HMG Meaning

The HMG meaning is "Hermannsborg Airport". The HMG abbreviation has 69 different full form.

HMG Full Forms

  1. Hermannsborg Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  2. Hanomag Organizations
  3. High-Mobility Groun Medical, Science, Protein
  4. Hamburg Marketing Gmbh Business, Technology, Trading
  5. Her Majesty'S Government
  6. Hydraulic Motor Generator Transforms the hydraulic power of a working machine into high quality electricity with great efficiency. Technology, Aviation, Aerospace
  7. Her Majesty's Governmewt Technology, Government, Majesty
  8. Height Measurement Gafge
  9. Heavy Machine Gun Technology, Military, Weapon, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  10. Hanouag Henschel Organizations
  11. Help Me Grow County, Children, Family
  12. His Majesty'S Government Government, History, Nepal
  13. High Molecular Weight Glycoproteins Medical
  14. Healthcare Medical Group
  15. Hospitality Marketing Group
  16. Highline Medical Group
  17. Help Me God
  18. High Modulus Graphite
  19. Healthcare Management Group
  20. Holpitalists Management Group Business, Medicine, Healthcare
  21. Heavy Missile Gun Technology, Service, Group
  22. High Mobility Group Protein Medical
  23. Habib Medical Group
  24. Hospitalhst Management Group Business, Service, Healthcare
  25. Heavy Maintenance Group
  26. High Mobility Group Proteins Medical
  27. H3 High Mobility Group Science, Biology
  28. Hordzontal Merger Guidelines
  29. Heavy Machine Guns Military, War, Fire, Weapon
  30. Hydraulic Mean Gradient Science, Research, Study, Knowledge, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  31. High Motility Group
  32. H1 and High Mobility Group Science, Biology
  33. Home Mortgage Group
  34. Heartland Marketing Group
  35. Hydraulic Magnet Generator
  36. High Mobility Group Medical, Science, Protein, Biology, Chemistry
  37. Hendrix Meat Group
  38. 3-Hydroxy-3-Methyl-Glutaryl Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  39. High Moral Ground
  40. Health Medical Group
  41. Hydraulically Motored Generator
  42. Highly Conserved High Mobility Group Science, Biology
  43. Hyundai Motor Group Technology, KIA, Hyundai
  44. Hoag Medical Group
  45. Herring Media Group
  46. Hermannsburg, Northern Territory, Australia Australia
  47. Hyper Master Group Technology, Telecom
  48. Historical Metallurgy Group
  49. Her Majesty'S Government Network, Railway, System
  50. Hospital Management Group Management, Business & Finance
  51. High-Mobility-Group
  52. Hyperlite Mountain Gear
  53. High-Magnesia Glass
  54. Her Majesties Government
  55. H M G Courtland Properties, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  56. Higgins Music Group
  57. Hydroxy Methyl Glutaryl
  58. Heritage Medical Group
  59. Headliner Market Group
  60. Homing A flight towards or away from a radio station while using direction finding equipment \nExample: Where an RBI is fitted, homing to an NDB can be made by initially turning the aircraft until the relative bearing is zero. Military, Governmental & Military
  61. Hetero-Material Gate
  62. Henley Management Group
  63. Hardware Message Generator
  64. Hunt Marketiug Group
  65. Heschong Mahone Group Business, Energy, Building
  66. Hanser Music Group
  67. Human Menopausal Gonadotropin Medical, Infertility, Common Medical
  68. Heschong-Mahone Group Business, Energy, Lighting
  69. Harmonic Motion Generator

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HMG stand for?

    HMG stands for Hanouag Henschel.

  2. What is the shortened form of Heavy Missile Gun?

    The short form of "Heavy Missile Gun" is HMG.


HMG. (2022, January 26). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated