HIR Meaning

The HIR meaning is "Higher". The HIR abbreviation has 54 different full form.

HIR Full Forms

  1. Higher Technology, Science, Internet Slang, Aviation, Aircraft, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  2. Header Instruction Register
  3. Harvard International Review Science, Economics, Politics
  4. Habits of Inquiry and Reflection Gender, Bulb, Pronoun
  5. Healthcare Informatics Research Medical, Technology, Medicine
  6. High Impact Research Science, University, Malaysia
  7. Diversified Corporate Resources, Inc. Organizations
  8. Hydrogeologic Investigation Report
  9. Head Injury Routine Medical, Health, Healthcare
  10. High Impact Resistant
  11. Hebrew Institute of Riverdale Organizations, Jewish, Rabbi, Synagogues
  12. Humoral Immune Response Medical, Cell, Antibody, Immunity
  13. Hollywood Impulse Responses
  14. Harvard Israel Review
  15. High-Level Intermediate Representation
  16. Health Informatics Review Education, Society, Statistics
  17. Hirudin An anticlotting agent that prevents blood clots from traveling through the bloodstream to clog up a vessel. Hirudin is the main chemical in the secretion of leeches that allows them to suck out blood freely from the body after they attach to the skin. Desirudin and lepirudin are genetically engineered recombinant forms of hirudin. Medical
  18. Historical and Investigative Research Education, Israel, Jewish
  19. Harvard International Relations
  20. High Irradiance Responses
  21. Health Information Research
  22. Histone Regulatory Medical
  23. Hardware Integrity Review Science
  24. Health Information Resources
  25. Hir Information Report
  26. Hacker Information Report
  27. Health Informatics Research
  28. High Interest Rate
  29. High Initial Response
  30. Herziene Indonesisch Reglement Indonesia, Hakim, Hal
  31. Hydrostatic Impact Rocket Military
  32. Hidden Icon Resource
  33. House Information Resources Technology, Election, Congress
  34. Halogen Infra Red Physics, Scientific & Educational
  35. Herziene Indische Reglement Indonesia, Hakim, Hal
  36. Herziene Inlands Reglement Education, Law, Indonesia, Prose
  37. Hot In-Place Recycling Technology, Pavement, Asphalt
  38. Honiara International Airport Honiara, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  39. High Injury Risk Medical, Physiology
  40. Herziene Inlandsche Reglement Indonesia, Agama, Hakim
  41. Horizontal Impuls Reaction
  42. Honiara International, Honiara, Solomon Islands Iata Airport Codes, Solomon Islands, ICAO Airport Codes
  43. Herziene Inlandsch Reglement Indonesia, Hakim, Hal
  44. Harmful Interference To Radio
  45. Diversified Corporate Resources, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  46. Herziene Indonesisch Reglemen
  47. Hackers In Residence
  48. High-Irradiance Responses Medical
  49. Hungarian Information Resources
  50. Herziene Indonesich Reglement Indonesia, Orang, Hakim
  51. Hypervelocity Impact Research Science
  52. Hidden Internal Registers Technology
  53. Housing Information and Referral
  54. Human Insulin Receptor Medical, Science, Biology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HIR stand for?

    HIR stands for Header Instruction Register.

  2. What is the shortened form of Histone Regulatory?

    The short form of "Histone Regulatory" is HIR.


HIR. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hir-meaning/

Last updated