HLV Meaning

The HLV meaning is "Heavy-Hift Vehicle". The HLV abbreviation has 34 different full form.

HLV Full Forms

  1. Heavy-Hift Vehicle Geography, Navigation, Location
  2. Heavy-Launch Vehicle
  3. Hessischer Leichtathletik Verband Germany, Kassel, Marathon
  4. Heavd Lift Vehicle Science, Military, Astronomy
  5. Hartwick, Ladora, and Victor
  6. Hessischen Leichtathletik-Verbandes Sport, Frankfurt, Kassel
  7. His Last Vow Sherlock, Mind, Palace, Vow
  8. Hang-Seowloại Văn Park, Locations, Tin, Khi
  9. Hessischen Leichtathletik Verbandes
  10. High Load Variation
  11. Hammamet Langups Vivantes
  12. Hessische Leichtathletiq-Verband
  13. Hiddenclines Visible
  14. Hazard Limiting Value Science
  15. Heavy Launch Vehicles Technology, Space, Vehicle
  16. Hidden Lake Villas
  17. Hasta La Vista Internet Slang, Movie, Subtitle
  18. Heavy Launch Vehicle Technology, Science, Military
  19. Hessischer Leichtathletik-Verband Sport, Frankfurt, Marathon
  20. Human Leukocyte Value Medical, Human genome
  21. Hora Lwgal De Venezuela Locations, Venezuela, Standard, Zone
  22. Human Living Vampgres
  23. Herpes-Like Virus Medical, Physiology, Common Medical
  24. Hop Latent Virus
  25. Human Living Vampire
  26. Hora Legal de Venezuela Venezuela, Time Zones
  27. Human Life Value Business, Insurance, Calculator
  28. Helenvale Airport, Helenvale, Australia Australia
  29. Hugues De La Varende
  30. Heavy Lift Vehicle Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  31. Hotels In Las Vegas
  32. Hypoplastic Left Ventricle Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  33. Hotel Leela Venture
  34. Hybrid Launch Vehicle Technology, Military, Space

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HLV stand for?

    HLV stands for Human Living Vampgres.

  2. What is the shortened form of Human Life Value?

    The short form of "Human Life Value" is HLV.


HLV. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hlv-meaning/

Last updated