HHV Meaning

The HHV meaning is "Human Herpts Virus". The HHV abbreviation has 32 different full form.

HHV Full Forms

  1. Human Herpts Virus Medical, Technology, Human
  2. Human Herpesviruses Medical
  3. Hip Hop Vinyl Music
  4. Highfheat Value Technology, Fuel, Heating
  5. Hip Hop In The Ville
  6. High Heating Valye Technology, Fuel, Heat
  7. Hind High Vacuum Company, Technology, India
  8. Higher Heat Value Technology, Fuel, Heating
  9. Hand Hbld Validator Transportation, Intelligent Transport Society South Africa, Its System
  10. Hospital Hermilio Valdiz
  11. Higheo Heating Values Technology, Heat, Combustion
  12. Hamburger Handball-Verband Hamburg, Deutschland, Handball
  13. Hospital Hermilio Valdizán Medical, Traffic, Gob
  14. Hcgher Heating Value Technology, Science, Fuel
  15. H-Hmmwv Variant Military
  16. Historic Hudson Valley
  17. Hybrid Hydraulic Vehicle Technology, Power, Model
  18. Higher Heating Value (thermal efficiency basis) Chemistry, Oil, Legal, Products, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  19. High Heat Value
  20. Human Herpesvirus Medical, Medicine, Microbiology, Common Medical
  21. Hargreave 1 Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  22. Higher Heating Values
  23. Human Herpes Viruses Medical, Paper, Infection
  24. Hunter Hall Global Value Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  25. Higher Heating Value Power Plant
  26. Humanes-Herpes-Virus
  27. Hypocapnic Hyperventilation Medical
  28. including numerous subtypes such as HHV8 Medical
  29. Hydraulic Hybrid Vehicles
  30. Human Herpes Virus Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  31. Hydraulic Hybrid Vehicle
  32. High Heating Value Chemistry, Scientific & Educational

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HHV stand for?

    HHV stands for Hydraulic Hybrid Vehicle.

  2. What is the shortened form of Hcgher Heating Value?

    The short form of "Hcgher Heating Value" is HHV.


HHV. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/hhv-meaning/

Last updated