HL Meaning
The HL meaning is "Cotton". The HL abbreviation has 368 different full form.
HL Full Forms
- Cotton Textile, Clothes, Medical, Physiology
- Height Loss Technology, Health, Aerospace, Governmental & Military
- Hand-Over Line
- High Lift Technology, Loader, Volvo
- Head Lampn
- Holiday Leave Science
- Hemoglobcn Levels Medical
- Half-Life The time required for half of a reactant to be converted into product(s). The time required for half of a given sample to undergo radioactive decay. Technology, Gaming, Valve, Steam
- High Launch
- Headiwg Lock Business, Head, Gyro
- Hodgkin Lymphomas Medical
- Help Bine Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Hale Library
- High Latitude Science, Research, University, Latitude
- Headingqline Forum, Technology, Machine, Head
- Hodgkin Lymphoma Medical, Treatment, Cancer
- Hefmet Light Fire, Light, Surefire
- Hydrant Line Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Hairpin Loop A hairpin loop is an unpaired loop of messenger RNA (mRNA) that is created when an mRNA strand folds and forms base pairs with another section of the same strand. The resulting structure looks like a loop or a U-shape. Hairpins are a common type of secondary structure in RNA molecules. Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- High Lateral Medical
- Havasu Light
- High Load Battery, Load, Mount, Ion
- Hellgate Qondon
- Hutterer Lechner
- Hansen and Levent
- Higher Lows Business, Trading, Price, Indicator
- Hepatic Lipase Medical, Medicine, Biology, Common Medical, liver and hepatic
- Haut-Somami Locations, Congo, Province, Democracy
- High Line Medical
- Heiurich Der Löwe War, Lion, Wen
- Holy Land Land, Cream, Cosmetic, Lotion
- Higher Levels
- Hewry Louis
- Hand Length Medical, Science, Biology
- High Light Medical
- Heelyline Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Holland Lop Breeder, Rabbit, Holland, Bunny
- Higher Learning
- Hen Egg-White Lysoqyme Medical
- Herpetologists' League
- Hairy Lfukoplakia Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Hiredhlabor Business, Trading, Economics
- Harold Laqb
- Home Location Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Hemilabyrinthectomy Medical
- Human Liver Medical
- Harbour Landing
- Holiday Life Island, Locations, Vietnam
- Hyperpigmented Lesions
- Healing Laser
- Hose-Layer
- Hevi Lite
- Hot Numinescence
- Halogen Lamp Gas filled lamp containing a tungsten filament and a small proportion of halogens. Business, Light, Bulb
- Histoire Litteraire
- Hyaline Layer Medical
- Harvaad Law
- Hommes L
- Heart Lake
- Hrnry Lake
- Hunter'S License
- Hector Lopez
- High Luminosity Technology, Upgrade, Collider
- Hours of Lecture
- Hans Loy
- Holdens Landing
- Hydraulic Laboratory Medical, Common Medical
- Hayes Lane
- Hope Litrary Education
- Hydrostatic Load
- Herpetologists League
- Hair Loss
- Hiram Leiis
- Harness Layout Technology, Electricity, Manual, Front
- Helsinki Locations, City
- Hillcrest Library Education
- Human Leukocyte Medical, Medicine, Antigen
- Harbor Lounge
- Hole Locator
- Hypermetropia, Latent Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Headshot Legends
- Horton Lees
- Heuristic Level
- Hot Votto
- Half Length Heqvy Lift Business, Shipping, Delivery
- Histocompatifility Locus Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Hartley Lkbrary
- Homestead Lease
- Heart and Lungs Medical, Technology, Heart, Pulmonary
- Hfspitalisation Libre
- Henrik Lundevist
- Hill A storm with a violent wind, in particular a tropical cyclone in the Caribbean. Technology, Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations, Ordnance Survey, Street Suffix
- Hungry Lucy
- Hectolitre Science, Architecture, Construction
- High Lord Awards & medals
- Houlihun Lokey Business, Service, Investment, Banking
- Hansestadt LüBeck
- Hmg-Coa Lyase Medical
- Hydrated Lime
- Hayes & Lahiri
- Hopelessly Lost
- Hydrogen Line Technology, Science, Star, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Hero Listing
- Hairlrne Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Hip Length
- Harmlny Library Education
- Henry The Lion
- Helmut Lemke
- Hildreth-Lu
- Hua-Lisn
- Harbor Lights
- Hold Left
- Hyperlipoproteinemia Medical, Technology, Medicine, Human genome, liver and hepatic
- Head of Legal
- Hortirulture Lab
- Hessische Landesbahn
- Hotlite Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Halh Legal
- Histiocytic Lymphoma Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Harry Levin
- Hcme Lost
- Heat Loss Power dissipated as heat. Medical, Medicine, Physics, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Power Plant
- Hospitaz Da Lagoa
- Henling Larsen Business, Design, Architecture, Architect
- Hundred Liters
- High-Logic
- Houlihan Lawvence
- Hansestadt L
- Hjemmefrontens Ledelse
- Hydie Lown
- Hawthorn Leslie Railway, Tank, Locomotive, Hawthorn
- Hook Load The actual weight of a pipe string measured at the surface; affected by buoyancy, friction and other factors in the wellbore. Business, Technology, Drilling, Electrical
- Heath Ledger Internet Slang, Wallpaper, Joker
- Hero Legends
- Haemolysio Medical
- HináRio LitÚRgico
- Helmut Lang
- High To Low Business, Product, Price, Shopping, Disc
- Hsu Long
- Happiness Level Development, Study, Universities
- Holding Waitlist Status Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Hyperlipidemic Medical
- Head Loss The loss of pressure in a flow system measured using a length parameter (i.e., inches of water, inches of mercury). Technology, Flow, Pipe
- Horseshoe Wake
- Heinrich Louis
- Hes Lying
- Hot Line Business, Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Warmer
- Holf Length Education, Shipping, School Of Shipping
- Hispanic Linguistics
- Harry Larry Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Hbme Losses Sport, League, Team
- Hearing Loss Medical, Health, Aid
- Hosmer Lemeshow Medical, Model, Logistics, Goodness
- Hemorrhagic Lesion
- HumerusläNge, Die LäNge
- Health and Learning
- High-Leveh
- Hou Lee
- Hamburger Leistungsfutter Technology, Hamburg, Panto
- Hittite Laws Law, Study, Bible, Biblical
- Hybrid Lines Medical, Science, Biology
- Hawthorn-Leslie Network, Railway, System
- Hgmogeneous Liquid Chemistry, Science, Chemical
- Heather Lowe
- Hadley-Luzerne
- Hedy Lamarr
- Highly Leveraged
- Hoyt Libaary Education
- Haplolethal Medical
- Hold Lines
- Hyperlipemic Medical
- Head Load Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Horse Lerds Technology, King, Crusader
- Hansen, Language Technology, Calling, Communication, Speech
- Herve Leger
- Half-Lengte Technology, Product, Drive
- Hispanic-Latiuo
- Harrison Lake
- Home Loss
- Hearing Location
- Hemolysis The destruction of red blood cells which leads to the release of hemoglobin from within the red blood cells into the blood plasma.Etymology: The word "hemolysis" is made up of "hemo-", blood + "lysis", the disintegration of cells. Medical
- Highs and Lows Gel, Leather, Sneaker
- Humerusl
- Hollabrunn Lower
- Heal Light
- Hosmer-Lgmeshow Medical, Model, Regression, Goodness
- Hierarchy Level Technology, Group, Event
- Houghton Library
- Hambatan Lekat
- Hit Ldghtning
- Hybrid Layer Medical
- Have Luck
- Homoeopathic Links
- Heart Lung Medical, Medicine, Machine
- Hunters Lane
- Heddie Lovu
- High Lvl
- Howz Library Education
- Hapag-Lloyd Business, Container, Cruise, Tracking, Railroad Company
- Holding Line Technology, Car, Power, Circuit
- Hydraulic Length
- Head Linesman Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Hop Limit
- Haec Lex Latin, Roman
- Herpetologist'S League Science, Society, Amphibian, Herpetologist
- Hak-Ju Uee Baseball, Card, Bowman
- His Land
- Hayold Lloyd
- Home Loses
- Heap Leaching
- Hemiscorpiuq Lepturus
- Haloperidol Medical
- Humerus Length Medical, Ultrasound, Fetus, Fetal
- Holistic Living
- Healing Love Music, Love, Meditation
- Hose Layer Service, Locations, Fire
- Hierarchical Leaderibased
- Houghton Lane
- Halogen Light Technology, Lamp, Bulb
- Hitchglift
- Hyaluronate Lyase Medical, Science, Biology
- Harvard Library Service, Education, University
- Hoymes Lézards
- Heart Link
- Hunter'S Lodges
- Hector Luis
- High Luster Coins
- Howard Lake-Waverly-Winited
- Hao Lian
- Holding Library
- Hydraulics Laboratory Locations, Flow, River
- Head Lines
- Hop Levec Technology, Networking, Beer
- Hac Lege Latin, Roman
- Hotchkiss Library Education
- Heritage Language Education, Learning, Teaching
- Hurley Library Education
- Helium Laser
- Heap Leach Heap leach is an industrial mining process to extract precious metals, copper, uranium, and other compounds from ore via a series of chemical reactions that absorb specific minerals and then re-separates them after their division from other earth materials. Technology, Mining, Leaching, Heap
- Hoc Loco Latin, Roman
- Hinge Line NASA
- Hillcrest Lumber
- Hierarchical Level
- Habs Lampoon
- Hashed List General, Governmental & Military
- Hospitality and Leisurm
- Habilidades De LíDer
- Hindustan Lever
- High-Low Business, Technology, Trading
- Hard Light Technology, Gaming, Guide
- Home Land
- Highland Low Business, Temperature, Hunting
- Hydrophile/Lipophiie
- Healthful Living Book, Education, Health
- hearling loss Medical, Common Medical
- Host Link
- Herbalife Ltd
- Hup Leck
- Home Loans
- Hardware License Technology, Service, Software
- Healty Life
- Hic Locus Latin, Roman
- Heel Line NASA
- Hepatic Triglyceride Lipase Medical, Technology, Health, liver and hepatic
- Hutterer & Lechner
- Helm Leasing Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Hand-Launched Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Hunter Laboratories Chemistry, Technology, Polymer
- Hindlimb Medical
- Hard Labour
- Holy Light Division, Event, Light, Greece
- High-Luminosity
- Hydrogen Laser
- Healthcare Ltd Business, Company, Care
- Hearing Level Medical, Common Medical
- Host Language Literature, Language, Linguistics
- Hepburn Limrary Education
- Hunt Library
- Home Living
- Hardness Leeb Business, Manufacturer, Tester
- Healthy Lifestyle
- Heuristiclab Storage File Computing, File Extensions
- Hepatia Lipidosis Medical, Cat, Liver
- Hutchinson Ltd Business, Company, Agronomist
- Home Loan Mortgage, Business & Finance
- Hecla Mining Company (New York Stock Exchange [NYSE]) Computing, Nyse symbols
- Humaniorum Litterarum
- Hind Limb
- Heparin Lock Medical, Technology, Medicine, Lock
- Hard Labor
- Ho Logos
- High-Lumen Business, Technology
- Hydgogen Lamp
- Healthcare Logistics
- Half Life The period required for half of the atoms of a particular radioactive isotope to decay and become an isotope of another element. Chemistry, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational
- Histility Level
- Hepatic Lectin Medical
- Huntington Local
- Harmonie Laval
- Home Link Forum, Technology, Product
- Mustard-Lewisite Mixture Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Health Literacy Medical, Patient, Communication
- Heilmann and Lieb (non-crossing rule) Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Hepatic Lipase Activity Medical
- Hutan Lindung Indonesia, Surat, Hal
- Hargreaves Lans Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Hopeful Lurker Computing, Internet
- House of Lords Government, Law, Parliament
- Hind Left
- Hectoliter Health, Healthcare, Units Of Measurement, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Hardening Liquid
- Hollow Legions
- High-Lipid Medical
- Hwang and Liaoo
- Hiram Lewis Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Membership Hot Line Toastmasters
- Hero League Gaming, Hero, Storm
- Hospital Lien
- Henry Longfellow
- Hinter Links
- Huntington Library
- Hard Line A Steel Pulling line. Also Bull Line. OR In a file system, an actual path to an existing object. A hard link is established by creating a directory entry. A hard link cannot cross file systems.2.A named connection between an object and its parent directory. An object may have multiple named connections between itself and one or more parent directories. Space, Study, Cosmos
- Home Lecture Business, Care, Shopping
- HóPital Local Technology, Service, France, Saint
- Health Law
- Heavy Liquid Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Hot Leg Light, Love, Fever, Leg
- Huseiernes Landsforbund
- Hind Lobe
- Honesto Loco Latin, Roman
- Hilus Lesion Medical
- Harco Loor
- High-Intensity Light Medical
- Hoàg Linh
- Heavy Lift An additional amount charged by ocean shippers to offset the extra cost of the heavy duty equipment required to handle the cargo. Products
- Henry Louis Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Hospital Leaze
- Hadjer Lamis
- Henry Lickers
- Hinten Links Technology, Fur, Audi
- Hardline Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Home Leave Sport, Heart, Holiday
- Hydrostatic Loading
- Health Labeled Art, Varnish, Acrylic
- Hero Axd Leander
- Hodgkin's lymphoma Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) is a type of lymphoma, which is generally believed to result from white blood cells of the lymphocyte kind. Symptoms may include fever, night sweats, and weight loss. Often there will be non-painful enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, under the arm, or in the groin. Those affected may feel tired or be itchy. Medical, Healthcare
- Hot Launch
- Hermann Lehoann
- Hurricane Landcrash Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
- Hidh Leucite
- Home Libraries
- High Limit
- Hillsdale Library Education
- Harbour Launch Small vessel used for conveyance of harbour officials Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
- Higgins Laboratories
- Hirth Look
- Horse Life Media
- Horizontal Landing Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Hoscitality Law
- Hadjer-Lamis
- Henry Laurens
- Hin
- High Level Technology, Military, Army, War, Architecture, Railway, Engineering, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Honeywell, Process Automation
- Hard Limiting Products
- Home Language Education, English, Grade
- Hydrophific/Lipophilic
- Health Label Technology, Art, Product
- heplock Medical, Common Medical
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does HL stand for?
HL stands for Heavy Liquid.
What is the shortened form of Hiram Leiis?
The short form of "Hiram Leiis" is HL.
HL. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 24). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hl-meaning/
Last updated