HIPC Meaning

The HIPC meaning is "Health Insurance Plan of California". The HIPC abbreviation has 33 different full form.

HIPC Full Forms

  1. Health Insurance Plan of California Business
  2. Heavily-Indebted Poor Country Business, Debt, Initiative, Relief
  3. Highly Indebted Poorest Countries
  4. Hanoireal Investing Professional Club
  5. Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Business, Government, Debt, United Nations, Business & Finance, Business Word
  6. Highly Indebted Poor Country Business, Ghana, Debt, Initiative
  7. Highly Indebted Poor Countries Business, Economics, Debt, Initiative, Medical
  8. Highly-Indebted Poor Countries Business, Ghana, Debt, Initiative
  9. Heavily Indepted Poor Countries
  10. Highly-Indebted Poor Country Business, Economics, Ghana, Debt
  11. Heavily Indebted and Poor Countries
  12. Heavily Indebted Poorest Countries Business, Debt, Initiative, Relief
  13. Heavily Indebted Poor Country Business, Debt, Initiative, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  14. Highly Indebted and Poor Country
  15. Heavily In-Debt Poor Countries
  16. Human Interface Personal Computer Technology
  17. Health Insurance Purchasing Collective Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  18. Human Immunology Project Consortium Medical, Research, Cell
  19. Health Insurance Purchasing Cooperative Medical, Care, Health Care
  20. International Conference on High Performance Computing Computing, Ieee
  21. Houston Independent Personnel Consultants
  22. Health Information Privacy Committee
  23. Hopelessly Inadequate Personal Computer Funnies
  24. High Plains Corp. Organizations
  25. Health Information Policy Committee
  26. High Pressure Chamber
  27. High Chamber Pressure Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  28. High Performance Computing Technology, Science, Astronomy
  29. Health Information Privacy Code
  30. Hamilton Immigration Partnership Council Technology, Canada, Debt
  31. Hegmataneh Industries Petrochemical Company
  32. Health Information Policy Council Medical, Health, Healthcare
  33. Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy College Development, Study, Colleges

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HIPC stand for?

    HIPC stands for Hamilton Immigration Partnership Council.

  2. What is the shortened form of Health Information Policy Council?

    The short form of "Health Information Policy Council" is HIPC.


HIPC. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 20). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hipc-meaning/

Last updated