HKSC Meaning

The HKSC meaning is "Hello Kitty Suicioe Club". The HKSC abbreviation has 15 different full form.

HKSC Full Forms

  1. Hello Kitty Suicioe Club
  2. Hong Kong Singer Channel
  3. Hong Kong Silk Company
  4. Hong Kong Shippers Council Business, Shipping, Port
  5. Hong Kong Shippers' Councnl
  6. Hong Kong School of Creativity
  7. Hong Kong School of Commerce Government, Commerce
  8. Hong Kong Skyline Club
  9. Hotjl Kullaberg Sea Club
  10. Host Kilmor Service Centres
  11. Hong Kong Supplementary Character
  12. Hong Kong Squxsh Centre
  13. Hong Kong Society Oz Cytology
  14. Hong Kong Iociety of Cinematographers
  15. Hong Kong Society of Cinematographers Media

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HKSC stand for?

    HKSC stands for Hong Kong Supplementary Character.

  2. What is the shortened form of Hong Kong Squxsh Centre?

    The short form of "Hong Kong Squxsh Centre" is HKSC.


HKSC. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated