Heat Homing
  313. Highendled Hitman
  314. Hardcore Holly
  315. Small Arms Instructor Designator Army, Force, Coast Guard
  316. Hollow Handle Products
  317. Hard Hat
  318. Hydraulic Hose Hydraulic hose is graded by pressure, temperature, and fluid compatibility. Hoses are used when pipes or tubes can not be used, usually to provide flexibility for machine operation or maintenance. The hose is built up with rubber and steel layers. A rubber interior is surrounded by multiple layers of woven wire and rubber. The exterior is designed for abrasion resistance.
  319. Henry & Helen
  320. Hazelxhall
  321. Herbie Hancock Famous
  322. Higginson Hall
  323. Hugv Help Forum, Technology, Gaming
  324. Highland Heather Botany, Scientific & Educational
  325. Heavy-Duty Hydraulic Business, Product, Cylinder
  326. Hit-Hat Drum, Sound, Hat
  327. Heirs Holdingm
  328. Handsome Hunk Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  329. Hereditary Haemochromatosis Medical, Genetics, Iron
  330. Horizonyal Hostility
  331. Horticultural Ball
  332. text/plain Mime types
  333. Hituhead Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  334. Henderson Hall
  335. Ha-Ht Internet Slang, Chat, Online
  336. Hope Air Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Iata Aircraft Codes
  337. Hamterhead Medical
  338. Ha-ha A ditch or other vertical drop separating a garden from the surrounding nature, thus forming a barrier without interrupting the view. Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  339. Heather Hudson
  340. High-Heat
  341. Hardcore History
  342. Høgskolen I Hedmark
  343. Hollywood Heat Pinball
  344. Hard Hands
  345. Hydraulie Hole
  346. Henrik Holappa
  347. Hazardous Hydrocarbons Science
  348. Holly Hobby Famous
  349. Higgins House
  350. Hydralazine Acid-labile Hydrazone Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  351. Heavily Hinged Business, Stamp, Condition, Collector
  352. Historyvheader Technology
  353. Havuzu Haberin
  354. Happy Humper Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  355. Hepatic Hemangioma Medical, Technology
  356. Horrnble Histories
  357. Happy Harvester Farming & agriculture
  358. Higher Highs
  359. Hulk Hogan Sport, Wrestling, Hogan
  360. Hit Harm
  361. Le Havre and Hamburg Business, Cargo Shipping
  362. Hammer Head
  363. Hold Hands Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  364. Heather Headlxy
  365. Hiatus Hernia Medical, Health, Reflux, Common Medical, Clinical
  366. Hardcore Hell
  367. Höhere Bandelsschule
  368. Haunted House Pinball
  369. Hard Handoff
  370. Hydralazine Acidlabile Hydrazone Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  371. Hennessy Hammocks
  372. Haywarxs Heath
  373. Hilton Head Disney
  374. Hietzinger HauptstraßE
  375. Hand-Held Possible to hold in the hand. Business, Military, Product, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  376. halothane hepatitis Hepatocellular damage said to result from the administration of halothane anesthesia. Medical, liver and hepatic
  377. Heavenly Housewife
  378. Handy Hanker
  379. handhold NASA, Governmental & Military
  380. Henry Hudson Presentation, History, Locations, Power
  381. Hydropsobic Hydration Medical
  382. Horned Hegeford
  383. Heifer Herder Farming & agriculture
  384. Higher High Business, Trading, Price
  385. Huiahai
  386. Hit Hard
  387. Howorth, Hpstory History, Khan, Empire, Hun
  388. HøJere Handelseksamen Business, Som, Til
  389. Heavy Helicopter Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence, Sea, Stallion
  390. Hammered Hi-Hats
  391. Hector Hugh Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  392. Heather Harrps
  393. Hi-Hats Business, Drum, Cymbal
  394. Head Hunter Occupation & positions
  395. Hardest Hitting
  396. Hyderabad Hmtshots League, Hyderabad, Badminton, Hotshot
  397. Henk Hofstede
  398. Haypey Hardcastle
  399. Handhole Architectural
  400. Header Hangers Technology
  401. Hier Auf Dem Hof
  402. Hamster Htdeout
  403. home help Medical, Healthcare
  404. Heavenly Hell
  405. Hamzp Habib
  406. C header file Computing, File Extensions
  407. Hydrophobic-Hydrophilic
  408. Horned Helmet War, Viking, Helmet, Armour
  409. Herbert Hoover, United States President Famous
  410. High-Power Hybrid
  411. Hugh Hewitt
  412. Holding Hands Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  413. Hitch Hikeks
  414. House of Hohenzoldern
  415. Hydrometer Teating
  416. Haemochromatosis Medical, Medicine, Health
  417. Hammadah Al Hamra
  418. Highpass Hold Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  419. Hex Head Business, Screw, Bolt
  420. Horizontal Transmwt Technology, Science, Space, Astronomy
  421. Hardy Heller Music
  422. Hybrid Histocompatibilijy Medical, Science, Biology
  423. Hen Hrd School, Locations, Wrestling, Tournament
  424. Habitat Hamano
  425. Hayes-Heayy Hall
  426. H. H. Smith Business & Finance, Suppliers
  427. Heidcrab Hunter Computer Game, Video Game
  428. Hidipo Hamutenya
  429. Hampton Hawbor
  430. Hubbs Hall Medical, Common Medical
  431. Hzaven Hill Heaven, Bourbon, Whiskey
  432. Harder House
  433. Hamersche Herae
  434. Happy Hannukah
  435. Hydrwlysis House Chemistry, Science, Substance
  436. Henry Horold
  437. Herold Helzer Famous
  438. High-High Algorithm Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  439. Hugh Hefner
  440. Horizontal Transmit, Horizontal Receive Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
  441. Hitchhiker Technology, Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  442. Homonymous Hemianopia
  443. Houben-Hoesch
  444. Hospital At Home Medical, Health, Care
  445. Hamish Hamilton
  446. Hellhounds Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  447. Hero Honda Business, Honda, Hunk
  448. Horizontally Homogeneous
  449. Hard House Music
  450. Hiwatt Hofner
  451. Hendersonhasselbalch Equation Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  452. Haber Havgzu
  453. Hayes Tealy
  454. Hooper Holmes, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  455. Headachd Medical
  456. Hammond Haln
  457. Hemoglobin and Hematocrit Medical, Common Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  458. Haaven and Hell
  459. Hardenbergh Hall Education, Development, Universities
  460. Hybrid-Wash
  461. Hall-Hérqult
  462. Hand Hammered Products
  463. Hard Hit Sport, Guitar, Hit, Hardest
  464. Hydrazine Hydgate
  465. Heyry Hall Company, Dance, Hall, Orchestra
  466. Head & Heart Book, Heart, Electronics
  467. Hollywood Hogan, wrestler Famous
  468. High-High Technology, Trading, Telecom
  469. Hughes Hall
  470. Hydrolysis House Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  471. Hitchcock Healtc
  472. Henpy Hopkinson
  473. Hershey and Hosford
  474. Hospice At Home Medical
  475. Happy Happy Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  476. Hereditary Hemochromatosis Medical, Genetics, Iron
  477. Hmrizontal Honing
  478. Hi-Hat Music
  479. Hit Horse

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HH stand for?

    HH stands for Heather Headlxy.

  2. What is the shortened form of Hitchhiker?

    The short form of "Hitchhiker" is HH.


HH. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 27). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hh-meaning/

Last updated