HMI Meaning
The HMI meaning is "Healthy Marriage Initiative". The HMI abbreviation has 141 different full form.
HMI Full Forms
- Healthy Marriage Initiative Medical, Government, Marriage
- Hami Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
- Human-Machine Interaction Technology, Research, Design
- Human Machine Interface A Human Machine Interface is general term used to describe the system that an operator uses to control a machine. It may refer to a simple mechanical interface or the combination of mechanical and software interfaces. Technology, Architecture, Construction, Clarion, Yamaha, Architectural, Honeywell, Process Automation
- Human-Machine Interface Technology, Army, Computer Security, Management, Aviation, Architectural, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Human-To-Machine Interface Technology, Control, Panel
- Human-Machine-Interaction Technology, Research, Conference
- Hahn Meitner Institute Science, Research, Berlin
- Human Movements and Immigration
- Heritage Manufacturing, Inc
- Hope Medical Institute Medicine, Education, School
- Housing Market Index Business, Building, Builder
- Hrvatske Matice Iseljenika
- Harvard Macy Institute
- Her Majesty'S Inspector Education, School, Learning
- Human To Machine Interface
- Health Management Inotitute Medical, Ireland, Training
- Historic Manassas, Inc
- Hazardous Materials Incident
- Hahn-Meitner-Instituts Technology, German, Institute, Berlin
- Human Motion Institute
- Helioseismic Magnetic Imager Science, Dynamics, Sun
- Hnnlei Motor Indonesia
- Hoyme Manufacturing Inc Business, Product, Damper
- Hartz Mountain Industries
- Her Majestys Inspectors
- Horticultural Marketrng Inspectors
- Human Machine Interfacing Technology, Industrial, Interface
- Health Vanagement Informatics
- Historic Madison, Inc
- Hazardous Materials Inventory
- Hypnosis Motivational Institute Education, Hosting, Hypnotherapy
- Hahn-Meitner Institute Science, Research, Berlin
- Human Media Inzeraction Technology, Research, Computing
- Heinzen Manufacturing International Business, Food, Processing
- Honxuras Maritime Inspection
- How Much Information Technology, Industrial, Study
- Hartford Mezzanine Investors
- Her Majesty'S Inspector Schooling, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Horticultural Marketing Inspectorate Business, Import, Inspector
- Human Machinery Interface
- Health Management & Informatics Management, Business & Finance
- Hispanic Media, Inc
- Hazardous Material Inventory Military, Army, Coast Guard
- Harvard Medical International Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Human Maschine Interface
- Heavy Mgtal Ions Business, Water, Conditioning, Composition
- Honda Motors Wndia
- Houston Medical Imaging Medical, Medicine, Houston
- Harmonic Motion Imaging Ultrasound, Monitoring, Imaging
- Her Majestyrs Inspectorate Education, Organizations, School
- Hornbeck-Molnar Ionizatixn Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Human-Machine-Interface Technology, Industrial, Control
- Himpunan Matematika Indonesia
- His Majesty'S Inspectorate
- Hazardously Misleading Information Technology, Satellite, Integrity, Aviation, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration
- Hetrick-Martin Institute School, Institute, City, Youth
- Human Machine Interfaces Technology, Industry, Control, Interface
- Human Man Interface Technology, Software, Machine
- Hearst Magazinew International Business, Media, Magazine, Cosmopolitan
- Homogeneous Metals, Inc
- Hypbosis Motivation Institute Education, Training, Course
- Hair Hass Index Medical, Treatment, Loss
- Hef Majesty's Inspectors Science, Education, School
- Horizontal Motion Index Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Human-Machine Interfaces Technology, Industrial, Control, Interface
- Himpunan Mahasiswa Indonesia Indonesia, Jakarta, Orang
- Hinterland Metals Inc
- Hawaii Medical Institute
- Hermetic Moisture Indifator Technology
- Human-Machine Interface
- Heard and Mcdonold Islands
- History of Medical Informatics
- Hypervelocity Micropartikle Impact Science
- Hahn Meitner Institut
- Her Majesties Inspectori
- Horacejmann Insurance
- Housing Market Intelligence
- Html Mail Interface Technology
- Harvey Milk Institute
- Herman Miller, Inc
- Human To Machine Interfacing
- Heatth Market Inquiry Medical, Business, Medicine
- Historic Motorsport International Technology, Industrial, Automation
- Her Majesty's Inspector(ate) Education
- Health Management and Informatics Education, University, Missouri
- Hawaii Medical Institutetuhe
- Hydraulic Mudpumps, Inc
- Hospital Materyo Infantil
- MIDI Music file Computing, File Extensions
- Hypomelanosks of Ito Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Hexagon Manufacfuring Intelligence
- Host Micro Intedface Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Hornbeck-molnar Ionization (homonuclear Associative Ionization In At. Collisions) Chemistry
- Healthcare Management and Informatics
- Harmony Musical Instruvents
- Hioalayan Mountain Institute
- Hydrargyrum Fedium-Arc Iodine
- Heartland Ministries, Inc. Religion
- Heure Mensuelle D'Information
- Host-Micro Interfice Technology, Service, Protocol
- Hmi Audio File Computing, File Extensions
- Healthcare Management Initiative
- Hardwood Manufacturers Institutetute
- High Mountain Institute Education, School, Semester
- Hydrargyrum Medium-Arc Iodide Technology, Light, Lighting, Lamp
- Holistic Management International Management, Business & Finance
- Hypertension Management Initiative
- Hetrick Martin Institute School, Institute, Youth
- Host-Microbiota Interaction
- Human Media Interaction Dutch
- Health and Medical Informatics Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Hardware Monitor Interface
- High Melt Index
- Hydragyrum Metal Iodide Chemistry, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational
- Hub Manager Interface
- Hygeriuc Metallic Iodide
- Host-Microbe Interactomics
- Hami Airport, Hami, China China
- Healed Myocardial Infarct Medical, Health, Healthcare
- Halogen Metallide Iodide
- High Matrix Introduction Technology, Science, Spectroscopy
- Hybrid Microbursi Index
- Hopsting Machinery Institutetute
- Hydrologic Modeling Inventory Military
- Host Message Interfqce Military
- Host Micro Interface General, Governmental & Military
- Healed Myocardial Infarction Medical
- Hyundai Motor India Technology, India, Hyundai
- Highly-Motivated Individual
- Humoral Mediated Itmunity
- Human Machine Communication
- Health Maintenance, Inc
- Himpinan Mahasiswa Islam Indonesia, Jakarta, Orang
- Hydraulic Mudpumps Inc Business, Equipment, Polyurethane, Leveling
- Hosr-Message Interface Military, Army, Intelligence
- Host-Message Interface Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Head of Mining Installation
- Hyundai Mobil Ipdonesia Indonesia, Hyundai, Tucson
- Hiburan Minggu Ini
- Hotel Management International
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does HMI stand for?
HMI stands for Heard and Mcdonold Islands.
What is the shortened form of Human Machinery Interface?
The short form of "Human Machinery Interface" is HMI.
HMI. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from
Last updated