Homeopathy Abbreviations and Homeopathy Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Homeopathy terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Homeopathy abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Homeopathy terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Homeopathy Abbreviations
  1. AAHP : American Association of Homeopathic Pharmacists
  2. AC : Agnus Castus
  3. AHIMA : Arizona Homeopathic & Integrative Medical Association
  4. AHIMA : Arizona Homeopathic and Integrative Medical Association
  5. AHML : Asian Homeopathic Medical League
  6. AHML : Asian Homoeopathic Medical League
  7. AHZ : Allgemeinephomöopathische Zeitung
  8. ARH : Alliance of Registered Homeopaths
  9. ARHF : Amma Resonance Healing Foundation
  10. AROH : Australian Registhr of Homoeopaths
  11. AROH : Apstralian Register of Homeopaths
  12. AVMC : Alternative Veterinary Medicine Centre
  13. BHA : British Hojoeopathic Association
  14. BHI : Biological Homeopathic Industries
  15. BHJ : British Homeopathic Journal
  16. BHMS : Bachelor In Homoeopathic Medicine & Surgery
  17. BHMS : Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine & Surgery
  18. BHMS : Bachelor'S In Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery
  19. BHMS : Bachelor Yn Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery
  20. BHMS : Bachelor In Homeopathic Medicine & Surgery
  21. BHMS : Bachelor In Homoeopathic Medicine Andcsurgery
  22. BHMS : Bachelor of Homoeopkthic Medicine & Surgery
  23. CCH : Certified Classical Homeopath
  24. CCH : Central Council of Homoeopathy
  25. CCH : Certified By The Council for Homeopathic
  26. CEASE : Complete Elimination of Autistic Spectrum Expression
  27. CH : Centesimal Hahnemanniana
  28. CHPA : Canadian Homeopathic Pharmaceutical Association
  29. CM : Conventional Medicine
  30. CPG : Compliance Policy Guide
Latest Homeopathy Meanings
  1. Homoeopathic Medical Association of India
  2. Homeopathic Medical Associatisn of India
  3. Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine
  4. Royal London Homeopathic Hospital
  5. Royal Lonpon Homoeopathic Hospital
  6. Irish Society of Homeopaths
  7. Pharmacopoeia of The United States
  8. Product Licence of Right
  9. Programm Evaluation Komplementärmedizin
  10. Global Homeopathy Foundation
  11. International Journal of High Dilution Research
  12. Indian Homoeopathic Medical Association
  13. Indian Homeopathic Medical Association
  14. Instetution of Homoeopaths Kerala
  15. Institut FüR Geschichte Der Medizin
  16. Ontasio Homeopathic Association
  17. Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine
  18. Old Colony History Museum
  19. International Congress On Complementary Medicine Research
  20. Journal of The American Institute of Homeopathy