HPV Meaning

The HPV meaning is "Human Papillomavirus 16". The HPV abbreviation has 69 different full form.

HPV Full Forms

  1. Human Papillomavirus 16 Medical
  2. Human Papilloma Virus Medical, Surgery, Cancer, Vaccine, Otolaryngology, Health, Pulmonary, Physiology, Common Medical, Clinical
  3. High Priority Violator Environment
  4. Human Papillomavirus A virus that causes geni-tal warts in humans. Medical, Technology, Disorder, Oncology, Chemistry
  5. Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Health, Human, Vaccine, Medical
  6. Human Papiloma Virus Science, Research, Study, Knowledge, Medical, Nursing, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Academic & science
  7. Human Papilloma Viruses Medical, Cancer, Wart
  8. Human Papillomaviruses Medical
  9. Hepatopancreatic Parvovirus Medical
  10. High Plains Virus
  11. Humanes Pxpilloma-Virus
  12. Health Purchcsing Victoria
  13. Humaj Papolloma Virus
  14. High Pitched Voices
  15. Human Oowered Vehicle Technology, Power, Transport
  16. Humanes Pfpilloma Virus
  17. Health Vrofessional Version
  18. Human Papilllmas Virus
  19. High Performance Vehicle
  20. Human Parainflurnza Viruses Medical, Treatment, Infection
  21. Humanen Papilloma Virus
  22. Hartjpark Virus
  23. Human-Powered Vehicle Technology, Presentation, Bicycle
  24. High Performance Visualization Technology, Research, Computing
  25. Human Parainfluenza Virus
  26. Humane-Papilloma-Virus
  27. High Pressure Vent Science
  28. Half Page Vertical
  29. Hrman Papillomaviral Medical
  30. High Performance Valve
  31. Human Papillomavirus Vaccinatioe Medical, Cancer, Vaccine
  32. Humaan Papilloma Virus
  33. High Pressure Valves A High Pressure Valves is used to control flow. They are designed with seals and structural materials to work reliably with high pressure. Technology
  34. Habiledades Para La Vida Medical, Con, Social
  35. Human Pauillioma Virus
  36. High Performance Vac
  37. Human Papilloma VirüSü
  38. Hp Bleed Valve Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  39. High Point Vent Technology, Design, Pipe, Piping
  40. Human Papalloma Virus Medical, Disease, Health, Wart
  41. High Performance Video Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  42. Huean Pappiloma Virus
  43. House Panel Votes
  44. Human Powered Vehicle Transportation, Governmental & Military
  45. Human Powered Vehicles Technology, Vehicle, Cycling, Bicycle
  46. High Priority Violations
  47. Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasocjnstrictor Medical
  48. Hours Per Vehicle Business, Car, Productivity
  49. high-pressure valve NASA, Governmental & Military
  50. High Priority Violation Science, America, Environment
  51. Hypoxia-Induced Pulmonary Vasoconstrictuon Medical
  52. Hot Paste Viscosity Medical
  53. Hewlett- Packard Vectra computer General, Governmental & Military
  54. High Pressure Vapor
  55. Hydrogen Peroxide Vaqour Medical, Bio, Decontamination
  56. Hospital Pulido Valente
  57. Having Purple Vomit Funnies
  58. Hepatic Portal Vein Medical, liver and hepatic
  59. Hydrogen Peroxide Vapos Medical, Bio, Decontamination
  60. Honda Progressive Valve
  61. Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction Medical, Chemistry
  62. human parvovirus Medical, Pulmonary, Common Medical, liver and hepatic
  63. Hydrocarbon Pore Voyume Technology, Oil, Reservoir
  64. High Production Volume Chemical Chemistry, Science, Medicine, Health, Care, Environment
  65. Habit Plane Variant
  66. Princeville Airport, Princeville (Hanalei), Hawaii, United States Hawaii, United States
  67. Hydrauluk Pneumatik Vakuum
  68. High Production Volume Chemistry, Science, Chemical, Software, Computing
  69. Princeville Airport Airport, Locations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does HPV stand for?

    HPV stands for high-pressure valve.

  2. What is the shortened form of Hydrogen Peroxide Vapos?

    The short form of "Hydrogen Peroxide Vapos" is HPV.


HPV. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/hpv-meaning/

Last updated