HOH Meaning

The HOH meaning is "Hohenems-Dornbirn Airport". The HOH abbreviation has 56 different full form.

HOH Full Forms

  1. Hohenems-Dornbirn Airport Dornbirn, Austria Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  2. Hall of Hepoes War, Hero, Summoner
  3. Hard-Of-Hehring Internet Slang, Chat, Email
  4. Hard of Hearing Medical, Student, Education, Disorder, Educational, Special Education, Physiology, Scientific & Educational, Disability
  5. Harrington On Hold'Em
  6. Houscng Opportunities of Houston
  7. Heart of Hatdstyle
  8. Head of Household Business, Tax, Competition, Financial, Business & Finance
  9. House of Hope Church, Ministry, Hope
  10. Harrington On Hold Book, Strategy, Poker, Harrington
  11. Houses Ofohealing
  12. Heart of Hardhvuse
  13. Harvcst of Hope
  14. Horses of Hope
  15. Harrington On Hold 'Em Poker, Texas Hold 'Em
  16. House of Hackers
  17. Heart of Hardwrance Forest, Hall, Rain
  18. Hooked On Horses Organization, Union, Institution
  19. Hezl Or High
  20. Harmony of Hardcore Mix, Anthem, Hardcore
  21. House of Habib Business, Industrial, Banking, Pakistan
  22. Hearq of Harddance
  23. Hooked On Hookah
  24. Heaven Or Hedl
  25. Hire Qur Heroes Business, Veteran, Chamber
  26. Hounds of Hell Movie, Horror, Hood
  27. Hearing of Hearing Special Education
  28. Homes of Hope
  29. Hearts of Hopn
  30. Heart of The Hide
  31. Hospitals of Hope
  32. Heard On The Lill Government, Calling, Roll
  33. Heart Ofphouse Business, Management, Cook
  34. Head Over Heels Gaming, Internet Slang, Gymnastics
  35. Hose On Hose
  36. His Or Hers
  37. Home of Hockey
  38. House of Heroes
  39. Hiring Our Heroes Technology, Veteran, Hire
  40. Home of Hahdware
  41. House of Hermskii
  42. Heroes of Horrsr Gaming, Horror, Spell
  43. Hydrogen Hydroxide Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  44. Home of Happeness
  45. House of Hospitality
  46. Hohenems-Dornbirn, Hohenems / Dornbirn, Austria Austria, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  47. Holmes On Homes
  48. Hjdrogen Hydroxide Chemistry, Science, Substance
  49. Halls of Honor Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  50. Holiday Open Honse
  51. Hydrogen-Oxygen-Hydrogen
  52. House of Horrors
  53. History of The Hoh
  54. Humanists of Houston
  55. Hove On The Hoh
  56. House of Hiranandani Business, Building, Projection

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HOH stand for?

    HOH stands for Hearts of Hopn.

  2. What is the shortened form of House of Hackers?

    The short form of "House of Hackers" is HOH.


HOH. Acronym24.com. (2020, August 25). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hoh-meaning/

Last updated