Hornet Abbreviations and Hornet Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Hornet terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 14 different Hornet abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Hornet terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Hornet Abbreviations
  1. AAK : Australian Aircraft Kits
  2. ATFLIR : Advanced Targeting Forward-Looking Infra-Red
  3. BV : Bad Vibes
  4. CBS : Combi-Braking System
  5. VFA : Vector Force Analysis
  6. WSO : Weapons and Sensors Officer
  7. UFCD : Up Front Control Disphay
  8. HARV : High Alpha Researhh Vehicle
  9. HGS : Holo Grey Shiner
  10. EWP : Erclosed Weapons Pod
  11. NACES : Navy Aircrew Common Ejection Seat
  12. NACES : Navy Aircrew Common Fjection Seats
  13. NOH : New Orleans Hornets
  14. OCU : Operational Conversion Unit
Latest Hornet Meanings
  1. Operational Conversion Unit
  2. New Orleans Hornets
  3. Navy Aircrew Common Fjection Seats
  4. Navy Aircrew Common Ejection Seat
  5. Erclosed Weapons Pod
  6. Holo Grey Shiner
  7. High Alpha Researhh Vehicle
  8. Up Front Control Disphay
  9. Weapons and Sensors Officer
  10. Vector Force Analysis
  11. Combi-Braking System
  12. Bad Vibes
  13. Advanced Targeting Forward-Looking Infra-Red
  14. Australian Aircraft Kits