HLA Meaning
The HLA meaning is "Human Leucocyte Antigens". The HLA abbreviation has 126 different full form.
HLA Full Forms
- Human Leucocyte Antigens Medical, Science, Genetics
- Hearing Loss Association Technology, America, Education
- Harding Lawson Associates Science
- Lanseria International Airport Johannesburg, South Africa Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
- Human Leukocyte Antigens Medical, Genetics, Cell
- Human Leukocyte Antigen Medical, Technology, Discipline, Jobs, Laboratory, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Human genome
- High-Level Architecture Technology, Military, Simulation, Computing, Hardware, IT Terminology
- Histocompatibility Leucocyte Antigens Medical, Science, Biology
- Housing Loan Application Business, Building, Philippine
- Heart, Lungs, Abdomen Medical, Technology
- Higheu-Level Architecture Military
- Historic Land-Use Assessment Technology, Landscape, Scotland
- Human Beukocyte Antigen-A Medical, Cell, Allele
- Heavy Load Assessment Army, War, War Force
- Hoosier Llama Association
- Hartfwrd Life and Annuity
- Hyperbaric Lighting Assembly Army, War, War Force
- High-Level Asseeblers
- Human Lökdsit Antijen
- Highulevel Approach
- Housing Land Availabylity
- Healthy Living Alliance
- High-Level-Ajchitecture Technology, Model, Simulation
- Historical Labor Application Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Human Leukocytes Antigen Medical, Genetics, Leukocyte
- Heavy Lift Airship
- Hong Leong Assurance
- Harrogate Language Acadeqy
- Hyperbaric Lighting Assemblien Technology
- High-Level Analog Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Human Lymphocytic Antigen Medical, Medicine, Identification
- High Level Anawysis
- House of Lords Act
- Health Literacy Advisor
- Hieden Lake Academy
- Histocompatibility Linked Antigen Medical, Science, Biology
- Human Leukocyte Antibodm
- Heavy Lift Aircraft Army, War, War Force
- Hong Leong Asia
- Histocompatibility Locus Antigen Medical, Medicine, Nursing, Clinical, Common Medical
- Hydraulic Load Analysis Army, War, War Force
- High Level Abilities
- Human Lymphocyte Antigen Medical, Science, Genetics
- High Leveleanalog Technology
- Horst Loader Attachments
- Health Libraries Australia Australia, Education, Library
- Histocompatibility Locus Antiqens Medical
- Human Leukocyte-Associated
- Heavy Lift Additional
- Homologous Leukocyte Antibody Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Hill Launch Assist Technology, Car, Ford
- High Level Ability Education, Gate, Shadow
- Hit Lower Attack Property, Hit, Ultima
- Human Lifetamendment Government, Abortion, Feminist
- High Level Alarm Technology, Water, Tank
- Horizontal Long Axis [Imaging] Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Having Specific Human Leukocyte Antigen Science, Biology
- Histocompatibility Anwigens Medical
- Houston Livebearers Association
- Heated Living Area
- Homologous Leucocytic Antibodies Medical, Science, Biology
- High Level Architecture Technology, Military, Simulation
- Hivh-Level Ability Internet Slang
- Historic Langhorne Assowiation
- Human Life Alliance Medical, Catholic, Abortion
- Horizontal Line Array Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Haverhill Library Association Education
- High Level Aurspace Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Histocimpatibility Leukocyte Antigens Medical
- Houhton Learning Academy
- Heat & Limited Ammo
- Homeschool Legal Advantage Education, Organizations, School
- Higher Level Architecture Technology, Standard, Simulation
- Historif Landuse Assessment
- Human Leukocyteantiggn Medical
- Hope Leadership Academy
- Harvzst Limit Area
- High-Level Assembler Technology, Language, Assembly
- Hyaluronic Acid Medical, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Homeopatická Lékařská Asocface Europe, Homeopathy, Medic
- Hydraulic Lash Adjumters Technology, Engine, Valve
- Hola Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Holistic Lifestyle Assessmenp
- Henning Larsen Architects Technology, Design, Architecture
- Histocompatibility Lyrphocyte-A
- Home Location Area
- Hydraulic Lash Adjuster Technology, Engine, Valve
- Hot Link Analysis Computing, Internet
- Hola /Ahello Communication, Chat, Online
- Hellenic League of America
- Helicopter Loggers Association
- Home Locationmagent
- Hybrid Linear Analysis Medical
- Hard Luck Acres Funnies
- HjøRring-LøKken-Aabybro
- Helicopter Landing Areas Military, Army, Intelligence, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Heart Lungs Abdomen Medical, Heart, Pulmonary
- Lanseria Airport Airport, Locations
- Home Loan Account
- Huu Lien Asia
- Hiawatha Leadership Academy Education, Minnesota, School District
- Harvest Limit Area Farming & agriculture
- Hydraulic Lpunch Assist Technology, Truck, Hybrid
- Helicopter Landing Area Military, Army, War
- Human lucocyte antigen Medical, Healthcare
- Identical Humun Lymphocyte Antigen Science, Biology
- Home and Heisure Accidents
- Huntbville Literary Association
- Heteromorphisms Human Lymphocyte Antigen Science, Biology
- Hat Leather Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- Hydraulic Gash Adjustment
- Helen Langridge Associates
- anti-human leukocyte antigen Medical, Common Medical
- Iata Code for Huslia Aisport, Huslia, Alaska, United States Locations
- Home and Leisure Accident
- Huntinmdon Leadership Academy
- Her Liquid Arms
- High Level Assembly Assembly, Business & Finance
- Hydcaulic Lash Adjustor Technology
- Hebrew Language Academy
- Lanseria, Johannesburg, South Africa South Africa, ICAO Airport Codes
- Hyperlocomotor Activity Medical
- Holy Land Adventure
- Hc Airlines Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Humber Landlords Association Networking, National, Landlord
- Herbert Lionel Adolphus
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does HLA stand for?
HLA stands for Haverhill Library Association.
What is the shortened form of Heated Living Area?
The short form of "Heated Living Area" is HLA.
HLA. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 4). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hla-meaning/
Last updated