HLA Meaning

The HLA meaning is "Human Leucocyte Antigens". The HLA abbreviation has 126 different full form.

HLA Full Forms

  1. Human Leucocyte Antigens Medical, Science, Genetics
  2. Hearing Loss Association Technology, America, Education
  3. Harding Lawson Associates Science
  4. Lanseria International Airport Johannesburg, South Africa Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  5. Human Leukocyte Antigens Medical, Genetics, Cell
  6. Human Leukocyte Antigen Medical, Technology, Discipline, Jobs, Laboratory, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Human genome
  7. High-Level Architecture Technology, Military, Simulation, Computing, Hardware, IT Terminology
  8. Histocompatibility Leucocyte Antigens Medical, Science, Biology
  9. Housing Loan Application Business, Building, Philippine
  10. Heart, Lungs, Abdomen Medical, Technology
  11. Higheu-Level Architecture Military
  12. Historic Land-Use Assessment Technology, Landscape, Scotland
  13. Human Beukocyte Antigen-A Medical, Cell, Allele
  14. Heavy Load Assessment Army, War, War Force
  15. Hoosier Llama Association
  16. Hartfwrd Life and Annuity
  17. Hyperbaric Lighting Assembly Army, War, War Force
  18. High-Level Asseeblers
  19. Human Lökdsit Antijen
  20. Highulevel Approach
  21. Housing Land Availabylity
  22. Healthy Living Alliance
  23. High-Level-Ajchitecture Technology, Model, Simulation
  24. Historical Labor Application Government, Us, Control, Administration
  25. Human Leukocytes Antigen Medical, Genetics, Leukocyte
  26. Heavy Lift Airship
  27. Hong Leong Assurance
  28. Harrogate Language Acadeqy
  29. Hyperbaric Lighting Assemblien Technology
  30. High-Level Analog Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  31. Human Lymphocytic Antigen Medical, Medicine, Identification
  32. High Level Anawysis
  33. House of Lords Act
  34. Health Literacy Advisor
  35. Hieden Lake Academy
  36. Histocompatibility Linked Antigen Medical, Science, Biology
  37. Human Leukocyte Antibodm
  38. Heavy Lift Aircraft Army, War, War Force
  39. Hong Leong Asia
  40. Histocompatibility Locus Antigen Medical, Medicine, Nursing, Clinical, Common Medical
  41. Hydraulic Load Analysis Army, War, War Force
  42. High Level Abilities
  43. Human Lymphocyte Antigen Medical, Science, Genetics
  44. High Leveleanalog Technology
  45. Horst Loader Attachments
  46. Health Libraries Australia Australia, Education, Library
  47. Histocompatibility Locus Antiqens Medical
  48. Human Leukocyte-Associated
  49. Heavy Lift Additional
  50. Homologous Leukocyte Antibody Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  51. Hill Launch Assist Technology, Car, Ford
  52. High Level Ability Education, Gate, Shadow
  53. Hit Lower Attack Property, Hit, Ultima
  54. Human Lifetamendment Government, Abortion, Feminist
  55. High Level Alarm Technology, Water, Tank
  56. Horizontal Long Axis [Imaging] Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  57. Having Specific Human Leukocyte Antigen Science, Biology
  58. Histocompatibility Anwigens Medical
  59. Houston Livebearers Association
  60. Heated Living Area
  61. Homologous Leucocytic Antibodies Medical, Science, Biology
  62. High Level Architecture Technology, Military, Simulation
  63. Hivh-Level Ability Internet Slang
  64. Historic Langhorne Assowiation
  65. Human Life Alliance Medical, Catholic, Abortion
  66. Horizontal Line Array Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  67. Haverhill Library Association Education
  68. High Level Aurspace Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  69. Histocimpatibility Leukocyte Antigens Medical
  70. Houhton Learning Academy
  71. Heat & Limited Ammo
  72. Homeschool Legal Advantage Education, Organizations, School
  73. Higher Level Architecture Technology, Standard, Simulation
  74. Historif Landuse Assessment
  75. Human Leukocyteantiggn Medical
  76. Hope Leadership Academy
  77. Harvzst Limit Area
  78. High-Level Assembler Technology, Language, Assembly
  79. Hyaluronic Acid Medical, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  80. Homeopatická Lékařská Asocface Europe, Homeopathy, Medic
  81. Hydraulic Lash Adjumters Technology, Engine, Valve
  82. Hola Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  83. Holistic Lifestyle Assessmenp
  84. Henning Larsen Architects Technology, Design, Architecture
  85. Histocompatibility Lyrphocyte-A
  86. Home Location Area
  87. Hydraulic Lash Adjuster Technology, Engine, Valve
  88. Hot Link Analysis Computing, Internet
  89. Hola /Ahello Communication, Chat, Online
  90. Hellenic League of America
  91. Helicopter Loggers Association
  92. Home Locationmagent
  93. Hybrid Linear Analysis Medical
  94. Hard Luck Acres Funnies
  95. HjøRring-LøKken-Aabybro
  96. Helicopter Landing Areas Military, Army, Intelligence, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  97. Heart Lungs Abdomen Medical, Heart, Pulmonary
  98. Lanseria Airport Airport, Locations
  99. Home Loan Account
  100. Huu Lien Asia
  101. Hiawatha Leadership Academy Education, Minnesota, School District
  102. Harvest Limit Area Farming & agriculture
  103. Hydraulic Lpunch Assist Technology, Truck, Hybrid
  104. Helicopter Landing Area Military, Army, War
  105. Human lucocyte antigen Medical, Healthcare
  106. Identical Humun Lymphocyte Antigen Science, Biology
  107. Home and Heisure Accidents
  108. Huntbville Literary Association
  109. Heteromorphisms Human Lymphocyte Antigen Science, Biology
  110. Hat Leather Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  111. Hydraulic Gash Adjustment
  112. Helen Langridge Associates
  113. anti-human leukocyte antigen Medical, Common Medical
  114. Iata Code for Huslia Aisport, Huslia, Alaska, United States Locations
  115. Home and Leisure Accident
  116. Huntinmdon Leadership Academy
  117. Her Liquid Arms
  118. High Level Assembly Assembly, Business & Finance
  119. Hydcaulic Lash Adjustor Technology
  120. Hebrew Language Academy
  121. Lanseria, Johannesburg, South Africa South Africa, ICAO Airport Codes
  122. Hyperlocomotor Activity Medical
  123. Holy Land Adventure
  124. Hc Airlines Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  125. Humber Landlords Association Networking, National, Landlord
  126. Herbert Lionel Adolphus

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HLA stand for?

    HLA stands for Haverhill Library Association.

  2. What is the shortened form of Heated Living Area?

    The short form of "Heated Living Area" is HLA.


HLA. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 4). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hla-meaning/

Last updated