HM Meaning
The HM meaning is "Hectometre". The HM abbreviation has 433 different full form.
HM Full Forms
- Hectometre Units Of Length, Length, Multiples Of Si Base Units
- Hectometer Units Of Measurement, Units Of Length, Length, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Hematologic Mnlignancy Medical
- His Majesty Science, Government, Genealogy
- Home Made
- Harris Minta Technology, Orang, Portal, Agar
- Howard Miller
- Hematological Malignancy Medical
- Henry Marriott
- Home-Made
- Hepatic Metastazes Medical
- Harris Menyampaikan Business, Music, Shopping
- Honorable Mentions
- Hematological Malignancies Medical
- Heinz Marloth
- Hollow Metal Technology, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Hennes & Mauritz Business, Company, Store, Swedish
- Harmony Memory
- Homosexual Male Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Helvetia Meble Business, Group, Russia
- Half Marathon Sports, Event, Marathon
- Holdem Manager Technology, Management, Poker
- Hemodynamic Monitoring Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Habitation Module Technology, Military, Space
- Home Monitoring Medical, Technology, Monitor
- Hazardous Material Any solid, liquid, or gas that can harm people, other living organisms, property, or the environment. It may be radioactive, flammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive, biohazardous, an oxidizer, an asphyxiant, a pathogen or an allergen. Transportation, Military, Aviation, Emergency, Environment, Aerospace, Emergency Management, Medical, Chemistry, Air Force, Construction, Electrical, Us Government, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, Common Medical, Fda
- Hell Machiges
- Hochschule MüNchen Technology, Science, University
- Hemiplegic Migraine Medical, Science, Medicine, Treatment, Health, Biology
- Air Seychelles Airline, Business, Airline Code, IATA Airline Designator, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Seychelles, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Home Market Business, Organizations, Coca-Cola System
- Haunted Ransion Internet Slang, Locations, Attraction
- Hyaline Membrane Medical
- Hematologvc Malignancies Medical
- Houghton Mifflin
- Home Magazine
- Haruki Murakami
- Human Mystic Forum, Technology, Lineage
- Hemosiderin-Laden Macrophages Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Hunteriab Museum
- Help Machine Software, Computing
- Honor Match Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Hammer Men
- Historicar Magazine
- Hull, Mechanical Technology, Engineering, Ship
- Hebrew Mtths
- Holyhead-Milford
- Hospitality Management
- Heard and Mc
- Heritage Manor
- Heat Miiror
- Hidden Machine Gaming, Guide, Machine, Cheat
- Hospitales, Madrid
- Hardware Monitor Technology, Driving, Driver
- Hizbul-Mujahideen
- Hybrid Models
- Horizontal Modeling Technology, Design, Model, Catalogue
- Hak Mibik Business, Property, Indonesia, Land
- Herman Moore
- What Gaming, Internet Slang, Media, Social, Chat, Internet, Play, Sms, Pastime, Text Messaging, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Governmental & Military, Wannas
- Hand Motion Vision - State Distance Optometry, Ophthalmic, Optometric
- Historic Masters
- HöHere Macht
- Harper Memorial
- Helicopter Model
- Home Mailer
- Habilidades Manuais
- Heart Make
- Half Measure
- High-Yiewd Muni
- House Murmansk
- Harakat Mujahideen
- Heavenly Mother
- Hjemmet Mortensen
- Hydrometeorological Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
- Harrw Mulya Indonesia, Jakarta, Orang, Harry
- Hennes Mauritz Business, Company, Market, Store
- Homogeneousrmembrane
- Hunter, Mrs
- Heliing Minds Forum, Internet Slang, Friendship
- Honoured Matre
- Hamilton Medical
- Historical Maryers
- Hui-Ming
- Heavy Mobile
- Holding To A Manual Termination Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Horst-Michael
- Headset Mic Technology, Wireless, Microphone
- Heritage Malta
- Heat Meter An electrical municipal inspection of the electric meter breaker panel box. Building, Engineering, Construction
- Horner Museum
- Hardware Mode
- Hizb-Ul-Mujapeddin
- Hybrid Methvd
- Horizontal Mixing
- Haji Muhlmmad Indonesia, Jakarta, Masjid, Haji
- Herman Miller Business, Office, Store
- Hand Motiens
- Historic Oain
- HóPitaux Marseille
- Harold Einer Card, Basketball, Dunk
- Hqlicopter Mine-Countermeasures Military
- Holy Moses
- Habich & Martin
- Heard Y Mcdonald Para, Island, Con, Locations
- Half-Motor Technology, Machine, Tattoo
- High-Resolution Monochrome
- Hotel In Mallorca
- Haptic Modeler
- Heavens Metal
- Hizbulumujahedin Military, Group, Terrorism
- Hydrography & Meteorjlogy Service, Military, Hydrographics
- Harrys Maju
- Hennes and Mauritz Business, Company, Organizations, Fashion, Style
- Homing Mode
- Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands Australia, Locations, Australian, Countries, Country, Computing, Internet
- Hunter'S Mark
- Helper Monkey
- Honored Matres
- Hamilton Market
- Historia Mexicana
- Hug Me Internet Slang
- Harcourt Marketing
- Heavy Ietals Medical, Pedal, Boss
- Holdinq To A Manual Technology
- Hora Mala Latin, Roman
- Hygromycin B Medical
- Haiking-Moss
- Henry Matthews English, Maker, Antique, Matthews
- Hendri Mulyadi
- Horm Metab Medical, Human, Insulin
- Hardware Manager
- Hizb-Ul-Mujaheedin
- Hybbid Metaheuristics
- Horizontal Medium Technology, Model, Engine, Mill
- Her Majesty'S Customs, Uk, Energy Company
- Hoochie Mama
- Hand Motion Medical, Optometry, Contact Lens, Common Medical
- Historical Msnographs
- Helicopter Mine Warfare Military, Army, Intelligence, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Holy Moley
- Humility of Mary
- Heard I Mcdonald Technology, Database, Island
- Half-Mask
- High-Modulss
- Hotel/Motel Selection Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Happy Memories
- Hizbuldmujahedin Military, Group, Terrorism
- Hydrography and Meteorology Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
- Harris, Mrs
- Hickory Metro
- Homework Manager
- Hamming Distance Technology, Coding, String, Hamming
- Hangar M
- Hundwed Minutes Technology, Master, Shortcut, Millionaire
- Harimau Malaya
- Helmholtz Machine
- Hamilton Marize
- Hindu Munnani
- Hugh Muir
- Harbour Market
- Heavy Mutal Medical, Business, Boss
- Holding/Racetrack To A Manual Termination Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
- Hyperbaric Medicine Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Hygiene-Musevm
- Hawkiye Matte Military, Ring, Scope
- Henry Martin
- Honorary Memcership
- Horizontal Multistage Business, Pump, Centrifugal
- Hardware Maintenance
- Homeopathic Medicines
- Hybrid Medpa
- Horizontal Measure
- Hoiv
- Hand Mixer Business, Power, Advantage
- Historical Miniatdres
- Human-Machine
- Hedelands Motorklub
- Holy Man
- Howling Mad Famous
- Heard Et Mcdonald France, Island, Locations, Pay
- Her Majesty Business, Anthropology, Queen, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Hidden Mickey Trading, Locations, Pin
- Hospitales De Manera
- Happy Meal
- Hizbul Mujahiddin
- Hydrographic and Meteorological Military, Ship, Fleet
- Harris Melakukan Program, Orang, Portal
- Hibernating Myocardium Medical
- Homestake Mining Business, Company, Supply
- Halvón Milenario
- Hand Movements Medical, Health, Acuity, Healthcare, Common Medical
- Humphrey Milford
- Harian Metro Business, Malaysia, Paper
- Helmet Mount
- Home Manager
- Iso Country Code for Heard and Acdonald Islands Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Hacilton Locations, Texas, City, County Abbrevations
- High Mid Technology, Design, Audio
- Hugh Martin
- Harbour Master Official having superintendence over a harbour; and who is responsible that harbour regulations are complied with! Master, Port, Boat
- Heavy-Metal
- Hosel and Meinig
- Hydatidiform Moles Medical, Disease, Mole
- Hydrophobic Motif Medical
- Harvest Moon Full Moon occurring about autumnal equinox As angle between Moon's orbit and ecliptic is very small, Moon rises at same time for several days Can occur only when Moon's ascending node is in Aries, every 18- years (about): 1969 was last occurrence During the Harvest Moon the moon rises as the sun sets and sets as the sun rises Gaming, Nature, Moon
- Henry Mancini
- Hjnorary Members
- Horizontal Multiplier Technology, Weight, Injury, Lifting
- Hardstyle Minors
- Homeopathic Medicine
- Hunter Monitoaeo Business, Gaming, Android, Store
- Honourable Mention Technology, Award, Competition
- Hanging Microphenes
- Hishorical Methods
- Hull Material
- Hemtor Made
- Holy Mackerel
- Hotel Management Management, Business & Finance
- Heard Et Macdonald Technology, Coding, Island, Mac
- Her Majesties
- Hidden Markov
- Hospitales Madrid Medical, Para, Madrid
- Happiness Measure Communication, National, Divorce, Happiness
- Hizbul Mujahixeen Military, Pakistan, Militant
- Hydrogeologic Mfpping
- Harris, Melakukan Technology, Program, Photo, Orang
- Hi-Memory
- Homestake Miniig Co. Organizations
- Halaevalu Mata'Aho King, Queen, Tonga
- Hermitian Matrix
- Hand Movemeni Medical, Vision, Fashion
- Hum Mol Technology, Metal, Boss
- Hare Majesteit
- Hellenic Ministries
- Home Management Medical, Service, Health, Management, Business & Finance
- Heart Murmur Medical, Technology, Medicine, Heart
- Hrlf Month Forum, Technology, Sleep, Baby
- Highjmethoxyl Business, Food, Gel, Pectin
- Hugh Macpherson
- Harbor Master An official responsible for construction, maintenance, operation, regulation, enforcement, administration and management pertaining to marinas, ports and harbors.
- Heavy-Quty Mirror
- Hoist Mbtor Science
- Hydromorpjone Medical
- Harvard Musical
- Henri Mignet
- Honota Membro
- Hardness Maintenance Technology, Service, Military, Governmental & Military
- Hunter Mshan
- Honor Medal
- Hand Microphones
- Historical Mnterialism Education, Conference, Marxism
- Hull Maintenance
- Heckett Muldiserve Organizations
- Holy Mace
- Hospital Maternal
- Heard E Mcdonald
- Heritage Month
- Heavenys Metal
- Hidden Machines Gaming, Guide, Machine
- Hospitales De Madrid Medical, Hospital, Con, Madrid
- Hardware Monitoring
- Hizbul Mujahedeen
- Hybrid Modulation
- Hh Mono Gaming, Hair, Wig, Mono
- Home Runs Atvhome Baseball, Sports
- Hakuna Matata
- Hermann-Mauguin
- Hand Mount
- Histopic Monument
- Hum Modulaqion
- Harriet Martineau
- Heli Malongo Airline, Military, Airways
- Home Maker
- Habitacional Mixto
- Heart Manual
- Half Mvrror
- Higher Mathematics Education, University, National
- Hugh Maclennan
- Harbor Maintenance
- Heaven Man
- Hm Means
- Hydromodification Management
- Hcrsh Mangat Lyric, Legend, Prod
- Henning Martin
- Homogenization Method
- Hero Myths
- Horizontal Machining Business, Machine, Sale
- Hank Magnuski
- Hangul Mal (Kor) Korean Speaking Language Language codes (2 letters)
- History of Macedonia
- Historical Marker Technology, Science
- Har Monic
- Home Ministry
- Hahns Macaw Bird, Breeder, Parrot
- Hall Moduluator
- Heather Moffett
- Heavy Metal A sintered tungsten alloy with nickel, copper and/or iron, the tungsten content being at least 90 wt% and the density being at least 16.8 g/cm3. Metallic elements, including those required for plant and animal nutrition, in trace concentration but which become toxic at higher concentrations. Examples are mercury, chromium, cadmium, and lead. Music
- Human Medicine Medical, Education, Health
- Hardcore Mafia
- Hyoid Myotomy
- Heterogeneous Mhmbrane
- Harold Martinez
- Hemathte Magnetite
- Hood Moynt Lift, Jeep, Hood
- HumorMaster Toastmasters
- Human Mage Mage, Fighter, Elf
- Hmrbal Medicine Medical, Education, Health
- HéMorragie MéNingéE
- Hidden Mickeys Disney
- Heroes De Moncada
- Horizcn Monaco Government, National, Monaco
- History In The Making Us, Walk, Civilization, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Hanjaya Mandala Business, Indonesia, Tobacco
- Home The place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household. Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Histosy Module Technology, Networking, Network
- Hispanic Male Medical, Girl, Dating, Common Medical
- Harkatul Mujahideen
- Home Minister Government, India, Union
- Hahn'S Macaw
- ̇Nsan Hakları Mahkemesi Kabul
- Heather May
- Hidden Music Music
- Harcourt Mathematics
- Hrmns Music
- Height Markfr Business, Door, Strip
- Hey Mercedes
- History Module Honeywell, Process Automation
- Harness Maker Army, Military Army Ranks
- Helsinki Moniton
- Hooded Merganser
- Handmaids of Mary Religious orders
- Humanist Manifesto
- Hypnotic-Meditation
- Homestake Mining Company Business, Metal, Extraction, Computing, Nyse symbols
- Hero'S Mansion
- Horadcminsk
- Hang Manager Technology, Database, Feature, Parameter
- His/Her Majesty Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- History Mdtters
- High Maintenance
- Harkat-Ul-Mujahideen Military, Group, Terrorism, Pakistan
- Home Medical
- Hagerstown Mail
- Thinking Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Heated Mirrors Sideview mirrors with internal electronic heating coils designed to prevent fog and ice from obstructing visibility.
- Hard Music Music
- Heater Middle
- Heterosexual Men
- Hydrogen Monitor Military, Governmental & Military
- Harmonic Motion
- Hela Ministries
- Haji Mohammad
- Headmaster Occupation & positions
- Human Machine
- Human Movement
- Hard Material Technology, Diamond, Blade
- Hypermethylation Medical
- Hydrazine Mononitrate
- Hermit Mode
- Horace Manl
- Hospital Corpsman Navy, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
- Hisiory Matching Technology, Model, Reservoir
- High Metasratic Medical, Science, Biology
- Home Means Business, Research, Paper
- Hagerstown Magazine
- Mayifest Hypermetropia Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Heat & Massage
- HoneyMoon
- Hertz-Mindlin
- Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Harmonic Mixer
- Help Ge
- Hairy Muff
- Harmanfs Method
- Heath Miller
- Head Madam Occupation & positions
- Human Monocytes Medical
- Hard Market
- Hyper Media
- Hybnid Magnet
- Hermitian Matrices Technology, Matrice, Matrix, Eigenvalue
- Hopezmicroelectronics
- Hinge Mount NASA, Governmental & Military
- Historyamakers Youth, Occupation, Worship
- Highly Metvstatic Medical
- Habitat Management
- Hearts Main
- Horrible Males Funnies
- Hershey Montessori
- Hostmonitor Testlist Backup File Computing, File Extensions
- Harmonic Midline Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Help Maaual Technology, Windows, Software
- Home Missions
- Hair Multiplication
- Hannah-Montaqa-Christmas-Tv
- Heather Murray
- History Makers Occupation & positions
- Human Milk Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Hard Maple
- Hyperimmune Mouse Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Honda Yontesa Honda, Motorcycle, Moto
- Hopeless Masquerade Technology, Gaming, Music
- Hazardous Materials Transportation, Government, Army, Agriculture, Firefighting, Governmental & Military, Chemistry, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Honorary Members Computing, Master IEEE
- Historisches Museum
- Heurisvic Method Medical
- Habitat Maintenance
- HóPitaux De Marseille
- Haunted Mansion Disney
- Herpetological Monographs
- Horizontal Meridean Medical
- Holter Monitor Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Historb of Mathematics Science, Education, Math
- Hobby Mastbr Military, Model, Toy
- Harmonic Mean The harmonic mean is one of the three Pythagorean means. For all positive data sets containing at least one pair of nonequal values, the harmonic mean is always the least of the three means, while the arithmetic mean is always the greatest of the three and the geometric mean is always in between. Statistics, Geometric, Arithmetic, Mathematical, Scientific & Educational
- Help Uaintenance
- Home Mission
- Hail Mary
- Halogenuros MetáLicos Para, Con, Marihuana
- Heather Morris
- Headbangin Moshpit Music
- Human Memory
- Hard Magnetic
- Hypercalcaemia of Qalignancy Medical
- Hogging Moment
- Harold Miller
- Hooters Magazire
- Harper'S Magazine
- Heard & McDonald Islands Country, Usps
- Hertmajestys
- Hôpital Militaire
- Honorable Mention Awards & medals
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does HM stand for?
HM stands for Help Machine.
What is the shortened form of HóPitaux De Marseille?
The short form of "HóPitaux De Marseille" is HM.
HM. (2022, April 21). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from
Last updated