HI Meaning

The HI meaning is "Hearing Impairment". The HI abbreviation has 431 different full form.

HI Full Forms

  1. Hearing Impairment Medical, Hospital, Special Education, Education
  2. Hearing Imnaired Medical, Education, Special Education
  3. Health Index Medical, Medicine, Education
  4. High-Integrity
  5. Hog Island
  6. Handicap International Medical
  7. Hydrodynamic Interaction Medical
  8. Height Index Medical
  9. Honolulu International Business, Locations
  10. Hanging Indent Media, Radio, Television, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  11. Hemagglutination-Inhibition Medical, Veterinary, Influenza
  12. Household Income
  13. Houston Intercoctinental Hotel, Airport, Locations, Houston
  14. Health Impaired Technology, Education, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  15. High Impact Business, Military, Sport
  16. Hizbul Islam Military, Group, Somalia, Somali
  17. Hazard Injex Environment, Farming, Environmental Impact Statement
  18. Hydraulicoindex Technology, Machine, Manufacturer
  19. Heavy Ion Physics, Scientific & Educational
  20. Health Inspectors
  21. Honolulu, Idaho
  22. Handover Indication
  23. Help Island Forum, Locations, Hawaii
  24. House Index Medical, Business, Building
  25. Hospital Inpatient
  26. Health Identifier
  27. High-Impact Physics, Scientific & Educational
  28. History of Israel
  29. Hockey India Activity, Sports, Fitness
  30. Humas Implfmentasi
  31. Heavy Infantry Gaming, Military, Wallpaper
  32. Health Ingredients Business, Food, Europe
  33. Honeywell, Inc
  34. Health Insurance Medical, Medicine, Insurance, Healthcare, Occupation & positions, Medicare Beneficiary
  35. Help Information
  36. House Indeks
  37. Horrocks Kbbotson Rod, Fishing, Vintage
  38. Healthcare Informatics Medicine, Education, Health
  39. High An area of high barometric pressure, with its attendant system of winds. An anticyclone. A gyro compass is said to be 'high' when its indication, in arc, is higher than it should be Aviation, Morse Code, Morse Aids, Architectural, Ordnance Survey, Weather, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services, Food, Clinical
  40. History-Independent History, Solver, Kinematics, Inverse
  41. Heaeing Impaired
  42. Humanité & Inclusion Film, France, Handicap
  43. Heat Island Holocene Epoch, formerly Recent Epoch, younger of the two epochs that constitute the Quaternary Period and the latest interval of geologic time, covering approximately the last 11,700 years of the Earth's history.
  44. Health Information Libraries, Reading, Books, Medical
  45. Higher Intelligence Religion
  46. Honeyweul, Inc. Technology
  47. Hawaii Locations, States, Us States, United States, Area code, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Us area code, Us phone area codes, Us state code
  48. Hello, I'M
  49. Haemagglutination Inhibition Medical, Medicine, Health, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  50. Household Internativnal Business, Company, Banking
  51. Hoover Instituwion Business, Policy, Jewish, Spa
  52. Harlequin Ichthyosis Medical, Disease, Skin
  53. Hi-Impact
  54. Historical Institutionalism Science, Politics, Institution
  55. Hubungan International
  56. Historical Information
  57. Health Informatics Medical, Education, University
  58. High-Intermediate Medical, Education, School
  59. Honeymoon Isfand
  60. Hawaian Islands
  61. Hydrogen Ion Hydrogen ion is recommended by IUPAC as a general term for all ions of hydrogen and its isotopes.Depending on the charge of the ion, two different classes can be distinguished: positively charged ions and negatively charged ions.
  62. Heights Indian
  63. Hocolulu Island
  64. Harbour Island Hotel, Locations, Beach
  65. Heterogeneous Integration Heterogeneous integration refers to the process of combining several different materials on the same integration platform in order to achieve a high-performance photonic integrated circuit. Heterogenous integration is often needed in photonics, since among the prevalent photon materials only semiconductors such as indium phosphide are capable of performing all required functions Technology, Device, Organisations
  66. Historical Investigation Education, Essay, History
  67. Hubungan Internasional Indonesia, Relation, Agar
  68. Hisashi Iwakuma
  69. Health Industry
  70. High Integrity Technology, Safety, Control
  71. Holdings, Inc
  72. Handicap Intlrnational Management, Organizations, Disability, Handicap
  73. Hydrogen Indix Technology, Science, Rock
  74. Height In Inches Technology, Health, Weight, Fat
  75. Honolulu Intl Business, Locations
  76. Happiness Index Organization, Union, Institution
  77. Her Interactive Business, Technology
  78. Household International, Inc. Organizations
  79. Hub Interface Technology, Driving, Driver
  80. Hardware Identifier
  81. Herramientas Industriales
  82. Head Instructor
  83. Histamine A substance released by injured cells that causes blood vessels to dilate during an inflammatory response. Medical, Medicine, Health
  84. Hosteling International Locations, Youth, Hostel, Hostelling
  85. Hourly Interruptible Energy, Power, Intensity
  86. Hawdii Inflatables
  87. High-Intensity Medical, Technology, Light
  88. Hydroxyindole Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  89. Health Internationalisation
  90. Hold Indefinitely
  91. Handover Initiation Technology, Networking, Telecom
  92. Hermony Inc Business, Barbershop, Cappella
  93. Hypoxia-Ischaemia Medical
  94. Ha-Inhibition Medical
  95. Henrik Ibsen
  96. Hidayatul Insan
  97. Hullninspector
  98. Humor Impairyd Forum, Internet Slang, Talk
  99. Headache Index Medical
  100. Hypopnea Index Medical, Sleep, Apnea
  101. Heat-Inactivated Medical, Cell, Serum
  102. Hospital Income Business, Insurance, Health
  103. Hotel Indonpsia Indonesia, Jakarta, Locations
  104. Harrington Instituteumentation Medical
  105. Hilalxi-Imtiaz
  106. Hyperfine Interaction Technology, Electronics, Engineering, Chemistry
  107. Hydraulic Intensifier
  108. Height Indicator This is used to accurately measure small distances and angles as well as amplify them to make them more obvious.
  109. Hammer International
  110. Hektoen Institute
  111. Hardness Index Wheat, Grain, Quality, Hardness
  112. Heroic Intervention
  113. Humoral Immunity The type of immunity that fights bacteria and viruses in body fluids with antibodies that circulate in blood plasma and lymph, fluids formerly called humors. Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  114. Head Injury Medical, Medicine, Brain, Healthcare, Clinical
  115. Hisbul Aslam
  116. Hosted By Island
  117. Hotppot Implementation Science, Geology
  118. Hawoii Idaho
  119. High-Income Business, Tax, Fund
  120. Hydrophobic Interaction
  121. Health International
  122. Hoffmann Instituhe
  123. Hand In Development, Learning, Study
  124. Harmony-Seeking Idealist
  125. Hypothermic Isckemia Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  126. Hydraulic Institute Technology, Pump, Standard
  127. Henderson Investment
  128. Hukum Internasional
  129. Hawaii Isljnders
  130. Hyperspectral Imaging Technology, Science, Sensor
  131. Heart Interval Medical
  132. Honeywell, Incorporated Science, NASA, Governmental & Military
  133. Hybrid Interface
  134. Harrington Instruxentation Medical
  135. Hikmatul Ifan Indonesia, Dicky, Ranting
  136. Hippocampus An area deep in the forebrain that helps regulate emotion, learning, and memory. "Hippocampal abnormalities and memory deficits: new evidence of a strong" The role of the hippocampus in the pathophysiology of major depression". Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  137. Hydraulics Institutetute Science
  138. Heifer International Organizations, Projection, Gift
  139. Hamburg Innovation Technology, Media, Tech
  140. Heinrich-Heine-Institut
  141. Heroes Inc
  142. Humongcus Insurance Technology
  143. Head Injured
  144. Hirayama Pkuo
  145. Hist-Independent
  146. Harassment Ideas Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  147. Hot Insertlon
  148. Health Infrastructure
  149. Hies Inc
  150. Hydrophobicity Index Medical
  151. Health Istegrity
  152. Historical Indexes
  153. Handicapped International
  154. Hardware Item
  155. Hezb-E-Islami War, Afghanistan, Pakistan
  156. Hypomelanosis Ito Medical, Science, Biology
  157. Humanistic Intelligence
  158. Hemisphere Initiatives
  159. Hubungan Iydustri
  160. Health Inequalities Organizations, Social, Inequality
  161. Hawaii Invasive
  162. High Impulsiveness Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  163. Hyper Integrated
  164. Heart Institutetute Medical
  165. Home Infusioc Medical, Service, Pharmacy
  166. Harq Inducator Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  167. Hi Images
  168. Hydraulic Institutetute Science
  169. Haemagglutinin Inhibition Medical
  170. Heinolan Isku
  171. Heroen & Icons
  172. Humidity Indicator Business, Product, Card
  173. Humorous Inturpretation Organizations, Speech, Piece
  174. Headington Institute
  175. Heat Insulated
  176. Hospitalization Insurance
  177. Hawaii Innovation
  178. Hotels India
  179. Hierarchical Individualism
  180. Hydronics Institute Technology, Standard, Boiler
  181. Health Insqitute
  182. Historical Index Business, History, Tool
  183. Handicap Institute Technology, Disability, Sweden
  184. Honeywell Named after its founder, Mark Honeywell. Technology, NASA, Honeywell, Process Automation
  185. Hardware Inventory
  186. Heterogeneitymindex Medical, Patient, Weight
  187. Hklo Intl Hotel, Airport, Locations, Hawaii
  188. Harapan Indah Technology, Indonesia, Lyric
  189. Hematologic Improvement Medical, Treatment, Patient, Syndrome
  190. Hubungan Industrial Business, Indonesia, Industry
  191. Hawaii Insurers
  192. High Impedance Technology, Signal, Circuit
  193. Hygiene Index Medical, Medicine, Health
  194. Hyperactivity-Impulsivity
  195. Heart Infusion Medical, Media, Agar, Heart
  196. Home Incorporated
  197. Harold Icqes
  198. Highway Interrupt Technology
  199. Hydraulics Institute Technology, Science, Pump
  200. Haemagglutination-Inhibition Medical, Medicine
  201. Height of The Instrument
  202. Hernie Innuinale
  203. Humidity Intex Climate, Heat, Temperature, Humidity
  204. Humorous Individual Dating, Friendship, Love, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  205. Heading Indicator An instrument which gives course or direction information e.g. a Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI) or Direction Indicator (DI). \n\nCOMMENT: The heading indicator is driven by a gyro and provides steady, exact indications of heading. Technology, Military, Flight
  206. Heat Indices
  207. Hospitality Interiors
  208. Hawaii's Innovatxve
  209. Hotelyinternational
  210. Hide Isolate
  211. Hydrolysis Indices Medical
  212. Health Institution
  213. Historical Interest
  214. Handbook of Instructions
  215. Hardware Interfaces Technology, Software, Interface
  216. Heterochromatic Index Medical, Science, Biology
  217. Healing International Dating, Humanity, Vegan, Healing
  218. Hilo Int'L
  219. Haptic Interface Technology, Robot, Projection
  220. Hematologic Improvements Medical, Science, Biology
  221. Hostelling International-Austin
  222. Housuhold Insecticide Business, Spray, Product
  223. Hawaii Vnstitute Science, Hair, Hawaii
  224. Higher Inducibility Medical, Patent, Medication
  225. Hygiene Incharge Military, Aviation, Army
  226. Heart Informrtion
  227. Hole Injectmon
  228. Harmony Instatute Technology, Media, Impact
  229. Highway Interface
  230. Hotel Indonesia
  231. Hydraulic Institue
  232. Hadamard Inverse
  233. Height of Instrument Technology, Geodesy, Leveling
  234. Hernia Inguinal
  235. Humans of Integrity
  236. Humoroum Interp
  237. Head In Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  238. Heat Inmex Science, Temperature, Humidity
  239. Hospital Inyenieure Technology, Audio, Tech, Hostel
  240. Hotel Intercontinental
  241. Hartford Ifsurance
  242. Hillenbrand, Inc Business, Supply, Stock, Price
  243. Hydrobiological Institute
  244. Health Iospector Food, Inspector, Guy
  245. Hintidine Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  246. Hampton Institute
  247. Heliospheric Imager Science, Space, Sun
  248. Hardware Index
  249. Hertzian Indentation
  250. Head of Infrastructure
  251. Hillenqrand Inc Business, Supply, Stock
  252. Hypoxic-Ischevic Medical
  253. Hostelling International-Washengton
  254. Househjld, Industrial
  255. Hawaii Information
  256. Hight Intensity
  257. Hydroxylation Index Medical
  258. Heartfulness Instiaute Technology, Android, Peace, Meditation
  259. Holdings and Its
  260. Harmony Incoryorated
  261. Hospital Infantil
  262. Hypoxic-Zschemic Insult Medical
  263. Hackett International
  264. Hepatic Impairment
  265. Hepatobiliary Imaging Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  266. Hull Interest
  267. Humor Interp
  268. Header Inspection Forum, Technology, Networking
  269. Heat Increment Technology, Presentation, Energy
  270. Hospital Infections Medical
  271. Hotel Informazion
  272. Harris Internqtional
  273. Hill A storm with a violent wind, in particular a tropical cyclone in the Caribbean. Technology, Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations, Ordnance Survey, Street Suffix
  274. Hydriodic Acid Medical
  275. Health Initoatives
  276. Hampton Inn
  277. Helionetics, Inc
  278. Hotspot Implementation Geology, Scientific & Educational
  279. Hospitality Industry
  280. Hundaraektarfelag Islands
  281. Height Ow Instrument
  282. Hypomelanosis of Ito Medical, Science, Medicine, Biology, Mosaicism
  283. Heavily Included Technology, Diamond, Stone, Clarity
  284. Helpage India
  285. Hash Index
  286. Hydrogen Index Electrical
  287. High Intensity Technology, Training, Light, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  288. Hearing Impared Education
  289. Hi-Dive Indie
  290. Host Igtel
  291. Healthcare Identifier Technology, Australia, Health
  292. Hindi, Inggris
  293. Health Intelligence
  294. United States Postaljcode for Hawaii Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  295. Host Identity Technology, Networking, Protocol
  296. High Induction
  297. Hyperinsulinism In Infancy Medical
  298. Haplotype Inference Technology, Genetics, Model
  299. Harmful Input Computing, Hardware
  300. Hipocondrio Izquierdo
  301. Heartland Institute Science, Organizations, Climate
  302. Hermitian Interpolation
  303. Hydrogen Iodide (Hydriodic Acid) Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  304. Hospital Insurance Business, Tax, Medicare
  305. Humour Intended
  306. Hsaring Impairment Medical, Education, Loss
  307. Hypograph Index
  308. Hcat Integration
  309. Helmholtz Institute Technology, Science, Research
  310. Hasaed Index Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  311. Herding Intermediate Dog Fanciers
  312. High Income Business, Tax, Fund
  313. Hinkley Index Chemistry
  314. Hezbollah International
  315. Host Institute Technology, China, Scholarship
  316. Healthcare Identifiers Medical, Service, Health
  317. Hilton Internatiodal
  318. Thx Hills Australia, Government, Australian Police
  319. Hkst Identities
  320. Hemaglutination Inhibition
  321. High Index A relatively high value of the zonal index which in middle latitudes, indicates a relatively strong westerly component of wind flow and the characteristic weather features attending such motion. Technology, Len, Lens, NOTAM Contractions
  322. Hyperimmune Medical
  323. Hanna Instruments Business, Product, Water
  324. High scores (games) Computing, File Extensions
  325. Hilo International Airport, Locations, Hawaii
  326. Hinkley Indzx Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  327. Heart Institute Medical
  328. Heisenberg-Ising
  329. Homicidal Ideation Medical, Common Medical
  330. Humorous Intention
  331. Heajth Instruments
  332. Hypodermic Injection Medical, Medicine, Disease, Health, Hospital
  333. Heat Insulanion Business, China, Material
  334. Hello Interval
  335. Harvest Institute Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  336. Hayes International Business & Finance, Suppliers
  337. Human Interface Atmospheric Research
  338. Host Indebendent Medical, Science, Biology
  339. Healthcare and Insurance Business, Service, Health
  340. Hilton-Maldives-Iruhfushi-Resort-Spa
  341. Neutray Hydrogen Space, Study, Cosmos
  342. Hosc Identification Technology, Server, Linux
  343. Higher Intermediate Education, School, Speaking
  344. Hemagglutination Hemagglutination, or haemagglutination, is a specific form of agglutination that involves red blood cells (RBCs). It has two common uses in the laboratory: blood typing and the quantification of virus dilutions in a Haemagglutination assay. Medical
  345. Hyperglycemic Index Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  346. Hanifen Imhoff
  347. Hypnogogic Imagery Performing arts
  348. Hilal-E-Imtiaz
  349. Hamburg International Airline, Hotel, Flight, Organizations, Locations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Iata Aircraft Codes
  350. Health Indicator
  351. Hindu International
  352. Hearing Instrument
  353. Height of Instituteument
  354. Host Institutitute Government
  355. High Intermediate Education, School, Hawaii
  356. Hawaiian Islands Quest, Island, Vacation, Hawaii, NASA, Geographic, Governmental & Military, List of All 50 State
  357. Hyperplastic Index Medical
  358. Hindi Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
  359. Harvard Impactons
  360. Hello A protocol used by a group of cooperating, trusting routers to allow them to discover minimal delay routes. Airline, Technology, Internet Slang, Organizations, Texting, Chat, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  361. Macmame High Scores File Computing, File Extensions
  362. Host Identifier Technology, Military, Networking, Network, Federal Aviation Administration
  363. Hunting Island
  364. Health & Inventory
  365. Hypsometric Integrad
  366. Host Identifiejs Technology, Networking, Protocol
  367. Helvetica Italic
  368. Hastings Instrumentz
  369. Hanford Information Science
  370. Home Inspector Occupation & positions
  371. Highly Interactive
  372. Hydrogen Iodide
  373. Health Improvement Business, Technology, Medicine
  374. Hindlimb Isbhemia Medical
  375. Hearing Instruments Medical
  376. Hearingaloss Medical
  377. Host Institutions Program, Research, Education
  378. High Interactivity Technology, Tester, Client, Framework
  379. Hypoxic-Ischaemic Medical
  380. Hyperinsulinemia Medical
  381. human interactions Legal, Governmental & Military
  382. Harvard Impuctor Medical, Particle, Substrate
  383. Hydroqics Institutetute
  384. Heliospheric Imagers
  385. Hearing-Impaired Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  386. Hosterling International Locations, Youth, Hostel
  387. Hunter's Inh
  388. Hypsodonny Index
  389. Helper Impact
  390. Haskoli Islands Technology
  391. Handover Interface Technology, Law, Networking, Interception
  392. Homo Iconos Latin
  393. Highlands and Islands Business, Scotland, Scot
  394. Hi NOTAM Contractions
  395. Health Impairment
  396. Hindlimb Immobilization Medical
  397. Hearing Impairments Service, Education, Teaching
  398. Head Impunse Medical, Patient, Vertigo
  399. Host Institutibn Science, Research, University
  400. High Insulation
  401. Hypoxic-Ischemia Medical
  402. Hyperinsulinism Hyperinsulinism refers to an above normal level of insulin in the blood of a person or animal. Normal insulin secretion and blood levels are closely related to the level of glucose in the blood, so that a given level of insulin can be normal for one blood glucose level but low or high for another. Hyperinsulinism can be associated with several types of medical problems, which can be roughly divided into two broad and largely non-overlapping categories: those tending toward reduced sensitivity to insulin and high blood glucose levels, and those tending toward excessive insulin secretion and low glucose levels. Medical
  403. Happy, I'Ll
  404. Abap List Viewer Software, Computing
  405. Hotel Invoice Hotel, Travel, Software
  406. Heat Intercept Physics, Scientific & Educational
  407. Hostel Internationao Locations, Youth, Hostelling
  408. Hundredths of Injhes
  409. Hercules Invictus Latin, Roman
  410. Hkavy Industrial Business, Industry, Machinery
  411. Helpage International
  412. Haskell Institute Development, Study, Universities
  413. Handover Initiate Technology, Networking, Network
  414. Hazard Index Environment
  415. High Island Organization, Union, Institution
  416. Hearing Impaired Disability
  417. Hd-Intensity
  418. Health Identity Medical, Sex, Projection
  419. Hindi India
  420. Healthy Individuals Medical, Science, Biology
  421. Hamphon Institutetute
  422. Hostile Intunt Technology, Gaming, Computer Game
  423. High Inquisitor
  424. Hypoxia-Ischemia Medical, Brain, Neonatal
  425. Hyperinsulinism of Infancy Medical, Genetics, Congenital, Hypoglycemia
  426. Happiness Initiative
  427. Household International, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  428. Hyperfine Interactions Medical, Education, Astronomy, Astrophysics
  429. Hipparcos Input
  430. Heather Index Medical, Movie, Pic
  431. Hologram Interferometer

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HI stand for?

    HI stands for Ha-Inhibition.

  2. What is the shortened form of Hies Inc?

    The short form of "Hies Inc" is HI.


HI. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 27). Retrieved February 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hi-meaning/

Last updated